Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday and welcome, September! This summer flew by. I am not sad to see it go, but I am still astounding by how fast time is passing. 

Last week was another blur. I was super busy at work since people were out, but at least I was busy, right. And you know the saying, "you get what you pay for"? Well, service was terrible. I even had to drive one day because the train was delayed more than one hour. The tunnel/signal issues constantly wreck havoc. I think when those issues arise, they should just run the trains between Newark and Trenton. It's NJ Transit, let's get people moving in NJ. If they get to Newark, they can get a bus into the city or take the Path. They aren't stranded the way all the rest of us are. 

Anyhow, I have a short week due the holiday on Monday, and the kid is coming to visit. She's coming here, then going to Vermont, then coming back, then going home. Lots of trips to the airport, but it will be nice to see her. It's been about four months. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - Love and Other Conspiracies, Storybook Ending
  • Tuesday: TTT - "Summer"
  • Wednesday: CWW - A Home for the Holidays
  • Thursday: Reviews - The Scent Keeper, The Feud
  • Friday: Discussion - Reader Confessions
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Already Bought

Let's Discuss

  • Dini celebrate Let's Talk Books
  • This guest post over at The Nerd Daily features books that challenge our notions of time
I always get emotional watching author unboxing videos, but I was almost sobbing because I was so excited for Nicole

Stacking the Shelves

I got an invite for the new Jenny Holiday. It looks like a lot of fun. I couldn't resist requesting Cat's People. I mean, look at that cover! 



Read Last Week

This was an incredible reading week! I had wondered why it had been so long since Morgenthaler's last book, and she explains in her author's note. As if I was not already sobbing, she made me cry more. I have to say, her new book was worth the wait. It was wonderful! I actually read a lot of books this week that had me shedding tears, but I ended it with The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year which was tons of fun and got all five stars from me. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

At this time, I have started neither book. I picked Big Stone Gap for my reading challenge. I have read the author before and enjoyed her work. I am nervous about the Painter book. I adored Just Like the Movies so much, and I am alway worried about revisiting couples after the HEA, but I am trusting Painter (and early reviews) on this one. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Why must your commute always be a mess? or even getting worse and worse?

    Glad you're getting a respite from work and Kiersten is coming to visit, though I seem to gather that it will be touch-and-go.

    Nicole's video was very sweet. I'm not usually into MG, and novel in verses are not my jam (though I like poetry), but I hope her book will find its audience and she can write many more!

    1. I always welcome a day off, though I have many this month since I am FINALLY going on my vacation. Amtrak and NJT need to get their act together.

  2. Your commute nightmares make me glad I live in a place where I drive myself. I could not deal with it. Hopefully things get better soon!!

    1. I wasn't happy to make the drive last week. It's over 40 miles each way and takes over an hour. Never mind that people cannot drive, and I was all wound up when I got to work.

  3. Our bus system here is crazy too, the busses always break down. Commutes are crazy.

    1. It's a shame because there are people who have to rely on public transit. I am lucky to have an alternative with my car, but that is not the case for everyone.

  4. I'm sorry you're having commute issues once again, Sam! So frustrating! I enjoyed Business Casual, too! I have my eye on The Christmas You Found Me. Nice to see you enjoyed it, Sam! Hope you have a better week with work travel and enjoy the rest of the Holiday weekend!

    1. The Christmas You Found Me was so sweet and touching, but be aware that it deals with a sick child. That aspect of the story had me tears, time and time again.

  5. Yay for getting some time with the kid!! I know you're excited. And how awesome for Nicole! Such a great video!! And look at all the stars for the week!

    1. I will be truly spoiled this month with getting to see the kid for a few day in the next two weeks and then being on our cruise. I may have withdrawal next month.

    2. I didn't realize your cruise was coming up so soon. I hope it's a fabulous trip!!!

  6. So glad you'll get to spend some time with your daughter! And it's always nice to have a day off!

    1. I am excited to have a week off soon. It's been a really long time

  7. I hope you will have a great time with your daughter Sam! And yes Nicole's video is very emotional.

    1. It was so touching! I love these unboxing videos so much.

  8. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your daughter!

    1. I get to see her all month practically. Color me lucky
