Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Take Me Away!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Take Me Away!

Happy Tuesday! Today, we are talking about books that help us escape. One of my motivations for reading is to escape the ills of everyday life. It's one of the big reasons I tend toward romances and lighter fare. 

I guess one would think fantasy would provide me more of an escape, but I like being grounded in the read world (to some extent). I suppose it makes me feel like the good things experienced by the characters in the story are possible for me to experience as well. What sets these books apart is that they all have a touch of magic, some magical element that leaves me somewhere between a fantasy world and the real world. Most (all?) of these authors tend to employ a bit of magic in all their books, and I really have adored all their work. 

No matter, here are ten books I read this year that took me away and left me in a rather happy state by the end. 

  1. One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle
  2. At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities by Heather Webber
  3. The Scent Keeper by Erica Bauermeister
  4. The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie by Rachel Linden
  5. The Love of My Afterlife by Kristy Greenwood
  1. The Good Part by Sophie Cousens
  2. The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E. Reichert
  3. The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston
  4. This Spells Love by Kate Robb
  5. Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

What kind of books take you away?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Magical realism is such a neat genre. I love the blend of the real world with that touch of magic. Great choices!

    1. It is a genre I have grown to love by finding so many great authors.

  2. I usually escape into either something very familiar, like a long-running series or favorite author, or to something more light-hearted. No matter the genre, it has to be a page-turner, or I won't be able to get lost in it.

    1. I think there is a lot of comfort in a long running series. It's like catching up with an old friend.

  3. We are both on opposite sides today! You wanting to be grounded and me not at all!

  4. I read for escape too! The Love of My Afterlife was fun and unique, but I liked the deeper bits, too!

    1. It was a fun one with just the right amount of weightier stuff. That's my sweet spot

  5. I love romances with a touch of magic. How is it that I have only read 2 of these? I need to get busy reading.

    1. I think you have been reading plenty! You monthly "read" was impressive considering two jobs and a big trip

  6. I loved The Good Part! I also enjoy stories that contain just a bit of magical realism.

    1. I think if that magical element is used well, it's a spectacular addition to the story.
