Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ch-Ch-Changes

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...


Happy Tuesday! This week we are talking about how our reading habits have changed. Most of these are changes I have noticed over the past few years with maybe one or two newer things. Some are positive, others are negative, but they are all changes none the less. 

  1. I read less - I am still pretty steady with five books read a week, but my numbers have fallen due to consuming less audiobooks. I used to listen to several a week, and now, if I get through one a week, I'm happy. 
  2. I read very little young adult - This used to be my bread and butter. Most of my reading was YA until 2020 when I sort of fell out of love with the offerings. 
  3. I read slower - I have no idea why or how this happened, but it's true. My page rate is down, and it makes me sad. 
  4. I read less romance - I still read many books with romantic subplots but not as many straight romance book.
  5. I read less ARCs - I don't feel I need to request as many ARCs these days. I have limited myself to about eight per publishing month, and it works well for me. It gives me just enough blog material while allowing me a lot of freedom with my weekly TBR. One only hopes this motivates me to read owned books though I have seen no evidence of this. 

  1. I read more books set outside the US - I have fallen in love with these charming books written by Asian authors and have been reading quite a few translated works. Thanks to all the US publishers putting these books out in recent years, there are many to choose from and have been utter delights.
  2. I read more library books - This was a big reason why I started requesting less ARCs. My library gets a lot of great book, and there are so many older books I would love to read. Sometimes, I have to wait, but it's not like I have nothing else to read. It also spawned my Library Loans feature which lets me hype books that are already published. 
  3. I read more (women's) fiction - I am consuming less young adult and romance, and really leaning into the women's fiction. I have always read some, but I think the bulk of my read shelf is filled with women's fiction these days. I still get that touch of romance but with more focus on other things. It's a balance that has been working well for me. 
  4. I read more enchanted realism - Once upon a time, I read my daughter's fantasy books but contemporaries are my first love. Enchanted realism gives me that contemporary read I adore with a touch a magic. It's a win-win. 
  5. I read less blogs - This is really because so many bloggers are gone, and I am terrible about finding new blogs. This is something I would like to work on. 

How has your reading changed?
Let us know in the comments!

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