Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Can't Wait Wednesday!

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I am combining CWW with Books From the Backlog hosted by Carole at Carole's Random Life in Books. This will allow me to feature some newly "rediscovered" books, which I plan on reading, alongside a new release.

This week I can't wait for

The Griffin Sisters' Greatest Hits
 by Jennifer Weiner
Published by William Morrow on April 8, 2025
Age/Genres: Adult, Fiction

One of the most anticipated books of the year, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner, a glimmering novel set in the world of pop music about sisters, motherhood, young love, and the dreams we chase.

Sisters Cassie and Zoe Grossberg were born just a year apart but could not have been more different. Zoe, blessed with charm and beauty, yearned for fame from the moment she could sing into a hairbrush. Cassie was a musical prodigy who never felt at home in her own skin and preferred the safety of the shadows.

On the brink of adulthood in the early 2000s, destiny intervened, catapulting the sisters into the spotlight as the pop sensation the Griffin Sisters, hitting all the touchstones of early aughts fame—SNL, MTV, Rolling Stone magazine—along the way.

But after a whirlwind year in the public eye, the band abruptly broke up.

Two decades later, Zoe’s a housewife; Cassie’s off the grid. The sisters aren’t speaking, and the real reason for the Griffin Sisters’ breakup is still a mystery. Zoe’s teenage daughter, Cherry, who’s determined to be a star in spite of Zoe’s warnings, is on a quest to learn the truth about what happened to the band all those years ago.

As secrets emerge, all three women must face the consequences of their choices: the ones they made and the ones the music industry made for them. Can they forgive each other—and themselves? And will the Griffin Sisters ever make music again?

It's been a while since I read a book from Weiner, and this one really calls to me. First and foremost it's about sisters. I LOVE books about siblings. It's about musical sisters who were headed for success when something happened. I want to know what happened! I want to see them mend their broken bridges and be a part of each other's lives. I want to know all the secrets they are keeping. Obviously, I am already invested, so I bet this will be a hit for me. 

It Happened One Christmas Eve
 by Kirsty Greenwood
Published on November 12, 2019
Age/Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

The top three reasons why I do not like Christmas are as follows:

1. It's super cheesy.
2. Everyone drinks boiled red wine that tastes like air freshener and pretends they enjoy it.
3. Last year the man I was in love with decided that Christmas Day was a perfectly decent time to reveal that he did not feel the same way about me.

So you can see why, on Christmas Eve, it's totally reasonable for me to just want to get home from work as soon as possible, close the curtains, eat my weight in noodles and watch horror movies until the whole thing is over.

My boss, Marcy, has other ideas. Her son Adam broke his leg ice-skating and now she needs me to accompany him on his last minute Christmas errands around Notting Hill where we live. It wouldn't be half as bad if Adam wasn't the most irritatingly confident, annoyingly enthusiastic Christmas-giddy man I've ever encountered. And, well, a whole lot sexier than I expected he'd be...

Greenwood's Love of My Afterlife was such a wonderful read for me, so I sought out more books from this author. This novella was on sale, so I thought, why not! I one-clicked and planned to read it, but you know. It may not be the holiday season, but I am excited to finally fit this in, and I think holiday books are great any time of the year. 

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I haven't read Weiner in a while either, but this one sounds good!

    1. I have liked everything I have read though, so it could be a good one

  2. I really enjoyed The Love of My Afterlife, so I'll check out her novella.

    1. A great book! I am hopeful this will be a good one too
