Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - The Title Made Me Read It

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

The Title Made Me Read It!

This week we were supposed to share the top ten things we like about a particular book, but I wasn't feeling it. I have talked extensively about what a cover-ho I am, but I can also easily be swayed by a good title. Many titles seem derivative or generic, but sometimes I find those titles that pique my interest. There is just something that pulls me in and makes me add that book to my TBR. Below are ten recent reads where the title was a big factor in why I decided to tread the book. 

  1. If Cats Disappeared From the World by Genki Kawamura
  2. Margo's Got Money Troubled by Rufi Thorpe
  3. How to Age Disgracefully by Clare Pooley
  4. Jenny James is Not a Disaster by Debbie Johnson
  5. Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder by Kerryn Mayne
  1. This Disaster Loves You by Richard Roper
  2. The Art of Catching Feelings by Alicia Thompson
  3. Birding with Benefits by Sarah T. Dubb
  4. Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle
  5. Love & Chickens by Kasey Morris

Has a title ever made you read it?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love how an interesting title can pique a reader's interest. And it's unique to each reader - which title will appeal. This Disaster Loves You is one where the title got me interested.

    1. I never thought about it that much because, like I said, cover-ho, but that is one of the Netgalley questions. So, there must be something to it.

  2. Loved Lenny Marks and I want to read How to Age Disgracefully partly from the title alone, too!

    1. Great title, isn't it? I have adored Pooley's books and this was another great one from her.

  3. How did Birding With Benefits slip my attention?!?! Definitely added it to my TBR. I love fun titles like this that have me picking them up.

    1. There is actually bird watching stuff in there and it was fascinating. I hope you like it.

  4. Love your take on the topic- I have had a title post in my drafts for like a year heh. LOVE Love & Chickens! Just Some Stupid Love Story cracked me up too, these are fabulous!

    1. Well, get that post out of your drafts! You know what was awesome, there were actually chicken in Love & Chickens. No bait and switch there

  5. I wasn't inspired either and was tired so I skipped this week. Now all these titles are very interesting and How to Age Adisgracefully is already on my TBR thanks to you ;-)

    1. I really cannot get enough of Pooley's books. They are that mix of warmth and found family that I adore

  6. I'm also a cover and title lover, Sam. I love cozy mystery titles, as they are always so punny. I think the last one I read because of the title was "It Was an Ugly Couch Anyway" which was a book of essays and I really enjoyed it.

    1. Cozy mysteries have some fun titles. Lots of punny stuff. I always smile when I see them. That is a great name for a book of essays.

  7. Love all these titles and this topic! I hope you don't mind if I note it down for future use when I want to go rogue for a TTT. 😂

    1. By all means. I would love to know what titles made you read it.
