Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday - Don't call it a comeback

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Don't call it a comeback!

Happy Tuesday! This week we were given a lot of freedom with the topic. We were supposed to find books that featured a particular theme or plot device. There are SO many to choose from, but one thing I always enjoy is a comeback story. 

There are so many things characters can come back from. Some have to redeem themselves professionally or romantically. There were some characters who needed to rise from the ashes of a life filled with abuse. There are even books down there with the classic sports comeback, as well as one where the character must comeback from a health issue that forced her to learn to walk and talk again. 

Regardless of what they are coming back from, I find these books very inspiring and feel-good. I love the idea that we can fail and rise again. That every bad feeling is not forever, and the authors of the books below did a fantastic job taking me on these comeback journeys. 

  1. Any Trope But You by Victoria Lavine
  2. Work in Progress by Kat MacKenzie
  3. Lulu's Cafe by T.I. Lowe
  4. The Favorites by Layne Fargo
  5. Unromance by Erin Connor
  1. Pictures of You by Emma Grey
  2. Is She Really Going Out With Him? by Sophie Cousens
  3. The Jewel of the Isle by Kerry Rea
  4. What Does It Feel Like? by Sophie Kinsella
  5. Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center

Favorite comeback book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I so rarely can remember books for things like this but I immediately went to Carrie Soto is back!

    1. Carrie Soto is one of my favorite comeback books. I did this topic before (I learned after I did it, ha!), and Carrie was on that other list.

  2. I like the idea of this. Some comebacks are good in a book.
