Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - What's Cooking?

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

What's Cooking?

Happy Tuesday! Today we are talking about book which feature food in some way. I do seek them out, but these books tend to find me. I must admit, they feature such wonderful descriptions that they leave me hankering for whatever they were describing. 

  1. Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber - Magical pies
  2. Elizabeth of East Hampton by Audrey Bellezza, Emily Harding - Sour cherry muffins 
  3. The Break-Up Pact by Emma Lord - Scones of all kinds
  4. Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca - Banana bread
  5. Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame by Olivia Ford - So many amazing things!
  1. The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E. Reichert - Coconut cake and more
  2. The Funeral Ladies of Ellerie County by Claire Swinarski - Mid-western casseroles 
  3. The Kamogawa Food Detectives by Hisashi Kashiwai - Lots of amazing foods
  4. Effie Olsen's Summer Special by Rochelle Bilow - So many things!
  5. Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams - Pastries

Have you read any great food books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. It's kind of weird, but the Inspector Gamache series (mystery/thriller) actually has a lot of really good food descriptions - they are always talking about what they're eating in the town's cafe!

    1. I love books that talk about all this great food that I may have never eaten. It makes me want to try a lot of new things.

  2. They indeed seem to find you Sam! Great list!

  3. I love when there's a cooking theme in a book. Bakeries are always fun.

  4. Effie Olsen had so much food that sounded amazing! I should go back and write down a few of her combinations to try.

  5. I do love when a book features food, but it's not always helpful with my self control.

  6. You remembered some good ones! The first one I thought of was Sadie on a Plate by Amanda Elliot.

    1. Cooking competition books always feature so many fun and delicious dishes.

  7. No surprise here, but I love books with food, cooks, or family recipe type stories.

    1. It is no surprise. I love seeing all your food experiments.

  8. When this prompt came up, I immediately thought about cozy mysteries, but I have read so many other books about food as well. Thanks for the reminder about The Funeral Ladies, I had forgotten about that one.

  9. I love when a book character is a foodie. Or when food plays a prominent role (family meals, a restaurant/bakery setting, etc). I love that the Swinarski book featured mid-western casserole. So Americana. :)

    1. The book was set in Wisconsin, so very midwestern.
