
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope the new month is off to a great start for everyone. The highlight of my week was seeing my daughter after four months. It's always nice. I did not take time off because we have our trip coming up, but we did get to go out with my parents and will have some more time together next week. 

I am pretty much just counting down to my trip. I didn't go on vacation last year, so I am even more eager to have a nice break from work. I was kind of surprised I had to pay to reserve a seat on an international flight. I am heading to Europe on Lufthansa, and I paid $39 for my seat. It's not special. It's in the back of the plane, but it's on the aisle and near the bathroom. With my bladder issue, I need easy access, especially for a long flight. I have not been on a long flight in quite a while. I hope it goes well. 

Since we have our trip this month, my daughter will NOT be coming for my birthday. Therefore, she brought my gifts early. Every year, she gets me moon cakes. This year, she did a special order with a baker in Chicago and got me a dozen Hello Kitty ube moon cakes. I am a big fan of these, so I was thrilled. She also got me an adorable hedgehog throw rug. I happen to adore hedgehogs, so obviously I love it. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - Lowcountry Lost, Prime Time Romance
  • Tuesday: TTT - What's Cooking?
  • Wednesday: CWW - Puppy Love at Mistletoe Junction, Maybe Next Time
  • Thursday: Reviews - How Not to Die Alone, The Same Bright Stars
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - August 2024
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - Vermont

Let's Discuss

  • Laure builds a case for writing opinionated book reviews
  • AJ shares a narcissism post about narcissism posts

Stacking the Shelves

I one-clicked again. Dear Dotty was on my TBR, and the sale price was so low, had to do it. The Modern Girl's Guide to Magic was also on my TBR and free on Amazon, so that was a no brainer. I could not resist downloading a "read now" from Allison Ashley. I have enjoyed her books and was happily surprised to see something new from her. 




Read Last Week

It was an OK week that started and ended well. I was worried about Painter revisited Wes and Liz, and, OH, Boy! She really blew things up and made me cry, but it all worked out really well in the end. Maybe Next Time had me sobbing by the end. AAGGHHHH! That final letter just did me in. The Summer of Yes was fun and heartwarming, but it's Ballard who was my top read this week. I absolutely adored this second chance romance, and the ending was magnificent. Again, tears, but they were the happy kind. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I am just starting both books, but I have to say, Higgins always seems to make her main characters experience some serious upheavals in their lives. I know Lillie will end up in a better place by the end, but still. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I hope your trip will go well Sam! I hate flying or rather, I fear it. And yes now it seems whe have to pay to book a seat!

    1. I hate the process of flying - the lines, the drama with packing, the inspections, and being too close to other people, but it's nice to be able to get places quicker than by car, train, boat. I don't have to pay for my seat on my return flight (United).

  2. The HK moon cakes are too cute to eat LOL. The hedgehog is so pretty.

    Where are you going on holiday?

    1. I *almost* feel bad when I bit into those moon cakes, but they are delish! We are doing a Rhine riverboat cruise. Starting in Basel and ending in Amsterdam.

  3. I love your presents from your daughter. It's great when they know you well enough to get you something you love. Where is your trip going? My daughter and I had to pay for our seats as well, and all we wanted were aisle seats across from one another. I didn't pay once, and we both got center seats, nowhere near each other. I hope you love the Higgins book as much as I did, and yes, Lillie ends up somewhere very different from the start. Have a great week.

    1. We are going on a Rhine river boat cruise. I am not paying for my seat on the flight my daughter and I will be on together (Frankfurt to Basel). It's short, so I don't care where I sit. My return flight is direct with United and not seat fee. I am not sure I would survive a center seat on a long flight.

    2. It was extremely uncomfortable. It was Toronto to Dublin. We upgraded for the flight home. I have wanted to do one of those river cruises for a long time. I hope you have an amazing time.

    3. I am very excited. I love traveling by boat. It's more relaxing than land tours, in my opinion.

  4. Those little cakes look so yummy!! And the rug is too cute! I hope you have an amazing trip!!

    1. There are probably my favorite moon cakes. They are fresh made with ube and caramel inside and so buttery. Delicious!

  5. How cute! I know you like hedgehogs and they are cute. I've never had them as pets. I hope you have a good time on your trip.

    1. I think it's supposed to be a bath mat, but it's too cute to hide in there. I put it in my room.

  6. It's irritating that they now charge to pick your seat. Seems like they find a way to nickel and dime you at every turn. It's so excited to be going on a trip, though! That hedgehog rug is so cute!

    I have My Vampire Plus-One on my list, too. Hope we both enjoy it!

    1. Not all airlines, but apparently, Lufthansa does. I had no seat fee for my return flight. Reggie was a such a great character. I hope Levine does good by him.

  7. We don't fly a lot and I am kind of thankful of that after our flights to Hawaii. It is hard to be cramped up for such a long time. Good luck on your trip to Europe! Your daughter did great with her gifts. That rug is adorable. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. Long flights are tough, I think, no matter how you fly.

  8. We flew for the first time this year in about 6 years, so I feel like I was starting all over again when it came to travel! Everything felt different. I haven't flown international in close to 20 years, though.

    1. It's a whole different game with a young child, too. I have not flown to Europe in about 14 years. At least it's an overnight flight.

  9. Hope you have good flights and a fantastic trip! I have not flown overseas yet, but I imagine the whole process would stress me out. The cruise sounds amazing, though. Love the moon cakes! And of course, yay for time with your daughter!! I know that's really the biggest highlight for you.

    1. It's been about 14 years since I have been overseas. At least I have something amazing to look forward to. Now that trip home won't be as exciting.

  10. That hedgehog rug is the cutest thing ever. Enjoy your trip! I'd love to visit Europe someday.

  11. Interesting about the charge to book the seat. Travel seems to get more and more expensive. Love the hedgehog rug. :) I keep meaning to read something by Jenshak but haven't yet. Catherine Cowles hypes her books a lot (they are good friends) so at least they are staying on my radar.

    1. I like when authors are friends and hype each other.That's nice. The airlines nickel and dime you these days. I paid $39 for a seat all the way in the back and this is an international flight, so , big plane. At least it was free for my return trip.
