Friday, December 27, 2024

Sloth Choice Awards - Favorite Under the Radar Books

It's time to celebrate my year in books. I will be spreading my favorites throughout a bunch of categories, but these are all favorites. For more of my favorites, check out my Five Star Friday posts. Today I will be sharing.....
Favorite Under the Radar Books!

What does it mean to be under the radar? I am sure this can mean different things to different people. For me, these are books that did not come up in my feed. I didn't really see them on social media or blogs, and they have under 1,000 ratings on Goodreads. Regardless, I greatly enjoyed all the books below and wish they got more love. 
  1. Jenny James Is Not a Disaster by Debbie Johnson
  2. Poles Apart by Anna and Jacqui Burns
  3. The Jewel of the Isle by Kerry Rea
  4. Lowcountry Lost by T.I. Lowe
  5. Serendipity by Becky Chalsen
  1. Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon
  2. The Happiness Blueprint by Ally Zetterberg
  3. Dad Camp by Evan S. Porter
  4. Once Upon a Leap Year by Anna Bell
  5. Not You Again by Ingrid Pierce

Favorite under the radar books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Jenny James Is Not a Disaster, Lowcountry Lost, and Dad Camp are all on my TBR. I guess this means I need to move them up the TBR mountain. Nice list, Sam.

    1. I hope you get to read them. They are all fun and touching stories.

  2. Dad Camp is on my TBR because of you Sam!

    1. Yeah! I didn't see much out there for that book, but it was fun and sweet. Loved the father-daughter focus.

  3. I wish Rea's books got more love - her first two were so fantastic! I still need to read Jewel of the Isle.

    1. Her books really are wonderful. I will forever hype them

  4. Low Country Lost is one I want to look into.

    1. That was my first by the author, but she really blew me away. I am trash for stories like that.
