Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week. We had quite a wet one here. tropical storm Debby made its way up the coast and just dumped scads of rain on us. We were lucky in my area, no tornados, flooding, or power outages, but that was not the case throughout the state. Sunny days (and heat) are back. I can keep dreaming of Wednesday when it was 66F during the day. 

I saw this meme the other day, Blursday - when you don't know what day of the week it is. I actually went to my niece's housewarming last Sunday and have physical therapy appointments, but still, the days are blending together. The weeks are feeling really long, too. Maybe it's because my vacation is (finally!) coming up? I don't know. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - The Break-Up Pact, Haunted Ever After
  • Tuesday: TTT - New Beginnings
  • Wednesday: CWW - Double Exposure, How Not to Die Alone
  • Thursday: Reviews - Once Upon a Leap Year, Class Mom
  • Friday: Discussion - Are Tropes Spoilers?
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Place - Florida

Let's Discuss

  • Tasya talks about bookish trends she lived through
  • Krysta shares books that to read after Narnia

Stacking the Shelves

I added some great books this week! I rushed to request the new Jennifer E. Smith book. I have adored all her young adult novels, and her last adult book was a five-star read for me. The Lodge sounds like it will be a fun one, and I enjoyed Wiesner's last book, so I one-clicked when I saw one of her backlist books on sale. 




Read Last Week

Another solid reading week. There were some books I thought I would like more, but still each book was a success. Lauren Layne's upcoming release was my top read which came of no surprise to me. I adore her books, and this one was a total package for me. My second Richard Roper book was also a success. He does a great job taking what could be heavy tales and injecting them with humor and heart. Another notable read (listen) was the latest from Leah Brunner. I have been loving this series, and she crafted such a wonderful hero for this installment. Loved him! 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

Just starting Slow Dance, but I am sure RR won't let me down. 

When I was looking for books for my reading challenges, I came across Hattie Big Sky which fulfilled three prompts. I am not huge on historical fiction, but this is a great story. It's about a young orphaned woman who inherits her uncle's claim in Montana. I always admire characters who show such resilience in situations like this. It's also set during World War I, and there is a lot of interesting historical information woven in the tale. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I am glad you didn't suffer from the storm Sam! And it's the first time that I see Blursday but I think it's self explanatory and true! Have a great (hopefully not long) week!

    1. We really did luck out with the weather. I can't complain.

  2. So glad you were spared the worst of the storm...Gah, 66F? At least it was fun while it lasted...I've been having 86 at home for weeks now...🥵

    That cat video (and caption) was hilarious!

    1. That day was such a gift, but at this point, I am happy about anything under 90F. It's been so hot and humid. Just super unpleasant. Stay cool!

  3. Blursday is a perfect definition for teachers in the summer. It is so true! If my phone and watch didn't tell me what day it was, I would have NO idea! Glad the hurricane only brought rain to you-the damage in other places was wild to see! Have a great week!

    1. I remember those summers. I wasted so much time with no structure. It was quite a storm. I thought we were going to have to build an ark.

  4. I was just thinking earlier how the weeks are passing even more quickly now, so I'm feeling quite the opposite to you! 😂 But time does always seem to slow down when you have something great to look forward to and with your vacation coming up I'm not surprised it feels time is moving slowly! It looks like you had a great reading week though. I have so many of Layne's books to catch up on but this new one sounds great. I've also had Roper's book on my TBR for ages after seeing it hyped a few years ago so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. I hope you have a great week ahead, Sam!

    1. It's slow when I am in it, but then I look back and am amazed that it passed so quickly. It's been a strange experience. Lauren Layne is such an auto-read for me. I always love her books. I hope you give Roper a shot. I was surprised by his books and intend to read more.

  5. I hate to hear about all the damage from the tropical storm. I am glad that you missed the brunt of it (even if you had to endure lots of rain). I don't know how often I have to ask my husband what day it is. They all kind of bleed together after a while. It looks like you have been reading some great books. Have a great week!

    1. Two weeks on vacation probably had time slipping for you. What a change from walking the dogs and working two jobs.

  6. Great news that you didn't have a lot of issues from Debby. My daughter in Nova Scotia had lots of rain, but that was it. Being retired, almost everyday is Blursday for me. I love that word. Nice that you had a positive reading week. Hattie Big Sky sounds like an interesting story. I hope you have a great week, Sam.

    1. So much rain! But now we have an over abundance of sunshine. Hattie Big Sky is good. She's a great character. The hardiness of people back then always gets me.

  7. I'm glad the storm didn't cause too much damage for you. I know it's been wreaking havoc on a lot of places.

    I am so over this heat. I want the cooler temps right now.

    1. It was a bad situation for many. I do count myself lucky. I think you get the heat worse than me, but I too, am over it.

  8. Glad you didn't have any issues but rain. I'm still dealing with wind damage from a storm at the end of June thanks to how slow insurance is. Days definitely bleed together during the summer for me too! You have a ton of reviews I'm behind on checking out! But some good books it looks like. Have a good week!

    1. Insurance is a scam. They have no problem taking your money but make it so hard to collect.

  9. I can totally relate to "Blursday"! Happy to hear you didn't have any damage with the storms. Nice that you got some lower temps! Has me pining for fall... I love the sound of Hattie Big Sky! I'm going to look that one up.

    1. It was 58 this morning. If nothing else, I have my cool mornings to revel in until the summer goes away.

  10. So glad the weekend weather was beautiful after all that rain we had! Blursday - I can totally relate to that, I really have to think most of the time about what day of the week it is!

    1. We got a bit of a weather reward. I think we deserved it.

  11. Glad you didn't have to deal with any of the extreme weather. I know when Beryl came through here that there were so many tornados popping up that the meteorologists couldn't keep up with the warnings. I just want some rain down here without all the crazy. And some cooler weather to go with it. Yay for having some vacation time coming. Hopefully the days won't drag too much until then.

    1. You get way worse weather than I do. NJ isn't big tornado territory. It was interesting to be under a watch.

    2. It seems the storms are just getting more regular and more severe with climate change unfortunately.

  12. We had a productive week. Work on the house is almost complete, though my husband seems to be adding new projects as quickly as we can complete them haha

    1. Great to hear! I hope some of the projects are fun, too.

  13. Every day is Blursday! I hope you're having a good week.

    1. I think it's a rut, but hopefully, something good happens. Hope you have a good week, too!

  14. 66 degrees in August? How divine. Glad you had no damage from Debby. We got lots of wind and rain but no real issues. I did a double take when I saw that you had purchased a book. LOL I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on Slow Dance.

    1. It was a fluke, a wonderful fluke of cool weather. The storm brought a ton of rain, flooding, power outages. It rough for some up here. I liked Slow Dance. It didn't blow me away, but I liked it. There were some choices I didn't quite get, but I am not the writer.
