Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Made Me Warm and Fuzzy

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Books that made me warm and fuzzy!

I am not shy about my love for books that give me a case of the warm-fuzzies. I am all about a book that makes me feel, and I really love one that leaves me contented and happy.

A Quiet Kind of Thunder
Sara Barnard
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon Pulse

The romance was the source of warm-fuzzies for me here. It was so sweet and adorable and  is the type of first love everyone should be so lucky to experience. I am actually getting happy tears in my eyes as I write this. Cute, adorable, heartwarming -- this one delivered many feels.

My New Crush Gave to Me
Shani Petroff
Series: n/a
Publisher: Swoon Reads

Tons of things made me warm and fuzzy when I read Crush. When I was done with this book, I felt so buoyant, my heart so light, that I wanted to dance atop a mountain while making a joyful noise. This book oozed holiday charm, but also delivered a story filled with love, friendship, and family, which is something I associate with the holidays.

Foolish Hearts
Emma Mills
Series: n/a
Publisher: Henry Holt

Squee! This book made me so happy. I am pretty sure the smile didn't leave my face at any point when I was reading it. The characters were so fun and witty, the romance was super cute, and Claudia's family was the type of family one only dreams of. I can feel the warm-fuzzies just talking about it.

Christina Lauren
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

This was another book that featured an incredible family. Tanner's family was just all about love and support. They were open, honest, and accepting. I just adored them. But I must admit, it was the romance that made my heart pitter pat. I totally fell for Tanner and Sebastian and was rooting for them the whole time.

The Art of Feeling
Laura Tims
Series: n/a
Publisher: HarperTeen

This book is packed with tons of feels. It's a grief book (you know I love them), but what gave me the warm-fuzzies was the friendship that grew between Eliot and Sam. They each had a lot of healing to do, and I loved how they had each other to hold on to as they worked through it.

The Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love
Sarvenaz Tash
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

What a fun and sweet story. Graham and his sweet little unrequited heart just won me over and were responsible for my warm-fuzzy affliction. He made me laugh. He made me sigh. He even made me shed a few tears. I just loved him to pieces, and I loved when he spoke geek to me.

Ashley Poston
Series: n/a
Publisher: Quirk Books

If I was asked to describe this book in as few words as possible, I would say super-cute. Two things stand out as the source of my warm-fuzzies. First there was Sage, who was the kind of friend I always wished for. The other thing was the romance, especially the text messages between Darien and Elle.

The Museum of Heartbreak
Meg Leder
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon Pulse

I am always up for a friends-to-more story, and this one left such a wonderful impression on me. The friendship was going through a transition, but in the end, the history between Pen and Eph was something everlasting.

R.J. Palacio
Series: n/a
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf

This book, this book, this book! Auggie made me warm and fuzzy. His parents made me warm and fuzzy. This whole book just left me warm and fuzzy. This was a really special book about kindness, and we can never have enough of that in this world.

How to Keep a Boy From Kissing You
Tara Eglington
Series: n/a
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

You know what I loved about this one? I loved how cute and sweet it was. I also really thought the hate-to-love thing was done well too, and there were these moments, that just brought a smile to my face.

Do you have a favorite warm-fuzzy book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. The warm fuzzies are THE BEST! It's just this feeling that all is right with the world, and everything is bright and shiny lol

    1. Sometimes you just need that little lift, you know?

  2. I haven't read any of these except Wonder but they look quite interesting. Geekerella is on my TBR for so long now. And I loved Wonder, though I am yet to watch the movie.

    My TTT :http://flippingthruthepages.com/2018/01/ten-bookish-websites-apps/

    1. I was talking about Wonder to anyone who would listen for weeks after I read it. Just a stupendous read!

  3. So far I've only read A Quiet Kind of Thunder from you but definitely agree that's a warm fuzzy book. All of the rest of these are still on my TBR so I'm glad to hear they fall in this category as well :)

    1. Wasn't Thunder the best!!! I just cannot fangirl over that book enough.

  4. Some good looking books here, and they do look like they would give one a warm fuzzy! Geekerella and a Quiet Kind of Thunder both look great!

