Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - New Beginnings

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

New Beginnings!

Happy Tuesday! Today, we are supposed to talk about our favorite books in our favorite series. I typically like to use these posts to hype recent reads, and I am not really reading too many series these days. I have started (and have always loved) companion series. I adore that they give me an opportunity to return to a world I enjoyed while not holding me hostage for answers to how the story ends or continues. 

So, I have decided to share some series I started this year. Some had multiple books for me to read while others were only just starting. Regardless, they were all worth mentioning. 

  1. Big Shots by Tessa Bailey - I loved both books in this series and cannot wait for the next one. 
  2. Boneyard Key by Jen DeLuca - There is only one book so far, but it was strong start. I hope the stories that follow are for the other members of the town because Boneyard Key is filled with great characters. 
  3. Love in Galway by Ivey Fairbanks - This was also book one for this series, and I am curious to see how Fairbanks expands this world. 
  4. Rebel Blue Ranch by Lyla Sage - I adore this series! There is only one Ryder sibling left, though I hope dad will get a romance, too. 
  5. The Macabe Brothers by Elliot Fletcher - This series is just starting out, but I was excited to see there would be more books. I love the setting and all the siblings. 
  1. The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams - I was surprised and very pleased when Adams revisited this world. I have no idea if she has more Cheat Sheet books for us, but if she writes it, I will read it.
  2. The Kamogawa Food Detectives by Hisashi Kashiwai - I adored book one so much! I loved the structure of each person having a short food related mystery to be solved and can't wait to solve more. 
  3. Moonville by Sarah Hogle - This was a fun little magical place filled with intriguing characters. I am eager to revisit and see them all get their HEAs. 
  4. D.C. Eagles Hockey by Leah Brunner - I read three and am currently reading the newest installment in this series which has been an utter delight. 
  5. Rock Bottom Love by Sophie Sullivan - Not only is the setting great, but the Keller family is wonderful. I am happy I will get to return to Great Falls for another Keller romance. 

Have you started any good series?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I enjoyed Done and Dusted and am looking forward to continuing the series. I need to start that Tessa Bailey series, too!

    1. We only have to wait until November for the next Rebel Blue Ranch book. I just looked and there is a 4th book on Goodreads! I was hoping dad got a book. Still holding out for that.

  2. Great list! Some of these I'm already loving and others I still need to get to.

  3. It's always nice finding new series to enjoy.

    1. I agree and even better if they pump that series full of books

  4. Lots of fun-looking series here! I hope they continue to bring you lots of reading joy :)

    Happy TTT!

  5. Love a good mystery nearly as much as I love food, so the Kamogawa Food Detectives looks fantastic! Will have to check it out.

    1. I have been vibing with these lovely, quiet books from East Asian authors. It was something special for me. I hope you get a chance to give it a look.

  6. Je de Luca has the spotlight twice on your blog this week! It does say sometyhing ;-)

    1. It just worked out for the memes, but I did think this was the start of a great new series. I am excited to read more.

  7. Sounds like some great series, Sam. I do have so many series on the go, but I'm always game to try a new one, if others love it.

    1. I like these because they are companions. You don't have to read all the books and your are not left waiting for answers.
