Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! Since it's still summer, the weather is still garbage, but I see some cooler days on the horizon. I didn't really do anything special this week. Monday, I got my hair cut and started PT. Everything I had to do hurt. All the other patients were there for feet, so they were lying around while I had to actually work. I miss that foot PT. I went again on Friday, and my therapists though the shoulder was already moving better. That was encouraging. Today we are heading to my niece's for a housewarming. I am disappointed there will not be a cookout. This is the second summer in a row with no cookout. --sigh--

I got a call about my upcoming riverboat cruise. We had to select our excursions. Here I was thinking I was going to Europa-Park in Germany. This place showed up on my IG feed and was hailed as the Epcot of Europe. We were so excited, but alas, it's not part of our trip. I wanted to go on the adult only sailing which happens to be the food and wine cruise, and this apparently is not included. Major buzzkill. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - Four Weekends and a Funeral, Elizabeth of East Hampton
  • Tuesday: TTT - I Thee Wed
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Life Impossible
  • Thursday: Reviews - The Paradise Problem, Ghosts
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - July 2024
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Titles Starting with "S"

Let's Discuss

  • Beth asks if reviews are worthless now
  • Carol shares what she wishes there was less of in books
  • Jen put together a Good Girls Guide to Murder quiz 

Stacking the Shelves

There were some great sales on Amazon. I couldn't resist the low prices for the books on my wishlist. I also could not resist downloading the new Sarah Morgenthaler book. I adored her Moose Springs books and have eagerly been awaiting new work from her. 




Read Last Week

I was so excited when I went to Netgalley and saw a new Gibson Sisters story from Alice Hoffman. Like The Bookstore Sisters, this was a short story, but it was so good. I loved getting a chance to catch up with them. There was some misfortune, but this story focused on them finding love. I feel like there could be another story for Sophie's daughter. If Hoffman writes it, I will read it. 

I was also really pleased with Tessa Bailey's The Au Pair Affair. The heroine's backstory was beyond dramatic, and Bailey treated it with care, weaving it well into the story. Given Our History was another win. Friends-to-lovers plus second chance romance usually never fails to delight me, and I really enjoyed learning the couples history and rooting for them to get it right this time. And the other standout was The Calculation of You and Me. My love of young adult books has cooled, but Kaylor's follow up was wonderful. There are great bookish nods as they are used for "romance tutoring". The hero was such a doll, and there was a great exploration of healthy relationships versus toxic relationships. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

The whole premise of One-Star Romance is hilarious. This new author is in the bridal party with a man she discovers gave her book a one-star rating on Goodreads. I am really enjoying it so far.

I have been loving this series by Brunner, and this may be my favorite coupling yet. These two have been friends since childhood and enter into a marriage of connivance for multiple reasons. The hero is precious, and their history runs so deep. Loving it!  

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. At least there's hoping that, if you power through your PT, you'll end up being able to move your shoulder properly with little to no pain...

    It sounds like your cruise has sets its sights on denying you all the treats LOL. I hope you'll have fun nevertheless...

    That dog 😂.

    1. Oh, to be pain free! That's the dream. I am hoping the shoulder is more successful than the foot. I love that pups adore music so much.

  2. Sounds like a tough week with PT but I hope that your shoulder continues to see improvement and feel better :) You always have so many amazing books on your Sunday posts and so many get added to my radar 😂 Given Our History sounds (and looks) awesome! Sarah Morgenthaler's new book also looks awesome. I enjoyed her Moose Springs series a lot too. I hope you have a great week ahead and enjoy all the reads you get to!

    1. I am surprised by the ratings for Given Our History. I really liked it.

  3. I am sorry you won't get to see what you wanted on your cruise Sam! On the other hand it seems the PT is working!

    1. I was happy to hear that my therapist thinks the PT is working. I trust his judgement.

  4. Lots of good books coming up! Sorry your cruise isn't going to have one of the main things you'd hoped. But still, I'm sure you'll have fun! Hope the PT keeps working! Have a good week!

    1. The cruise will be there, just we won't. I am sure it will still be good.

  5. Yay for PT! I hope it really helps. Bummer about the cruise-it seems everything costs extra on a cruise. I'm glad you liked The Au Pair affair-I have it and am hoping to read it soon!

    1. I am going to trust the PT, and I keep doing the exercises though they hurt, a lot. I hope you enjoy Bailey's book. I really like this series. She set up the next couple well, too.

  6. Well even without the cookout I hope you have a good time. Good luck with the PT.

    1. No cookout or cake. I guess at least I got to play with their dog.

  7. Yes, shoulder PT is not fun. It hurt me too, but in time it does get better. I have most of my range of motion back and that's something I didn't think was possible. I just popped over and requested The Au Pair Affair after reading how much you enjoyed it. I do enjoy Bailey's books when I pick them up. I'm looking forward to some cooler weather, too!

    1. No fun at ALL, Rachel. This series by Bailey is good. Did you read Fangirl Down? That one was even better. I am a fan of the couples. Fingers crossed you enjoy it as well.

  8. Definitely looking forward to the cooler weather this week, although it looks like we'll be getting lots of rain! We need it, though.

    1. The humidity was low today, but it was still terrible out. I don't mind the rain. All I do is work and housework.

  9. Good to hear the PT is working. And yay for cooler days. We are approaching our hottest days of the year and I'm not looking forward to it. I want some Fall weather. And I hope someone invites you to a cookout soon. I would so invite you to my book club/game night if you were closer. My hubby usually cooks out at each of them.

    1. I don't even know if it ever gets your-neck-of-the-woods hot in NJ. Awwww. You are so sweet, and it's the thought that counts for cookout invites.

    2. I think you may get our temps, but without our humidity it just isn't the same. The humidity is what takes your breath away.

    3. We are getting some of the hurricane effects today. So much rain and terribly humid. Supposed to cool off a bit though

  10. I hope the PT gets easier... and that you still find some fun excursion for the cruise. And I spy another Richard Roper book on your TBR. :)

    1. The excursions are included and we have limited options. That day has no options. I will try to be open minded. At least I will be in Europe on a cool boat with the kid. It could be worse.

  11. I hope the PT helps, even if it hurts. The weather is garbage here too. It's 100 degrees, and everything is on fire. I'm really looking forward to October.

    1. You get crazy weather! I could not live that life.

  12. I'm happy you are already seeing some progress in PT. Sorry to hear about the cruise disappointment, but I know it will still be a good time. We leave on a Caribbean cruise in a couple weeks and I can't wait!

    1. I am crossing my fingers that you have good weather. The hurricane season seems to be a bit early this year.

  13. PT is great for shoulders and backs. I've had to go a couple of times and it is amazing how well it works. I hope you get continued success. I loved LL's book. I think you will as well.

    1. I did PT years ago for my back. It was temporary. I know the recovery for the shoulder will be a lot longer than the PT time.
