Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope all is well with everyone. 

This was a same-old, same-old week. Last Sunday, we saw Jersey Boys. As expected, the music was great, but their story was shocking at times. The biggest surprise was that Joe Pesci (yes, that Joe Pesci) was responsible for introducing the chief songwriter to the group. Who knew! 

On Thursday, I came down with something. My throat was so dry and the nasal drip was relentless. That was done by Friday, but it turned into massive congestion and sinus pressure. Friday, I had the dentist. I was really frustrated because I had rescheduled this appointment three times (I was supposed to go in July), and I wrote it on my calendar for 10 am. I got my reminder text and found out it was at noon which was the same time as my hair appointment. I really needed a haircut, but I had to get my cleaning and check up first. I called the dentist to tell them I was under the weather. Once upon a time, they would just reschedule you. No longer. They told me it was up to me if I felt well enough for the appointment (and I did). That was surprising. I didn't get as much accomplished on Friday as I had hoped, and Saturday, I just rested. I think whatever I have is about done with me. 

I don't know if you know, but one of my bucket list things is to see the Northern Lights. Every time I have heard they would be visible in my area, the weather never cooperated. Well, I woke up on Friday at about 1 am to everyone posting their pictures on Instagram. I missed them! And some of the pictures I saw were taken by people who live in my area. The article I found said they could be visible between 10 pm and 2 am, but it was all over by 1 am. I went and looked. I am very disappointed in myself. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Review - Make Me a Mixtape, Wish I Were Here
  • Tuesday: TTT - The Great Outdoors
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Maui Effect, The Life Intended
  • Thursday: Review - The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife, Take Me Home
  • Friday: Spell the Month in Books - October 2024
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - North Carolina

Let's Discuss

  • Heather makes some bookish confessions (of which I share many)
  • AJ tells us which massive books are worth reading
  • Johanna discusses when reading tastes change
Do you know about Pesto?

Stacking the Shelves

I got two major approvals this week that I am very excited about. I am a big fan of Beth O'Leary's, and her upcoming books looks fantastic. Ferguson's newest looks great as well. 




Read Last Week

It seems as though my reading mojo is back. I had a great week. One DNF, but everything I finished was excellent. The standout, earning five stars, was my throwback book. The Life Intended was a really lovely grief and loss book. I adored this woman's journey and where those glimpses of the other life led her. Boone had me sobbing as expected, MKA delivered another great holiday book, Cats & Dogs was another solid Pine Hollow book, and Higgins moved me again with Now That You Mention It

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I have not really started One Big Happy Family, but I am almost done with The Witch is Back. I picked it for a reading challenge, and I FINALLY got all the details on why the witch left. I am at the third act breakup point, so holding my breath to see how it turns out for the couple among other things. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Glad to hear that whatever's ailing you is soon to be done with you! It's no fun being sick, especially when you have things to be doing! I'm also bummed to hear you missed out on the northern lights. That's on my bucket list too (but I'll have to research and time specifically when and where I have to travel to see those)! But I've also been seeing a lot of people posting pictures. We'll get to see them one day, Sam! 🌌 Looks like you had a smashing reading week and have lots of exciting books head. I hope you enjoy whichever books you pick up and have a great week ahead!

  2. My husband was sick too this week. Not COVID though. I am glad you could finally go to the dentist Sam! And Pesto's story made me cry...

    1. My heart was broken reading about Pesto. Penguins can be as mean as people.

  3. Sorry you were under the weather! Under the weather and a dentist appointment is a horrible way to spend a Friday! Glad you enjoyed the show at least. I keep missing the northern lights as well.

    1. I don't have dental problems, so the dentist is not a thing for me. I am glad I didn't have to reschedule. It's so hard to get those appointments.

  4. Sorry you were feeling bad, hopefully you are feeling better now.

  5. It's hard to go to the dentist when you don't feel good! Hope you feel better! Don't feel too bad, I tried to see the Northern Lights, too, and it hasn't been working out for me either. Montana was a good spot for it, but it was cloudy. You're supposed to be able to see them here in Northern California, but the moon is pretty bright tonight. I'll check later. I'm eyeing The Other People. I got an invite, too. I'll get to the Mary Kay Andrews when it releases. It's one of those read and listen for free with Kindle Unlimited.

    1. Feeling much better. Thank you. Boo for clouds because MT probably is nice and dark. I hope you get to see the Lights. I let my KU subscription go when they raised the price. I didn't read enough to make it worth it for me. Though I do think their selection has improved.

  6. I missed the Northern Lights, too! I was watching tv and then saw everyone posting about it. I ran outside but didn't see anything.

    1. GAHHHH! I know people down south who go great pictures too. It must have been exactly at 10.

  7. Hate you missed the Northern Lights. That's a bucket list item for me, too. We had some late nights driving in the car while we were up there, but I never caught sight of the lights while we were up there. They were supposed to be visible all the way down here a couple months ago, but like you mentioned, the clouds made visibility impossible from our house.

    1. This is the first time it wasn't cloudy, and I dropped the ball.
