Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - 2024 Favorites

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

2024 Favorites!

Happy Tuesday! I just finished a week where I shared lots of my favorites from 2024. So, I am going to put a spin on this. I read 43 books which I awarded five-stars, and I decided to select ten that were set outside the US. I only read books in English, so most of these "outside" settings are England, but Australia, Japan, and Canada are also represented. 

  1. Pictures of You by Emma Grey
  2. Is She Really Going Out With Him? by Sophie Cousens
  3. What Does It Feel Like? by Sophie Kinsella
  4. Eddie Winston is Looking for Love by Marianne Cronin
  5. If Cats Disappeared From the World by Genki Kawamura

What was your 2024 favorite?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Love this spin on the topic! I find I end up reading a lot of books set in England.

    1. Same though with all the Asian books being translated and getting US releases, I have been reading a lot more set in those parts.

  2. I like that these are set outside of the US. So fun! They all look like books I’d enjoy. Happy New Year!

    1. I like when I get to travel via a book and get a non-US perspective. Happy New Year to you as well!

  3. I haven't heard of any of these! Looks like some good reads though.
    I didn't do a TTT this week, but I did post my top books of 2024 (I picked one for each month, well or more than one, and narrowed it down at the end)

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

    1. I don't know if I could do one per month. It's hard to pick favorites.

  4. Loved How to Age Disgracefully, too! I need to read some of her backlist. I'm going to look through your favorite lists if not all today I will get to them soon, Sam!

    1. I loved all Pooley's books. She does community and connection really well.

  5. More new to me books. Happy New Year to you.

  6. I read a lot of books set in Australia this year since I've recently discovered several favorite Aussia authors. It's always fun to find new ones to love :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. When I was reading a lot of young adult books, I read tons of Australian authors, but it's been less in the adult realm. I was glad to discover some new-to-me authors from there this year.

  7. 43 5 star reads?! And I thought I had a lot with 17 haha

    1. That is actually low for me, only about 13% of my books (my total was 319 this year). I am usually about 20%, but at least I found some spectacular books.

  8. Great list! This reminds me that I need to read Kinsella's book. I don't know why I keep pushing that off (although I suspect it's probably because I feel like I need to emotionally gear up to read it)! I hope you continue to find amazing books in the year ahead, Sam.

    1. The Kinsella book can be a "hard book". It's about a tough thing, but I promise, it had this overall uplifting feel and it was hopeful.

  9. I have not read a single one of these yet, but I'm hoping to pick up Cousens book soon.

    1. I am surprised. We usually have some books in common.

  10. Forty-three 5-star reads is amazing! You really had a great year in reading.

    1. Percentage-wise, it's lower than last year, but I definitely read some great books.

  11. I loved How to Age Disgracefully and Eudora Honeysett as well!

    1. Great characters and great books! So happy we both enjoyed them.
