Friday, November 29, 2024

Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm

This Week's Topic

Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm

I try not to show my petty, judgy side too often, but that sometimes I cannot help myself. I have done this post previously, and it's where I share some of those thoughts related to the reading world that I just cannot contain. 

Why are so many people up in arms about an author swapping the gender for a mythical beast? Yes, you read that right. When I was seeking reviews related to Under Loch and Key, I came across dozens of articles in European publications where people expressed ira related to Ferguson making Nessie male. I suppose I should not be that surprised after all the live action Ariel drama, but I guess I never expect such reactions because fiction is fiction. (Here is one of the articles I read.) 

Question - Do you have strong feelings about authors taking liberties with retellings or extensions of popular tales?

Why would an author make such a point about how environmental the character was, driving her Prius and the other character having a Tesla and EV Porche, and then have them travel by private jet? Do they not get how much fuel is consumed and the amount of emissions are produced during such a flight for so few people? I always joke about my Author Bingo Card, where there are certain topics they try to work into every story, even if they have nothing to do with the story, but this really wasn't selling me on what budding environmentalists these characters were. Neither were all the single rider Uber trips. Just saying....

Question - How do you feel about events in books that seem to contradict who the character is supposed to be?

I do have "feelings" about this. I read a book (I rated 4.5/5) where the character was such a strong woman, and then she did something that just didn't fit with everything else I knew about her. It bothered me so much because I think it was driven by an agenda to just work abortion into the story, but it stuck out like a sore thumb to me as so out of step with who the character was. 

Why are we still seeing posts advising people to NOT tag authors in negative reviews. Do we really think this is ok to do just because it's the internet? Even with all the eye rolling I do when I read some books, I try not to slog a book, but if I did, I wouldn't tag the author. I respect that fact that it is something they worked hard on and put their blood, sweat, and tears into. I know I cannot write a book, so who am I to rain on their parade? Maybe in 2025, we won't see these posts any longer. 

Now it's your turn!

What bookish things make you go hmm?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. 1. I kind of expect and author to change canon when doing a retelling, it's kind of the point. And I love gender swap retellings. I have no problem with Nessie being male.
    2. Weirdly, I don't know if I've consciously thought about this one. I mean, I do notice when a character does something that is out-of-character, but I've never thought about it in detail.
    3. YES PLEASE, can we stop this discourse! An author doesn't need to know if a reader doesn't like their book, or what the "issues" are with their book. I personally don't review books that I don't like (I rate them and send brief feedback through Net Galley stating that I won't be reviewing if applicable), but that's my choice. There are a few other similar topics that come up over and over as well that I would like to finally be put to rest as well.

    1. I agree about a retelling. I was so surprised by the outrage. I also do not tend to review books I didn't like (since I normally DNF those). I like to use my energy in a positive way.

  2. 1. I don't mind at all if authors talke liberties in retelling as long as they are talented! It can sometimes give us something fresh and new! For example, I love that Bridgerton on screen is color blind! That gave us something totally unexpected yet thrilling!
    2. I don't like inconsistencies in books. AT ALL! So I would notice the "pro environment" hero taking a jet.
    3. I never tag authors is negative reviews because, as you said, it's basic respect for their work!

    1. I would think it's ok to take liberties with fiction. Seems a lot of people are ok with it (except in the case of Nessie, LOL). I don't do much on social media any longer, but I would never want to hurt an author like that. Seems so wrong to me.

  3. "I try not to show my petty, judgy side too often, but that sometimes I cannot help myself."

    As a rule, I don't read retellings (though I've read the Seanan McGuire's series Indexing, which qualifies), so I don't know if I would be annoyed by certain changes...but I'm note sure if the Nessie thing had people in arms like those articles say. Surprised maybe, but enraged? Sometimes online articles are more a clickbait than anything else...

    "Why would an author make such a point about how environmental the character was, driving her Prius and the other character having a Tesla and EV Porche, and then have them travel by private jet?"
    Haha, what a mess.

    "Why are we still seeing posts advising people to NOT tag authors in negative reviews. Do we really think this is ok to do just because it's the internet?"
    I guess...yes? Some people make a point to ruin other people's day.

    1. I really think you hit the nail on the head, so people are just terrible and want to ruin other people's day. That one makes me so sad. Could be some truth to the pot stirring and the Nessie thing. It just really caught me off guard.

  4. I saw an author, very recently, that posted that she needed a break from social media because she was getting so hurt by people tagging her in negative reviews for her recent release. My heart broke for her! Obviously there is a place for negative reviews, not everyone is going to like every book, but why feel the need to make the author aware of it? They can go look up reviews if they want.

    1. That breaks my heart. Why do people have to be so rude. Exactly, if you need to write a negative review, that's your right, but there is NO reason to tag the author.

  5. I literally just saw a post yesterday from an author begging people to stop tagging in negative reviews. WHY do people still think this is okay!? I cannot. And also yeah, fiction is fiction, and isn't the point of a REtelling to tell it a little differently? Otherwise it would just be "some author plagiarizes another"!

    1. I didn't realize how widespread the hate-tagging still is. Yeesh! So sad. Good point. A retelling should take some liberties. It does seem like the whole point.
