Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Here we are - the last Sunday of January. This month went fast! It was brutal cold, so I am not sad to say goodbye. 

Last week, we had the holiday on Monday which means I had to switch my in-office days around to make the three day requirement. I was going to do Tuesday - Thursday, but when I was checking the weather Wednesday morning, it was 5 degrees. I couldn't do it. Maybe 12 doesn't sound much better, but it's technically warmer. I saw a 30 degree morning in the forecast this week - HEAT WAVE! 

It was a lot of the same old, same old for me. Work, clean, read. 

For people who read on Kindle, did your "return to library" option disappear? Mine did. I found a post where the "remove from library" takes its place. I have not tried it. I have just been returning the books from my Amazon account, but I was curious if this has happened to anyone else. It seems to be a thing on newer Kindles because my daughter still have the "return to library" option. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - If Tomorrow Never Comes, Wreck My Plans
  • Tuesday: TTT - New Additions
  • Wednesday: CWW - Life Hacks for a Little Alien, The Memo
  • Thursday: Reviews - The Housekeeper and the Professor, Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop
  • Friday: Spell the Month in Books - January 2025
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Starts with "D"

Let's Discuss

  • Dini talks bookish trends of 2024
  • Heather wonders if you talk about books in real life

Stacking the Shelves

I am overwhelmed with invites this week, and some are books from my TBR which is great. I have to check my numbers because so many months are already maxed out (8 ARCs), but I really want some of these. Decisions, decisions. 

I clicked a bunch of free books this week. Obviously, I had to have the book with the cats on the cover, and I clicked two of the Moo U books. I have read a few of those but wasn't going to download them all. I like Snowe and Snowballed sounded good to me. 




Read Last Week

I was worried about my TBR this week as some of the books had some lower ratings, but I liked them all. 

I almost DNFed You Between the Lines because the character kept raging about "straight white males" and "white male authors". I just have a thing about white people raging about white people. But then something happened. She stopped doing that, and the story was great. 

My favorite of the week was The Curious Kitten at the Chibineko Kitchen. This was a really lovely story about grief, loss, and remembering our dearly departed. As with a lot of the Asian Lit I have been enjoying, this story episodic with a touch of magic. All the stories were touching, but the last two had me in tears. They went above and beyond and really hit me in my feels. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. "I saw a 30 degree morning in the forecast this week - HEAT WAVE!"
    For sure! 🤣

    There's no shortage of cat books, is there? You must be in heaven.

    1. Isn't it amazing how many books I have found with cats on the covers? And they have all been great, too.

  2. It was crazy cold here on Wednesday as well, and Friday it was 24 degrees in the morning and I was like "wow its really nice today". WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? This winter has been brutal.

    1. It's amazing how we just need to experience those tundra conditions to think 24 is nice.

  3. OMG Sam that's so cold! Also I haven't noticed the "return to the library" but you are probably right. And that video with the goats ahd me laughing so hard! Poor goats!

    1. Fainting goats never get old. Their defense mechanism is unreal.

  4. Yeah that is cold. I don't mind the cold that we have been getting. I haven't clicked on any ARC's lately. I have 100 Kindle books to read right now. There are always so many freebies that I click on and then they sit on my Kindle.

    1. It's tough waiting outside at 4:30 in the morning, in the dark and wind and it's that cold.
