
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - "Summer"

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...


Happy Tuesday! Though this week's topic was interesting, I didn't even know what I would share. Since summer is winding down, I thought I would share some books I read with "summer" in the title. As usual, I read quite a few books that fit the bill. Below are ten that were released and read this year. 

  1. The Summer Escape by Jill Shalvis
  2. Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan
  3. Seven Summer Weekends by Jane L. Rosen
  4. One Last Summer by Kate Spencer
  5. This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune
  1. Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez
  2. Summertime Punchline by Betty Corrello
  3. Effie Olsen's Summer Special by Rochelle Bilow
  4. Jackpot Summer by Elyssa Friedland
  5. 15 Summers Later by RaeAnne Thyne

What "summer" books have you read?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Wow! Looks like summer was a popular key word this year!

    1. I read an extraordinary number of books with Summer in the title. In all fairness, they were summer books set in the summer, so it made sense.

  2. I felt the same when I looked at this week's topic! This is a great alternative. I read and loved several on your list! Can't believe summer is almost over. Ours felt brutal but short.

    1. It was a brutal summer. I am never sad to see it end.

  3. Funny, you did summer, and I did Autumn/Fall. I read so many books with Summer in the title over the last few months, but only 4 of these. I do have Summer Romance and Effie Olson's Summer Special on my TBR. Nice list for me to add to my TBR, Sam.

    1. Looks at us, two seasonal ladies. I loved both those "summer" books. I hope you enjoy them as well.

  4. I just read one book on your list Sam 🤭 oh and it’s Sophie from Beware of the Reader (I don’t know if my profile will show as I am commenting from my phone).
