Friday, June 14, 2024

Discussion - What's in a Name?

This Week's Topic

What's in a Name?

I had seen this Let's Talk Bookish topic over at Dini's blog, and it made me think about this blog. 

You may or man not know, but I did not start this blog. I was asked to contribute and as life got busier for the WLABBers, it became mine. So, I did not have a hand in naming this blog, but I do know its origins. 

WLABB was born back in 2013 when my daughter and three of her friends bonded over their love for The Hunger Games and The Shadowhunters. It was that Shadowhunter love that inspired the name for this blog. 

“We live and breathe words. .... It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them. Reading your words, what you wrote, how you were lonely sometimes and afraid, but always brave; the way you saw the world, its colors and textures and sounds, I felt--I felt the way you thought, hoped, felt, dreamt. I felt I was dreaming and thinking and feeling with you. I dreamed what you dreamed, wanted what you wanted--and then I realized that truly I just wanted you.” ― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

They really wanted the blog to be We Live and Breathe Words, but that name was taken. Therefore, they settled on We Live and Breathe Books

Though the WLABBers have very little involvement with the blog these days, I have kept the name because I like it. When we went to the City of Heavenly Fire release event in the city, we got a book signed for a giveaway. When Cassandra Clare saw the name, she knew it was a nod to her quote. We were all pretty thrilled about that. 

Now it's your turn!

What inspired your blog's name?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love the story behind your blog's name and that you've continued to use it, even as the blog evolved. At the beginning of my blog, I shared both books and hiking/travel posts, so I wanted my name to reflect both of those in some way - and the Literary Wanderer came about! I think it still works even though I share less travel stuff now.

  2. I didn't name Waves of Fiction either. My reading buddy, Arlene did and asked me to be a co-blogger when she started it. Like your daughter and friends, Arlene, Crystal and Brandy got too busy with life and I think blogging just wasn't their thing anymore so now the blog is mine. I gotta to say (hope Arlene isn't reading this, lol) that I'm not crazy about the name, but it's how everyone knows me now so I don't want to change it. I did change the header to be more personal to me. I used to be on The Readers Den with Jasprit, but it got to be too much to do both and so I just switched over to Waves exclusively. Since then Jasprit hasn't been blogging either.

    1. I remember you from The Readers Den, and then Waves of Fiction when Jas had her first child. Interesting how we both kind of inherited blogs.

  3. Suzanne Collins and Cassandra Clare really encapsulate the 2010-2013 book world in my mind. They dominated that scene.

    1. My daughter is so excited that a new Hunger Games book is coming out. those 2010s dystopians are her faves.

  4. I didn't know the story about your blog's name, and I 'd never have guessed because I haven't read that book. It's a great name, even if the girls had to tweak it a little!

    I started my blog with the intent of spotlighting all the lesser-known/non-mainstream YA books I was reading, so the name came easily. Even if I've been reviewing lots of adult books as well along the way, my mission hasn't changed, and the name still fits!

    1. There was another blogger, the YA Outsider or something like that, who wanted to shed light on those less mainstream books too. It's always a great thing to support those "smaller" books.

    2. I've never come across it! Since you said "there was", I suppose it doesn't exist anymore...I googled it to no avail.

    3. I didn't realize she was out of the blogging game. Another one bites the dust.

  5. I started my blog, wanting an all-purpose blog. So that how I cam up with my name.
    Jamie (

    1. It's a good way to let the audience know what to expect (anything you think of)

  6. Fun to read how the blog's name came to be. And how cool that Cassie Clare got to see the homage to her own words! I knew I wanted my blog name to be something simple. Nothing too wordy. And something that represented me well. Girl Plus Books basically sums me up. lol

    1. Nothing wrong with simple, and I don't think I have seen the name around either.

  7. Aww I love the story behind your blog's name and love how Cassandra Clare immediately recognized the nod too! Mine is named after a librarian in a childhood game that I was obsessed with (I still it play it sometimes actually!) — he's not a main character by any means, but he does play a small part in one of the final worlds of the first story arc. Plus it was dragon related and I adore dragons so it just felt right (granted, I was like 14-15).

    1. That is a fun name origin story. I am have no idea what game, but I am much older than you. Yes, dragons are awesome.

  8. I LOVE this! I knew that your daughter and her friends founded the site, but I did not know where your name came from, but mine is a very similar story, so I love that for us! Mine is from The Hunger Games (shocking, I know)- more specifically, Catching Fire. When Plutarch shows Katniss his watch and tells her that he has a meeting to go to, "it starts at midnight", which is then an ode to the arena, and the escape, etc etc. It was a nod to the fact that during at least my first 5 years of blogging, I legit did ALL my work after midnight, because babies are hard. I love reading everyone else's in the comments, too!

    1. THG is the other fandom they bonded over. You all would be great friends. That is a cool story. Yes, babies are hard. I was blessed with one that slept through the night from 2 weeks on.

    2. Idk Sam mine still don't always sleep through the night 😂

    3. Mine at almost 30 tells me how she needs her 8-10 per night.

  9. Mine is Based on a True Story because I started writing mostly about my life.

  10. Oh, I had no idea! That's cool, and I love that Cassandra Clare recognized her quote. She's written so much, you know?

    My blog, Bethwyrm, gets its name from a play on 'bookworm', or 'bookwyrm'. As a fan of dragons, and person who hoards pretty treasures like dragons do, who is also named Beth, it seemed appropriate. I didn't/don't want my blog to be exclusively about books, and Bookwyrm was taken, so I improvised. It's odd, sure, but that fits. :D

    1. The WLABBers were definitely thrilled when CC's face lit up when they told her the blog name. It was a very sweet encounter. It's great you were able to come up with a name that encompassed so much about your blog (and you)

  11. It's cool that Cassandra Clare knows there's a blog named for her books. I started my blog in 2013, but I don't think it had a name until 2015. It just had an empty red rectangle as a header. The name came from my TBR pile. My unread books overflowed the shelf in my bedroom, so I started stacking them on the floor by my bed. I'd literally trip over all the things I had to read.

    1. Wow! That's funny you have no name for two years. It was such a moment for the kids when CC made the connection.
