Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! Not much to report. I read some great books, it rained a LOT, and I got a haircut. I have bangs, and it takes every ounce of my self control to not cut them. I didn't think I was going to make it to my appointment. It's really bad when it is hot and sticky out. My hair is always a mess, but at least I got my cut and should be good for a few weeks. 

I am seeing my foot doctor again tomorrow. I will say that the second round of shots improved the situation. Instead of feeling the numbness all along the left side of my foot, I only feel it in the tip of my big toe. Progress?  However, now I notice the pain the ball of my foot which is most likely from the neuromas. Fingers crossed the doctor can do something about that. 

I took Monday off since I have a lot of vacation time left. I was trying to schedule some days. They like us to have it all planned prior to the end of the year. I put in for the Mondays after we go to see the plays at Paper Mill, and I also put in for the Monday after DST ends. The time change is always a bad situation for me. It seemed like a good idea. I still have 3 days to schedule, but not sure when I will use them since I have no plans to travel and the kid won't be back until Thanksgiving (November) - those days are impossible to get. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - Love Holly, Bright Lights Big Christmas
  • Tuesday: TTT - Isn't It Romantic?
  • Wednesday: CWW - Friends Don't Fall in Love, Perfect Distraction
  • Thursday: Reviews - Charm City Rocks, Come as You Are
  • Friday: Discussion - Random Thoughts- Reviews
  • Saturday: Book Tag - The Romance Reader

Let's Discuss

Stacking the Shelves

It has been a really long time since I requested a book on Edelweiss, but the kid wanted to read the Ali Hazelwood YA book which I don't have access to on Netgalley. Color me surprised because I got approved. That the was the biggest shock of the week. I actually only have three pending requests. I have cut back so much! 



Read Last Week

I have a three way tie this week. Tom Lake was really fabulous. Pratchet is new-to-me, and I can totally understand why she is so loved. Great storytelling. I also liked Tracey Lange's followup. It didn't pack the punch of We Are the Brennans, but Lange did once again deliver an exploration of a complicated family. It was pretty warm-fuzzy too. The Wake-Up Call was fantastic too. O'Leary is a solid favorite at this point. Her books are always a lot of fun and full of warmth - two things I always look for in a read. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



  • Cannon by Sawyer Bennett - ★★★★
  • Hendrix by Sawyer Bennett - ★★★★

Currently Reading

I am not too far into Famous in a Small Town (as I write this), but I have a good feeling about it. I can already feel the warmth and good cheer, and the main character impressed me early on. 

I am listening to Tilly in Technicolor, and it is really cute so far. The hate is starting to turn towards like, and I anticipate the story picking up for me once the characters full-on romance begins. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I see many books on my TBR here! Ali, Beth and also Tilly in technicolor! Now I have bangs too and I never wait between appointment. I take scissors and cut! Also I really hope that the doctor can finally find a solution for your foot Samantha! It's been so long now! Have a great Sunday!

    1. I like the coverage from my bangs, but they are really annoying when they are long. I trim them at times, but I try not to when I have an appointment coming up. Let the professional take care of it.

  2. I've been cutting my own bangs since a long time ago, mostly when I didn't use to re-perm my top hair and they were completely straight. I have a good hand 🙂. I've developed the habit because I didn't want them to get cut too short by accident, nor too even (I wanted them to frame my face in a curve). There are things I'd rather do myself because I'm the only one whom I can really trust to achieve the desired result LOL.

    I hope the doctor can suggest something for your foot problem other than painkillers...sure there must be a way to treat it and make it go away - or hurt less at least.

    I want a dog that gives me blessings now 🤣.

    1. Isn't that dog fabulous? I love him! If you have the skills, by all means, trim em up, but I am not good at it. My stylist does fancy stuff to give them texture and make them not too heavy. My bangs never look right when I do them. I don't know what is next for my foot, but it was encouraging that the second round of injections seemed to get the scar tissue to back off the nerve. I was happier this time.

  3. I am so tempted to download the upcoming Ali Hazelwood. I love the sound of it. I hate to admit that I sometimes go a very long time between haircuts. I have my daughter cut my hair when she is around and has time. I randomly asked her to cut in when she was around 16 and she did a good job so I always make her do it now. I hope that you find the relief you need at the foot doctor.

    1. I wish I knew someone with some cutting skills. My kid did go to beauty school to get certified in cosmetology when she was an undergrad, but I don't see her enough, and I already exploit her for her sewing skills. HA!

  4. I *always* snip at my bangs in between trims. I can't stand to have bangs in my eyes. My stylist finally showed me how to trim them correctly. lol I hope you get some more relief from your appt. this week. I'm on PTO tomorrow so I can go to an appt. with the husband. The rest of the day will be free, though, so that will be good. Hooray for more Pittsburg Titans!

    1. I always make my appointments early in the day (I wake up early), so I will have most of the day free. I hope your husband's appointment goes well and you kids have some fun after. Henderix's book was fun. The mom was a nightmare, but it was a great pairing.

  5. The hubby and I were just talking about what vacation days we're going to use the rest of this year and into next year - thankfully, we can both roll over days and/or get paid out for them, so we don't have to worry about losing any days or feeling forced to use them when we don't want to.

