Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - You're a Star!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

You're a Star!

This week we are talking about characters we believe should have their own book. I remember doing this topic back in the day, and I was pleading with the universe (and Jenny Han) to give Kitty a spinoff series. I may not have gotten that book series, but my instincts were right seeing as Kitty did get a TV series. 

When I was thinking about characters I believe should get their own books, it saw some patterns. 
  1. The character stole the show - There is always the sidekick who steals every scene, and I believe are compelling enough to carry their own book. 
  2. A rich ensemble - The ensemble cast was so strong, and I feel like they have more stories to tell. I have felt this way with strong friend groups, but I found many families that were so fantastic that I wanted each member to have their own book. 
  3. A character I feel has their own story to tell

  1. Jolene from the Royal Street Series - Jolene was the very first character who popped into my head when I saw today's prompt. She is so memorable, colorful, wonderful, and simply fantastic. It's almost like no other characters exist when she is on page.  
  2. Reginald from My Roommate is a Vampire - Reggie was a fantastic and memorable supporting character. It almost seemed like Levine was setting up a romance for him towards the end of the book, and if there is a future planned for him, I will be there to read it. 
  3. Junebug from The McBrides of Montana series - So far, this series has only focused on the brothers, but with the timeline moving forward, I feel like Junebug will reach an appropriate age for her to get hitched. She is so fun and spunky, and her scheming always delights me. 
  4. Astrid from Play for Me - Astrid was such a hoot, and she is already famous. She most definitely has a story to tell. 
  5. The Campbell family from The Sweetheart List - This isn't the first time I wished Shalvis had focused on one of her families in a series, but this is the most recent clan I think deserve their own books. I adored these brothers and their mother, and I would love to meet each individually. 
  1. The Maddox family from Yours Truly - I adore Abby Jimenez books, but this one was made even better by the Maddox family. They were chaotic and full of life, and each and every one of them has a story to tell. 
  2. The Blue Belle family from Beauty and the Baller - Confession: I was so excited when I heard Madden-Mills was writing more books in this series, but then I was disappointed to learn they would not be set in Blue Belle, nor would they feature any of those fabulous characters. I just wanted to spend more time in this world and thought these characters were worth getting to know better. 
  3. The ATF staff from Just My Type - I loved this book, but I also could have spent every page in the group chat with the other members of the ATF staff. They were funny and vibrant, and it would be fantastic for each of them to have their own story. 
  4. The Campers from Long Story Short - I am dying to stay in this world any way I can. A sequel or companion books where I get to know the other campers on a deeper level while catching up with everyone would be great. 
  5. The fabulous friend group from From the Jump - This book had such a stellar ensemble. I would love to see this become a series where each member of the group gets a book, and we go on a trip, and it would be fantastic!

What characters should have their own book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. The McBride series looks so cute, I need to start it! And it would only be fitting for Junebug to get her own happy ending!

    1. It is a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the first two books and cannot wait for more. And, I agree. Junebug should end the series.

  2. Jolene is a fun choice. I am having a hard time thinking of what her life would be like outside of Nola, but it would probably a lot of fun.

    1. There are so many possibilities. They can send her home, and we can get a heaping dose of her southern charm from her whole family

  3. My mind went blank when I saw this prompt, but you came up with ones I should've thought of! I full agree Jolene, Reginald, Astrid, and Junebug need their own story! Here's hoping. What a fab list, Sam!

    1. They were all so colorful with personality plus. They could carry a book for sure

  4. I definitely enjoyed the Blue Belle family. I agree that I'd love more books set in that area.

    1. I was disappointed with where Madden-Mills brought that series. It was a waste of great characters and a great setting

  5. I love a good ensemble. and Vampire looks so fun!

    1. Same. Vampire was a lot of fun. I thought the supernatural plot line was the weakest part of the book, otherwise, I loved it

  6. You nailed this! I confess that I skipped the topic this week as I could maybe find three characters max!

    1. It was hard, so I understand, but it was kind of fun too

  7. I've only read Long Story Short, but I agree. It would be fun to continue the story! Great job this week!

    1. I keep hoping for like a spring break trip where the gang gets back together

  8. I had no idea where to start with this prompt, but you did amazing, Sam.

    1. Thanks, Carla! It is a hard prompt, but when I broke it down, it was a lot easier.

  9. This is fun! Reginald was my favorite character in My Roommate is a Vampire and the ATF staff were amazing in Just My Type.

    1. We need to lobby hard for Reggie's book. I really felt like Levine was setting up a romance for him at the end there too

  10. Great list, Sam! I love when whole communities and families are just amazing and make a story all the more enjoyable to read. 😍 I've got Vampire Roommate on my TBR for this season and I'm hoping that I do get around to it. Can't wait to meet Reginald!

    1. Reggie is a gem. I hope you love him as much as I did
