Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ch-Ch-Changes

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...


Happy Tuesday! This week we are talking about how our reading habits have changed. Most of these are changes I have noticed over the past few years with maybe one or two newer things. Some are positive, others are negative, but they are all changes none the less. 

  1. I read less - I am still pretty steady with five books read a week, but my numbers have fallen due to consuming less audiobooks. I used to listen to several a week, and now, if I get through one a week, I'm happy. 
  2. I read very little young adult - This used to be my bread and butter. Most of my reading was YA until 2020 when I sort of fell out of love with the offerings. 
  3. I read slower - I have no idea why or how this happened, but it's true. My page rate is down, and it makes me sad. 
  4. I read less romance - I still read many books with romantic subplots but not as many straight romance book.
  5. I read less ARCs - I don't feel I need to request as many ARCs these days. I have limited myself to about eight per publishing month, and it works well for me. It gives me just enough blog material while allowing me a lot of freedom with my weekly TBR. One only hopes this motivates me to read owned books though I have seen no evidence of this. 

  1. I read more books set outside the US - I have fallen in love with these charming books written by Asian authors and have been reading quite a few translated works. Thanks to all the US publishers putting these books out in recent years, there are many to choose from and have been utter delights.
  2. I read more library books - This was a big reason why I started requesting less ARCs. My library gets a lot of great book, and there are so many older books I would love to read. Sometimes, I have to wait, but it's not like I have nothing else to read. It also spawned my Library Loans feature which lets me hype books that are already published. 
  3. I read more (women's) fiction - I am consuming less young adult and romance, and really leaning into the women's fiction. I have always read some, but I think the bulk of my read shelf is filled with women's fiction these days. I still get that touch of romance but with more focus on other things. It's a balance that has been working well for me. 
  4. I read more enchanted realism - Once upon a time, I read my daughter's fantasy books but contemporaries are my first love. Enchanted realism gives me that contemporary read I adore with a touch a magic. It's a win-win. 
  5. I read less blogs - This is really because so many bloggers are gone, and I am terrible about finding new blogs. This is something I would like to work on. 

How has your reading changed?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I also read way less YA than I used to, although I have read quite a few this year, which is surprising to me. Besides romance, women's fiction is my jam.

    1. I hardly ever see any YA on your blog (other than McDowell book). Maybe you don't feature them?

    2. I probably don't feature them as much, or else they could also be categorized as something else, so maybe don't always appear as YA at first.

  2. I read slower, less romance and less ARCs too!

  3. Replies
    1. It seems to be the way for many of the bloggers in my circle other than the ones with the big IG accounts.

  4. This is the first I’ve heard the term enchanted realism…..is it synonymous with magical realism? I also limit my arcs to a reasonable number. I’m an incorrigible mood reader, so I need wiggle room! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies

    1. There is that school of though that "magical realism" is supposed to be associated with works by Latin American authors pertaining to societal issues, etc. I saw the use of enchanted realism and liked it.

  5. A lot of book bloggers have left our community for different reasons and that makes me sad. I miss a lot of the ones that I used to read. Boo hoo. I'm always glad to find fun new ones, though, especially since these days it's all about Bookstagram and BookTok. Blogs are more my speed. When they go, I go! Ha ha.

    Happy TTT!

    Happy TTT!

    1. I really try to limit my social media. I only go on IG for a few minutes a day. I prefer reading blogs or reviews on Goodreads.

  6. My changes in reading mirror yours, Sam! I used to read lots of YA and now it's one rare occasions. I also read less straight up romance books. They just don't hold my attention as much. Usually I'm reading a mystery, thriller, or women's fiction instead. I always hope there's a bit of romance in those reads, though. And I don't commit to or grab up nearly the amount of ARCs I used to either. I don't mind the wait for new releases at my library. Like you said, it's not like I don't have something else to read in the meantime anyhow.

  7. I stepped away from YA (and new adult) years ago when I found I just no longer enjoyed (or connected with) the characters and the subject matter. There have been very rare exceptions, though. Katie McGarry released a new one this week and I downloaded the Kindle version before I could blink. I always loved her story telling.

    1. I still read my favorite YA authors if they put something new out. They seem to stay true to who they always were, and I enjoyed their stories. I was excited to see McGarry revisiting that series. You will have to let me know how it is.

  8. I read less YA too, really. I am pickier about it too I find. I have gotten into more adult sci-fi and even horror, which has been fun. But I feel you with reading fewer blogs, it makes me sad!

    1. That is interesting. I know you read a lot of SFF stuff, but I didn't realize your YA had dropped. I more or less only pick up a YA book if it's by a favorite author.
