Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week. This was a lather-rinse-repeat week for me. Read-work-clean. I did pick up my new glasses, and WOW! What a difference with my readers. I really needed to update that script. When I asked the person at Lens Crafter to explain the charges, she didn't seem to understand them either. LOL! I kept asking why I didn't get the frame allowance, and she assured me that I did better the way the salesperson put it in. *shrug* It's over and done with. I will just enjoy these and go to Pearl Vision next time. 

The weather has been windy. So windy, and it makes it seem colder then it should be. But there there are higher temperatures predicted for this week, so I say, bring on fake spring! Maybe it will stick around. I need something to soothe my ire due to the time change. Why are so many people still embracing Daylight Savings Time? It wrecks me every year. I should be really feeling it tomorrow which makes Monday so much worse than normal. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Isn't It Romantic? - Promise Me Sunshine, Code Word Romance
  • Tuesday: TTT - Pseudonyms and Ghostwriters
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Griffin Sisters' Greatest Hits, It Happened on Christmas Eve
  • Thursday: Library Loans - Beg, Borrow, or Steal, The Favorites
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - February 2025
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Workplace Romances

Let's Discuss

Stacking the Shelves

This was a good book week all around. I got two approvals for highly anticipated releases. Laura Wood's last release was such a win for me, I am eager to read more, and seeing Ashley Schumacher move to adult romance is exciting. I anticipate both of these being big hits for me. 

Burnout and The Pick Up have both been on my TBR for a while, so I one-clicked when I saw them for $0.99. That's an offer I cannot refuse. I have been wanting to check out Kate Watson's adult romances, so I nabbed a free book to check it out. 

The most surprising thing was finally getting an Edelweiss invite for a book I want to read. Nikki Erlich's The Measure was amazing, so I immediately downloaded The Poppy Fields. I also got invites for Stephanie Perkins' adult novel and the new Kelley Armstrong contemporary. I want to read both. I have to figure out if I can handle them. From May to July are maxed out for me, but I may be able to do it. Game On looks pretty good to me too. So many books, so little time. 




Read Last Week

I cannot complain about my reading this week. I had two books that rated 4.5 stars (Out of the Woods, Any Trope But You), and the new Tracey Lange book got the full five. What Happened to the McCays? had a lot of Lange's signature elements, but it was very different from her other two books. It was set in a blue collar town, and one of the characters was even related to The Brennans, but it was *almost* a romance. The story was fantastic and emotional, and I was literally saying prayers for the ending I wanted. So good! 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. "I will just enjoy these and go to Pearl Vision next time."
    That will teach them LOL.

    At least you got invites for books you really want to read this time!

    The video is a ton of fun 😂.

    1. Those dogs were fun. I felt a little bad, but it was hilarious.

  2. I hate Daylight Savings Time! It messes up my brain so bad. I don't function well when my sleep gets messed up.

    1. They said there is a rise in heart attacks when we spring forward and a decrease when we fall back. Sleep is a fragile thing and so vital to overall health.

  3. We had some crazy wind last week. And its suppose to be close to 80 here by Wednesday. And I am upset about the time change as well-how can one hour screw everything up!

    1. Still super windy here. Not sure when that will die down. That one hour really does make a difference. I cannot believe people still want this. UGH!
