Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Adopt Me, Please!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Adopt Me, Please!

Happy Tuesday! Today, I am talking about fictional families, and not just any fictional families, but ones that I wish I could call my own. Most of these book involved siblings with a great family dynamic while others had extended family. Regardless, I found myself experiencing some serious family envy. Some of these families are featured in multiple books while others I can only hope will inspire more stories. 

  1. The Ryder Family from the Rebel Blue Ranch series by Lyla Sage
  2. The Brady Family from Jen Devon's books
  3. The Keller Family from the Rock Bottom Love series by Sophie Sullivan
  4. The Weird Sisters from Under Your Spell by Laura Wood
  5. The McBride Family from The McBrides of Montana series by Amy Barry
  6. The Aunties from the Aunties series by Jesse Q. Sutanto
  7. The Tempest women from the Moonville series by Sarah Hogle
  8. The Maddox Family from Yours Truly in the Part of Your World series by Abby Jimenez
  9. The Bennet Family from Elizabeth of East Hampton in the For the Love of Austen series by Audrey Bellezza and Emily Harding
  10. The Mccabe Family from The Maccabe Brothers series by Elliot Fletcher

What fictional families do you adore?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I've only read Done & Dusted but I love the family dynamics at play already!

    1. I swear you will love the Ryders even more after reading the second book.

  2. "Family envy" is a great way to put it. I love my family, but there are definitely fictional families out there that seem perfect for me! I wouldn't mind being adopted into them :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. I just think about when I was a kid, and my whole family lived in Brooklyn. We had these huge gatherings that were crazy but amazing and memorable. Everyone moved apart, and now it's just my parents, me, and sometimes my daughter for holidays. It's not the same.

  3. I love a book where the main characters don't just live in their relationship vacuum, but their family relationships are shown as well. It adds so much to the story and sometimes I get very attached to the family members. :)

    1. I agree. Meeting the family helps me understand the main character more, too. Learning who shaped them.

  4. The dad in Sage's series is absolutely awesome. And the rest of the bunch is great, too. And all the aunties in Sutanto's series would seriously be a hoot!

    1. If he doesn't get his own book, I will be really disappointed. I feel like the insane Aunties are my people. I would fit right in. I adore their brand of nutty.

  5. I love big, close families in books.

    1. One of my favorite things, and found family counts for me, too.

  6. I love the McBride family as well! I just read a praising review for Elizabeth of East Hampton. Will have to look at that one closer.

    1. I keep hoping Barry will write more McBride books. Elizabeth was great, as was Emma of 83rd. I am enjoying these retellings a lot.

  7. Great list, Sam! I did families I wish I could be a part of as well 😍 I totally forgot about the Brady family but they are so much fun. I can't wait to read this second book!

    1. They really were something special, and I thought we got to know them a lot better in Devon's second book.

  8. Ahh I absolutely adore books with great family dynamics, thank you so much for all of these recommendations <3

  9. I get the family envy Sam! I have no siblings and love reading about great families. Also I am sorry for catching up on your posts on the weekend...again!

    1. I have a sister, but she's not a like a book sister.

  10. I love books with great families, especially when there is reconciliation when they get older. I have only read one of these books, but have seen many of them around. Nice list, Sam. I will be checking several of these out to see if I want to fit them into my already crammed TBR. 😁📚💖
