Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: I Have Lost My Way - Gayle Forman

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week I can't wait for I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman!

I Have Lost My Way
Gayle Forman
Series: n/a
Release Date: April 1, 2018
Publisher: Penguin Teen
Waited on by: Sam
A powerful story of empathy and friendship from the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of If I Stay.

Around the time that Freya loses her voice while recording her debut album, Harun is making plans to run away from everyone he has ever loved, and Nathaniel is arriving in New York City with a backpack, a desperate plan, and nothing left to lose. When a fateful accident draws these three strangers together, their secrets start to unravel as they begin to understand that the way out of their own loss might just lie in help­ing the others out of theirs.

An emotionally cathartic story of losing love, finding love, and dis­covering the person you are meant to be, I Have Lost My Way is best­selling author Gayle Forman at her finest.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't even read the blurb when I added this to my TBR. It earned a place there just by virtue of being written by Gayle Forman. My prior experiences with Forman have all been great.

Aside from my obvious love for Forman's books, there are a few other things drawing me to this book.
  • It's set in NYC, and I love books set there, because it's where I grew up.
  • We have not one, but THREE characters working through loss, and you all know how I love a good story of loss. 
  • Fate brings these three strangers together, and I am always up for a good happenstance story. 
  • Healing through helping others - how wonderful does that sound? 
  • Secrets. Did somebody say secrets? 
  • A story of self-discovery. 

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Wow, that's a whole lot of 5 star reads (plus a couple 4 stars). I've only read three from Forman and while I enjoyed two of them (If I Stay and Where She Went) I didn't like the other (I Was Here). I haven't felt led to pick up anything else by her. Not opposed to, but just because there are so many other things I'm excited about. What's lame is that I've changed my mind about reading Just One Day/Just One Year but my copies are signed and personalized so I feel like I can't get rid of them. LOL

    1. I Was Here was darker, but I did like her approach to the mental health issues and was able to really connect with Cody and feeling "stuck". The Just One Day books were my favorites, actually. Just the idea of spending a year looking for that someone that you connected with. I loved it.

  2. Wow, that's impressive. I already wanted to read this book but now you have me convinced I need to go back and read all of Forman's books.

    1. I am a Forman fan. I need to read Sisters in Sanity. They have it on Overdrive, but it's ePub, so I would have to read it on my Fire (not a fan of the glare). Once I do, I'll have read them all.

  3. This isn't an author I read or follow but I can tell how excited you are for this. The cover is so pretty too.

    1. Forman is a definite go-to for me, and I am glad she the new one is YA.

  4. I can't wait to read this one! I enjoy reading Forman books as they really grab at the heart strings. Great pick!! I hope you love this one!

  5. I haven't read anything by Gayle Forman yet, but her books sound so good! I hope you love this one!

    1. As a lover of all things contemporary with lots of romance, her books work for me.

  6. It's always great to have a new book by a favorite author! Enjoy!

    1. Yes! As long as she writes them, I will read them.

  7. The two books of Forman's that I've read I did really like. I need to read another of her books. Great pick!
    Check out my Wednesday Post

    1. I have yet to not enjoy one of her books, and this one sounds really wonderful.

  8. This sounds so good! And Forman's writing is always so amazing too. Great pick.

  9. Forman is a gifted writer. I can see why you'd want this one without knowing anything about it. I really like the sound of this one. I like to read books involving how people cope with and overcome loss too.

    1. She is pretty much a go-to for me. It's a bonus that it appears to include grief and loss, which I seem to love.

  10. I've heard of Forman's works, but I've never read her books. Sounds interesting though! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Did you see the movie adaptation of her book, If I Stay? It was pretty a pretty good adaptation.

  11. I absolutely love Gayle Foreman too and couldn't agree more, she's wonderful and I've enjoyed all of her previous releases so far. I'm really looking forward to this one, it sounds brilliant as usual. She's one of my few auto purchase authors. Thanks for sharing Sam, great choice! <3

    1. She always does right by me, and I will read it, if she writes it.

  12. I feel like this is one of those books that makes you bawl your eyes out. Wouldn't mind giving it a go!

    1. Forman definitely brings the tears, but she leaves you hopeful or happy in the end.

  13. Great pick! Gayle Forman is such a gifted writer ~ hope you enjoy this book and I'm looking forward to reading your review.

    Renee ~ My CWW

    1. She just writes these fabulously flawed characters and always hits me right in the feels.

  14. Nice pick! Not really my kind of read but I hope you will thoroughly enjoy this one once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  15. I've actually never read anything by Forman as of yet! I know, blasphemy! Is there a particular book you would recommend I should start from?

    1. Hey, I have a long list of authors who are HUGE, and I have yet to read anything by them (JK Rowling? Probably will never read any of her books)

  16. I am so happy that we are getting a new Gayle Forman book! It seems like forever since I have read anything by her. I hope that we both enjoy this one! :)

    1. I think I got her last book at BEA 2016, so it has been a while. AND that was not a YA book.

  17. I've only ever read one book by Gayle Forman because contemporary is not my usual genre. I've heard so many great things about her stuff though. What book of hers do you recommend the most?

    1. Contemporary is my sweet spot, and I am a fan. If I Stay is a fan favorite, but honestly, I loved her Just One Day books more.

  18. That book keeps coming up, and I will admit, if I compare her work to each other, it was my least favorite, but I still liked it.

  19. Secrets plus NYC plus three people coming together, by fate or chance, and desperate- sounds like a good read t ome!

  20. I love that GIF! I was so happy when she fell down that trap door. Bad Egg! Lol!

    I have only read two of her books, If I Stay and Where She Went. I enjoyed them both! I always tell myself I'm going to read the rest of her books, but I haven't gotten around to it. I'll try this year!

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Veruca is one of my favorite literary characters. If I Stay was such a gut punch. How could it not be? I think Forman's talent lies in how she can balance the pain with the hope and joy.

  21. I'm not as big of a fan of Forman's as you are (I've only read one of her books), but I do really like her writing style, so I'll be giving this one a go! The whole fate bringing strangers together thing always works well for me.

    1. If I find an author I like, I try to read ALL their books, and Forman made the cut for me. I was really excited to get a DRC for this this on Thursday, and am giddy with excitement to read it.