    1. I can roll over sick days but not vacation. Use them or lose them. I guess it is can prevent burnout since we are forced to go on vacation/take days off. They only let us roll over at the end of 2020 because of lockdown, and it was only five days.

  6. I always struggle with the time change too.

    How To Stop Time looks intriguing. I've seen another book by him around a lot, but that one is new to me.

    Hope you have a nice Sunday :)

    1. The Midnight Library was pretty popular. I loved it, that's why I am reading How to Stop Time.

  7. Rain and reading sounds amazing right now. I hope the rain wasn't too much.

    1. Lately, the rain has been of the downpour kind. So heavy. I have been lucky to not be caught out in it. I didn't go shopping yesterday morning because it was like a monsoon out there at 6 am.

  8. That's awesome that your foot is feeling a little better. I'm so happy Eidelweiss came through for you with Check & Mate. That book is so good!

    1. I still haven't read the last Hazelwood book since Kiersten reviewed it. One of these days.

  9. Yay for a new haircut! I love getting my hair done even if its just a trim. Its just so rejuvenating. Glad it was a easy week for you and so envious of the rain! Love seeing solid ratings for those Sawyer Bennett books! She just writes great work that are so fun to read. Hope you have a great week of reading!

    1. We have had so much rain. I checked the YTD rainfall for my area, and we are at 31.9 inches. I was surprised to see it was below average because it seems like we have had a lot of rain. Bennett's books are always great. Both of these were solid additions to the series, and I liked the direction she went with Cannon. It was not what I expected.

  10. Glad to hear some of your foot issues are subsiding. Hope they find out solutions to the rest. I liked having Fridays off when I could. Fridays seemed to be troublesome with traffic. Having a day off here and there really makes working more bearable. Glad you get to schedule some!

    I'm looking forward to The Wake-Up Call, but will read it closer to the pub date. I'm on hold for Tom Lake and got a "skip-the-line" notification if I wanted it for 7 days but I ignored it since I don't have time for it right now. I think I'll try and request Check & Mate too. We'll see. Edelweiss is fickle.

    1. I usually work from home on Fridays as the trains are nuts with all the people heading the city on my way home. Day riders are the worst! I like having the Monday when I have something time consuming during the weekend. I know I cannot accomplish all my chores when I have something major (like the play - that is hours of my time between traveling and eating out after). Like I said, I was floored when I got the approved for Check & Mate. I had stopped requesting on EW because I kept getting rejected. Nice surprise.

  11. I hope the doctor is able to help you out today!! I hate that you're still struggling with the foot. I got a physical copy of Check & Mate and can't wait to read it! Hope we both love it.

    1. He's happy there has been progress, and we are just going to give the nerve a little longer to fully heal. At least the last set of injections did something. I am not sure if I will read Check & Mate. My daughter wanted it, but I may read it.I still have to read Hazelwood's last book. Kiersten reviewed that one for the blog, too

  12. We finally got a bit of rain last night for the first time since early June! My plants and yard already look so much better! I've got Tom Lake on hold, and can't wait to dive into my first Patchett novel.

    1. That is a dry spell. We have had almost 32 inches of rain this year, so we are doing ok in Middlesex County. This was my first Patchett. She seems well loved though. I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read Tom Lake

  13. I always contemplate bangs but I would if I would find myself blowing air up to move them out of my face?! LOL. And yay for taking a day off. I hope you find some relief soon with your foot *hugs*! Ohhh I'll be patiently waiting to see what you think of Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood, her books are always so much fun!

    1. I had bangs most of my life. I grew them out when my daughter was younger, but they never sat right. With age, the bangs are good. They cover the forehead wrinkles. LOL. My daughter will be the one reading and reviewing Check & Mate. She is a huge Ali Hazelwood fan. Her reviews are really good too, so I love when she does a post (this was her blog)

  14. Hey, I'm able to comment! Yay! I somehow missed that your foot problem involves numbness. I've been getting numbness on and off in my foot lately and I keep wondering if I should go to the doctor. There's no pain as of now, but it definitely worries me.

    1. Mine is from scar tissue entrapping the nerve. I did a bunch of injections, and it seems to be healing. I know nothing about feet, so I don't want to guess, but I would get it checked out. I waited so long to fix my foot that the healing has been a struggle

  15. I've been cutting my own hair for years but it's really long so it's easy to trim it. Hopefully the doctor can do something more to help you with your foot.

    1. He's happy and thinks the nerve is healing. I am frustrated that I need orthotics again, but I am tired of being in pain.

  16. I'm glad that the pain is becoming more manageable, even it you have to be patient. so many great books here, Sam. I hope you enjoy them all.

    1. I had the surgery in November, so I am being more than patient if you ask me, but at least there is progress

  17. I hope your doctor's visit was a good one. I finally grew out my bangs for that exact reason. The urge to butcher them between cuts was too strong, haha. Glad to hear the Beth O'Leary is good. I have that one coming up on my TBR soon and hadn't seen any reviews yet.

    1. The doctor thinks the nerve is healing, so progress. I look better with bangs. When I grew them out, I had to use so much product to get them to sit right. It was terrible. I liked the O'Leary book. It was very sweet. Nice found family vibe too. Hope you enjoy it
