Friday, September 20, 2024

Discussion - In My Defense

This Week's Topic

In My Defense

A few years ago, I did a feature called "Black Sheep Reviews". These were reviews for books that had pretty low ratings on Goodreads and people overwhelmingly seemed to detest. I may not feature these "Black Sheep Reviews" any longer, but I still seem to be an outlier, at times, when it comes to books. 

In the case of books I thought were great, I always first wonder what book those other readers were reading. Then, I start to question myself, and eventually, I feel the need to defend my rating for this book. I have read a few of my older reviews, and it seems I felt so compelled to mention things other readers didn't like and later go on to justify why that was ok with me. Why am I like this? Why can't I just say I like something without feeling apologetic or wrong? 

I also experience a similar phenomena on the opposite side of the spectrum. I will see rave after rave for a book I DNFed or regretted reading. As much as I alway tout, "different book, different readers", I find myself questioning my taste. Am I wrong? Why didn't I like this book? What book was I reading? 

It's an odd phenomena and probably closely linked with behaviors society foisted upon us. I am trying to break this habit, but it's hard. Do any of you experience the same feelings, the feeling to defend your stance when rating a book?

Now it's your turn!

Have you ever felt like this?
Let us know in the comments!

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