Friday, November 8, 2024

Discussion - Non Non-Fiction Reader

This Week's Topic

Non Non-Fiction Reader

I was recently reading a Non-Fiction November post which had me reflecting on my own non-fiction reading. Well, it's pretty much non-existent, and I was wondering why. As a kid, I used to sit and read through our encyclopedias because I wanted to know EVERYTHING, but now, I seems to have lost my lust for it. Is it because we have so much information available all the time? Maybe, but I can think of two major reasons I don't run for non-fiction. 
  1. I am all read out. My undergraduate and graduate majors required a LOT of reading, and it was never the light kind. I had to read science texts and journals and data analyses until I couldn't see straight. Then while working in IT, I had to read a ton of articles to and programming books to keep up with the changing technology. After that, I was always reading education journal, texts, and student work for my teaching job. 
  2. I read for entertainment. After I left teaching, I finally had free time and could pleasure read again. I was reading for entertainment. I don't go to movies or watch television, so this I don't really want to read something "informative" or "educational"; I just want to shut out the world for a bit. I did used to read more weighty books, but as the world got uglier, I sought more escape. I especially stay away from books that include politics as I feel like I am constantly bombarded with that. I don't need it in my pleasure reading. 
  3. I know a lot of people are not big non-fiction readers but enjoy memoires. Well, I do not buy into celebrity culture. I have never been a fangirl. I have my famous story of standing right next to a famous someone and not recognizing them. *shrugs* Good for them that they can make a lot of money doing whatever they do, but that doesn't make me want to read a book about them. 
Do you read non-fiction? Why or why not?

Now it's your turn!

Do you read non-fiction books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I do read some non fiction. It's not my favorite, I definitely prefer to read for pleasure and just to have fun with an interesting story, that's why I like fantasy so much. But sometimes I'm interested in a specific topic I want to learn more and I pick some books, or I also like to read books about personal grown sometimes. It's great when you can choose what to read instead of being an obligation.

    1. Fantasy is definitely the ultimate escape. I think reading more on a topic of interest is a great way to spend your time. I think I HAD to do that so much, and that's where my aversion was born.
