Friday, October 18, 2024

Discussion - The Struggle is Real

This Week's Topic

The Struggle is Real

I know we all struggle with reviews from time to time, but recently, it's been quite troublesome for me. I know it had something to do with being on my trip with no computer access, but the more I think about it, I believe there's another reason. 

Have you ever read a book by an author that you loved so much, and you were so excited about their follow-up? But when you read the new release, it doesn't quite rise to the level of the previous book? This happened to me several times last month. The books were good, but I expected them to be better. I felt a bit let down, and thus, struggled with trying to put my thoughts about the book into words. 

I wholeheartedly think a book should be judged on its own merits, yet, I kept thinking about how the author's last book was so much better. It's wrong and unfair, and I chastised myself for doing this. The more I berated myself for this behavior, the more difficult my review was to write. 

I am glad to report that those reviews are FINALLY written. I hope I captured some positive feelings about the books because they were solid (4/5), and I did enjoy them. But, yes, it as a struggle. 

Have you ever had a hard time reviewing a book? What reasons were behind the difficulty? 

Now it's your turn!

Do you ever struggle with reviews?
Let us know in the comments!

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