Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Super Powers

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Bookish Super Powers!

This week, we are challenged with sharing some book related super powers. These are things we wish we could do or make happen with respect to the bookish world. I don't know about you, but I found this to be both run and challenging. 

  1. Read faster - When you want to read ALL the books, a faster reading rate would be really useful. I found that my reading slowed down by ten pages per hour during the pandemic. I am not sure if it's because I got used to the slower pace of life, or that I began reading less young adult and more adult books. Either way, It takes me longer to get through my five a week. 
  2. Remember more - I can remember big ideas, but I wish I could recall more details. I seem to commit to memory the way I felt as I read, but specifics that others can recall are lost in my head. 
  3. Control the library wait list - The library wait lists can be soooo long, and then when my loans come through, they come all at once. It's frustrating. When I select "deliver later", I end up waiting weeks, sometimes months, longer for the book. 
  4. Change the ending - I have read some books that I enjoyed but hated the ending. There are several I wanted to throw out the window. For those, I write a new ending in my head, so that I can rest easy. 
  5. Save all the dogs - Seriously, they need to stop killing the pets in books. 
  6. Create silence - I find a lot of noise distracting when I read. There's white noise which blends, but people yammering on phones on the train or the chatter from the TV slow me down when I read. I wish I was better at blocking it all out. 
  7. Make a book appear - I don't mean any book here, kids, I mean those next installments for series which are unfinished. This is one of the major reasons I stopped reading series. It's really disappointed to read and love a book with an unfinished story to discover I will never know how it ends. 
  8. Slow down time - I want to be able to slow down time all around me while I move at normal speed. Why? So that I have more time to read, of course. 
  9. Perfect story selection - So many books, so little time, so picking the right book is really important. It pains me when I have to DNF or end up reading a meh book. Though I am pretty good at knowing what I like, I can sometimes pick a lemon. I would love to avoid that. 
  10. Jump into the pages - I have so much wanderlust, but alas, I am poor. It would be amazing to be able to jump into the book a la Mary Poppins. Talk about an immersive experience

What bookish super powers do you want?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. LOL remember more - yes! Especially when you get to the end of the year and you're trying to pick favorites and all you can go by is the rating because you can barely remember the book at all!

    1. Year-end is a struggle with the bad memory. That's why I have to put something on GR for every book I read.

  2. I drew an absolute blank with the prompt and decided to skip it. Love what you came up with! I do wish I could read faster. And making a whole series appear at one time would be quite nice. :)

    1. I try to use my speed reading techniques (my training program had us take a class), but it sort of takes the fun out of pleasure reading. It would be great if it just happened though

  3. The library waitlist is intense. I get nothing for weeks, and then I get EVERYTHING!

    1. Same. It is so frustrating! And then if I elect to deliver later (usually one week), I won't get the book for weeks or months.

  4. Oh my goodness! The library waitlist--I so relate to this! Especially if we're counting Libby books. I feel like I wait FOREVER sometimes! Great list!

    1. I only read ebooks from my library, and I connect to my libraries via Libby.

  5. Save the dog is such a good one!! I hate seeing pets die in books!

    1. There is no comment section on your blog, but I loved your list! Resizing physical fonts and being able to write review easily. YES!

    2. Oh thank you so much for letting me know. If you don't mind, could you please check it now and see if it works? Thank you so much! :)

  6. Save all the dogs. lol. I think all of us would appreciate it if you could do just that.

  7. Remember more is on my list too! And of course we have to save the dogs!

    1. I have seen quite a few readers include something about remembering. It's so hard sometimes.

  8. Yes! I wish I could read faster! I wish I had more time to read as well. These are all great bookish superpowers to have!

    1. Life is so annoying and keeping me from doing things I enjoy more.

  9. Slow Down Time and Jump Into the Pages would be amazing! ("Talk about an immersive experience" LOL). A very creative and fun post!

    1. It would be AH-MAZING! I was always so enthralled with that part of Mary Poppins.

  10. do need that read faster and remember more! sometimes I get disappointed with myself for forgetting book details the moment I finish them or a few days right after. I can't have full book discussions sometimes because of it. lol.

    1. It's odd the things I can remember at times, but names are gone as soon as I close the book. HA. I think if I was reading for a book club or something, I would be better about taking notes.

  11. I used to be able to read so fast. I could easily do one, even two books a day, every day. I just can't focus anymore. I think my reader brain broke.

    I would LOVE to remember stuff though. Once I'm done, it all leaves, even character names lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. I feel like it's a combination of what I am reading and my mood. I understand struggling with focus. Names!! What is it with names? The good part is that those are easy to find in Goodreads.

  12. Ah, yes. Slow down time! That's one I want/need.

    1. Either we speed up or time slows down, but I need to have more time for sure

  13. Oooh! I want all of these abilities! My reading life would be so revitalized!!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