    1. Geekerella has that fun fandom side to it, and Thunder is just an adorable story of first love with a diversity twist. Adored them both.

  5. I've only read Wonder, but I love that. And I own Geekerella, so I need to get to that soon--- and I need to get my hands on Autoboyography. Warm and fuzzy books are just what you need sometimes.


    1. Wonder really lived up to its name. Absolutely splendid read! Those are both top notch warm-fuzzy books. I hope you at least try to get to Geekerella. It's all sort of sweet fun.

  6. Oh love love love Foolish Hearts and Autoboyography. So many warm and fuzzies!!! I have a lot of the rest on here on my TBR.

    1. I can still invoke the warmth they generated when necessary.

  7. I feel like almost all of these are on my TBR list. Great list!

    1. So, one step closer to reading them. Hope you get to a few.


  8. I keep meaning to read Geekerella.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I have nothing but praise for Geekerella. I think anyone, who subscribes to any sort of fandom would love it, PLUS wonderful friendships and romance.

  9. I've been hearing so much about Geekerella. It sounds adorable! :)

    1. It's a very fun read. I really enjoyed the fandom parts too.

  10. Aww what a sweet list!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/23/top-ten-tuesday-143/

    1. I have so many more I could add, but I wanted to highlight some books that I have not shown as much love to.

  11. I love book that give the warm and fuzzies! I would love to read Foolish Hearts.

    1. If your library has it, you should check it out. It's YA, but it has such a lovely family focus, I think it could appeal to a wider range of readers. Very sweet. Very fun.

  12. Foolish Hearts!!!! I LOVE Emma Mills!! She definitely knows how to bring the HAPPY without making my dark heart feel too sugary and ill. I love the cover of My New Crush Gave to Me. I'm such a sucker for covers like that.

    1. YEs!! I love all your exclamation points and will add to them for that book!!!!!! "without making my dark heart feel too sugary and ill" *laughing* The cool thing about Crush's cover, is that it was actually knitted by a person. I think it was Petroff's editor that made it. Very awesome, if you ask me.

  13. I need to make sure I pick up all these books because I too enjou the warm and fuzzies. The first book that came to mind when I saw your topic was I Believe in a Thing Called Love. It's so sweet.

    1. Desi was so wonderful and her relationship with her dad supplied me with lots of warm fuzzies.

  14. OOh nice ones! I think I'd struggle with this one! There have been books that gave me warm fuzzy feels but it wasn't through the entire book! Like just a moment or two of one of my paranormals that had me all warm and fuzzy inside!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  15. Having just read Wonder this month, I totally agree. Auggie was perfectly precious and I just loved his family. Autoboyography is so high on my TBR. It needs to happen SOON.

    1. He really was perfectly precious, and his parents!!! *I'm crying* Tanya, make Autoboyography happen. It is really heartwarming.

  16. Geekerella is one of my favourites as well, same with A Quiet Kind Of Thunder. I loved the diversity of characters. Foolish Hearts is on my to read list as well, I loved her first novel, she reminds me of a cross between Jenn Bennett and Morgan Matson, such a wonderful author <3

    1. I am so happy I finally read Emma Mills, because she is exactly my cup of tea. I have her other books, and just need to make some room in the rotation for backlist. I agree. She shares a lot of good qualities with Bennett and Matson.

  17. I loved Geekerella and I need to read more books that make me feel warm and fuzzy. I have The Geek's Guide and need to check out the rest of your list.

    1. If you have Geek's Guide, you should give it a try. It was really wonderful.

  18. Replies
    1. It's just a stellar book that I recommend to people of all ages.

  19. Autoboyography absolutely knocked me out in the best way, and Crush delivered all the sweetness I wanted and needed. I need to get more Petroff books after reading that one.
