Thursday, October 4, 2018

Blog Tour: The Geography of Lost Things - Jessica Brody

The Geography of Lost Things
Jessica Brody
Series: n/a
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
In this romantic road trip story perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen and Morgan Matson, a teen girl discovers the value of ordinary objects while learning to forgive her absent father.

After Ali’s father passes away, he leaves his one and only prized possession—a 1968 Firebird convertible—to his daughter. But Ali doesn’t plan on keeping it. Not when it reminds her too much of all her father’s unfulfilled promises. So when she finds a buyer three hundred miles up the Pacific coast willing to pay enough money for the car to save her childhood home, Ali can’t wait to get going. Except Ali has no idea how to drive a stick shift. But guess who does?

Ali’s ex-boyfriend, Nico. And Nico has other plans.

He persuades Ali that instead of selling the car, they should “trade up” the items they collect on their trip to eventually reach the monetary amount Ali needs. Agreeing with Nico’s crazy plan, Ali sets off on a unique adventure that is unlike anything she ever could have expected.

And it’s through Ali’s travels, through the strangers she meets and the things that they value—and why they value them—that Ali eventually comes to understand her father and how his life may not have been as easy and carefree as she previously thought. Because just like the seemingly insignificant objects Ali collects, not everything is exactly as it appears.

I always enjoy Brody's books, but usually there's a little something that keeps it from getting those all-the-stars. That was not the case with The Geography of Lost Things! Seriously, this is what I looked like when I finished reading this book:

I was crying. I was smiling. I was crying AND smiling. I just loved this story.

Five things I really loved about The Geography of Lost Things

  1. Brody really took me on a fantastic road trip. I got to travel through the picturesque Pacific Northwest, and Brody even took a little time out to visit some sights along the way. 
  2. This was both a physical and emotional journey. Ali learned a lot about her dad and herself. She discovered there were things were holding her back, and recognized that figuring out her relationship with her dad and her past was the key to her future. 
  3. Who knew Craig's List trading up could be so addictive.  I found myself eager to see what they would barter for next, and even if it was fictional, I found the trades quite thrilling. I liked the additional characters these deals brought into the story as well. They all seemed to have some interesting personal stuff to add, which always had some sort of tie-in to Ali's situation. I also loved the idea of how an object can have multiple meanings depending on the person. This experience helped Ali see things in a different way, and each bit of progress she made was so gratifying for me. 
  4. There were two pieces of information Brody made me work for, which I was worried she wasn't going to reveal. One was Ali's legal name. It wasn't the name, but rather the origin of the name that got me right in the feels. The second thing was about Nico. It was forever before we found out his story, but it definitely made me understand and love him more. And seriously, Nico ❤️
  5. There were all these little flourishes, which enhanced my enjoyment, such as: The Everything About Everything podcasts, all the little quizzes embedded in the narrative, the multitude of love for The Goonies, and the dogs! I believe I smiled every time one of these things popped up. 

And I have to do a BONUS shoutout for the ending. Brody knows how to do an ending. I was so happy at that point in the books, I was bouncing up and down. Not only was it an ending that left me elated, it also answered a lot of questions, and for that, I am grateful.

Overall: A fun and emotional journey, which allowed Ali to untangle her past to make room for her future.

* ARC received in exchange for an honest review.


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Jessica Brody knew from a young age that she wanted to be a writer. She started self “publishing” her own books when she was seven years old, binding the pages together with cardboard, wallpaper samples, and electrical tape.

After graduating from Smith College in 2001 where she double majored in Economics and French and minored in Japanese, Jessica later went on to work for MGM Studios as a Manager of Acquisitions and Business Development. In May of 2005, Jessica quit her job to follow her dream of becoming a published author.

Since then, Jessica has sold over fifteen novels for teens, tweens, and adults including 52 Reasons to Hate My Father, The Karma Club, My Life Undecided, and the three books in the Unremembered trilogy, the first of which is currently in development as a major motion picture by the producers of The Vampire Academy, Zero Dark Thirty, Life of Pi, and Slumdog Millionaire. In 2016, she released two new contemporary novels, A Week of Mondays (which is an official selection of the 2017 Texas Lone Star reading list) and Boys of Summer. In February 2017, her debut middle grade novel entitled, Addie Bell’s Shortcut to Growing Up, hit bookstore shelves, and later this year, two more contemporary YA novels will release: In Some Other Life (August) and The Chaos of Standing Still (November).

