Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I am sitting here enjoying this glorious fall weather. This is my favorite time of year. Cooler temperatures and pumpkin spice everything - what more could I want? This was a quiet week. I had Tuesday off as I must use up my vacation time. I had nothing planned, but I did go to breakfast with my parents. They opened one of those Original Pancake Houses near us. I thought it was pretty obnoxious that it opened SO close to the IHOP, but the food was good. I had a Dutch pancake for the first time ever, and I really enjoyed it. Because I went to breakfast, I totally forgot my plan to get my pumpkin spice frosty, but I did get one on Saturday. It was delicious. 

I have to wear sturdy, athletic type shoes all the time because of my bum foot, but I have a sneaker quirk. I don't really like the athletic ones because they tend to have a million colors in them and have white bottoms which get dirty quickly. I bought a few pairs of black sneakers, but I was growing bored with them. I saw these Allbirds online and thought the green was neutral-ish. They are pretty nice. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Isn't It Romantic? - The Wake-Up Call, The Blonde Identity
  • Tuesday: TTT - Found Family Ties
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Good Part
  • Thursday: Nutshell Reviews - Tom Lake, The Connellys of County Down
  • Friday: Six Degrees of Separation - Love, Holly by Emily Stone
  • Saturday: Five on my TBR - Best Friend

Let's Discuss

  • Kit asks what Frankenstein's Monster look like
  • Krysta talks about quiet children's books

Stacking the Shelves

It was a quiet week. No new approvals, but I did pick up a free book. I also broke down and bought a book because Arkansas is a really hard state to find a book for. Deanna liked it, so I think I will too.



Read Last Week

It was a decent reading week. Solid, if nothing else. The best of the bunch was The Burnout by Sophie Kinsella. I will forever adore her books. Her quirky heroines and all the slap-sticky stuff they get into always make me laugh, and the stories are alway inevitably heartwarming. A feel-good book for sure. 

The Christmas Cafe was a lot of fun too. You know I adore holiday books, and there was lots of Christmas included in this story. It was also like many of those Hallmark movies that never fail to make me smile. I had a good time reading it. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

Novak is new to me, but after reading several great reviews (including Rachel's), I decided to give it a go. So far, I am loving it. The hero and heroine have great chemistry and plenty of history too. I have a feeling he will be the one to cure this runaway bride of her commitment issues. 

I have not really started Hope Was Here, but I have had good luck with Bauer in the past. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. It's always exciting to have a new Sophie Kinsella book out! Is the pumpkin spice Frosty a new thing? I feel like I've never heard of it before! I just made some pumpkin muffins from a Trader Joe's mix - pretty good!

    1. The frosty is new, and I think it's only for the fall. I believe they did strawberry in the summer. Seasonal makes things better in my mind. LOL! Yum! I love all things pumpkin. Bet the muffins were great

  2. Oh nice! I can't figure out how I stopped getting emails from your blog! It's weird. But then I saw you posted on Carole's Week in Review post and I was like omg! Lol! I did not know about Wendy's Pumpkin Frosty either! I remember seeing advertising for the Strawberry one but never even knew about the pumpkin one!

    Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you end up enjoying them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I had switched back to blogger from self-hosted. That could be why the emails stopped.

  3. I have no idea what a Dutch pancake is to be honest! And yes the green in these shoes is pretty neutral. Also that videa had me cackling!!!!

    1. Wikipedia says: "A Dutch baby pancake, sometimes called a German pancake, a Bismarck, a Dutch puff, Hooligan, or a Hootenanny, is similar to a large American popover. A Dutch baby is similar to a large Yorkshire pudding. Unlike most pancakes, Dutch babies are baked in the oven, rather than being fried." It's. good though.

  4. Oooh, a pumpkin frosty? That sounds delicious! Hope you like your new tennis shoes. My daughter likes Allbirds.

    I had read Novak's womens fiction/romantic suspense books, but really enjoyed her straight on romance. Hope you love Talulah! I thought is was a lot of fun.

    1. This is my first pair of Allbirds, but I think they are pretty nice. Talulah was great. I was frustrated with Charlie and his family (seriously, it was 14 years), but Brant was fantastic.

  5. I like to wear Brooks Adrenaline shoes. My podiatrist actually recommended them to me. They're so comfy, and I think they might have all black.

    I can't believe you haven't read Novak until now! After you read this one, you should try her Whiskey Creek series. It's so good!

    1. I hate athletic sneakers. I like fashion sneakers. I had Brooks. They were ok. I wear Ryka's to exercise, and I really like them, but not for wearing outside of exercise. Remember, I was reading so much YA for so long. I have to catch up on adult series.

  6. Oh my gosh you showed a pumpkin spice Frosty? No FAIR. I need one of those. I stopped at a place tonight and got a cherry Slurpee type thing- it wasn't a Slurpee because it wasn't 7-11 but close enough. SO good.

    1. I remember being able to get a diet Coke Slurpee. I think they no longer exist. There is the slushie brand with the dog too. Maybe that's what you had

  7. I've yet to get a pumpkin Frosty, but I did have an apple cider doughnut. Nice on the new shoes - hopefully they are a comfy (and supportive) as they look. I've only read one by Novak (a year or two ago) but I enjoyed it. I've seen good reviews for this latest by her.

    1. It's been years since I have had a cider donut. We used to take the kids apple picking/pumpkin picking in the fall, and we used to go to this place (Delicious Orchards) for Thanksgiving pies. Those places always have the best cider donuts. The shoes are very comfy. Not sure about anything else by Novak, but Talulah was great. I will definitely read more of this series.

  8. I like your new shoes, they look comfortable and nice enough to wear with a nice pair of pants. I checked and we have the Pumpkin Spice Frosty here in Canada, so I am hoping to get one today! I am looking forward to getting to the new Sophie Kinsella book. Have a great week, Sam.

    1. We went to jeans at work during Covid, and I never pants any more. I hate ironing. Did you try the frosty? It's very sweet, but has all that spicy goodness of traditional pumpkin spice offerings.

  9. I have some allbirds too, and they are some of the most comfortable shoes I own! I'm cautiously intrigued by the idea of a pumpkin spice frosty. To me, it is hard to beat the classic chocolate one.

    1. They are very comfy. I think mine are hikers, so they should be warm too which is plus for me. I always have cold feet. The classic frosty is a classic for a reason, but I cannot resist the call of fall and all its pumpkin spice goodness.

  10. The shoes are cute. Hope they feel good on your feet. Pumpkin spice frosty. That sounds interesting. I might have to give that a try.

    1. They are pretty comfy, but all shoes seem to bug me near the toe. I am hoping the orthotics will help with that. The frosty was yummy. Sweet, but yummy

  11. I actually went to the Original Pancake House for the first time this past weekend. I love your shoes. I always end up spending a fortune on footware because of my issues. I hope that youhave a wonderful week of reading!

    1. Did you like the pancake house? What did you get? I have so many pairs of shoes that I simply can no longer wear. Hoping to get some milage out of these.