Jessica also writes books for the Descendants: School of Secrets series, based on the hit Disney Channel Original movie, Descendants!

Jessica’s books are published and translated in over twenty foreign countries. (Click here for a full list of foreign sales and publishers.) She currently splits her time between California and Colorado

Do you have a favorite road trip book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Sounds like this one has *so* much going for it! The "trading up" aspect is unique and I can see where that would add a lot to Ali's journey (meeting new people, learning what these things meant to them and the value they placed on them). And Nico sounds positively dreamy! I know how you are with your endings and I'm so glad this one delivered in a big way!

    1. This one took me by surprise, and the trading up thing was fantastic. Nico was pretty perfect, and I sort of understood what came between them the first time, and so hoped that they would move past it.

  2. Road trip! This sounds like a fun read, Sam, and I like how you described Ali coming to terms with her past to move forward.

    1. Lots of fun, but also emotional when it needed to be. Ali's journey was wonderful!

  3. I do love a good road trip novel! All the little extras in the book sound like it just makes it that more enjoyable, and you can't go wrong with dogs!! Thanks for sharing.


  4. I also feel the same way about Brody's book. They are good but not all the stars good. Happy to hear that this one was different for you. I love the sound of the road-trip and the MC's growth.

    1. Loved all the different things exploded in this book

  5. This was my first book by her! I really enjoyed it too. I loved the road trip and craig's list stuff so much. Great review!

    1. Definitely my favorite of her's so far. I have a few backlist to read, but this was wonderful

  6. I skimmed because I have this coming up but I always love her contemporaries. I can't wait to read it!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  7. Seeing so many of my friends love this book definitely has piqued my interest! I always love a good road trip story, and Pacific Northwest settings are some of my favorites. And all of the "little things" you mentioned sound so great! I'm really excited to read this. Great review, Sam! <3

  8. I love road trip books! This one sounds delightful!

  9. I love road trips and this sounds like a great one.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  10. I liked The Chaos of Standing Still, but I loved this book

  11. Crying and laughing, that's how you know a book is good! I've never heard of Craig's List trading up, but that does sound like it'd be fun to read about. I think I'd be invested in their trades too lol. Glad you found such an amazing book!

    1. One of the other tour hosts had an interview with Brody, and she talked about the inspiration for that storyline, and it was something about a guy who traded up one red paperclip to a house.

  12. This sounds so good! I love a good road trip book and this one sounds like it has so much going for it. Great review, Sam!

    1. I don't think I have read a road trip book, that I didn't enjoy to some degree, but I really loved this one.

  13. I'm glad you loved this one and that it was exceeded expectations compared to Brody's other books! This does sound like there's a lot going on but executed very well, which I love in a novel. 🤗

    1. I still have some of Brody's backlist to read, but so far, this is my favorite.

  14. If I wanted to read this one before your review, I REALLY want to read it now! I suddenly have a strong desire to learn Ali's legal name, and meet this mysterious Nico. I also have no idea what Craigslist Trading Up is, and I'm curious! It sounds like a lot of fun.

    Lovely review, Sam! I'm glad I can count on a good ending.
    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. This one left me super happy with answers about Ali's future. I was totally satisfied

  15. Oh Sam I so love the blurb and the cover! It reminds me of one of the roads we drove in Yellowstone Park! Excellent review!Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. I have never been to that park, but Northern California is on my bucket list

  16. I may not interested in this book before, but now I am! It sounds poignant, beautiful, and fun at the same time, I'm looking forward to read it!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

  17. I am glad this one was next level amazing for you!! I have been hearing good things about it and who doesn't love a good road trip read that gives you all the feels? It sounds like it was so well written as well. One I am going to have to keep an eye out for ;)

    1. So good! I sort of wanted it to keep going, because it was that good.

  18. I have this from Netgalley and I'm excited to read it!

    1. I absolutely loved it! My favorite of Brody's books so far.
