Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! How is everyone doing today? I hope well. I am still in my rut. I can't quite figure out what it is, but every day has felt the a repeat of the previous day. At least it's cooled down a bit, and that is my signal that my favorite season is in the near future. 

Like I said, this week was more of the same. Went to work, suffered though PT. I do have less pain when getting dressed which is evidence for my improved range of motion. That's a good thing. I have Friday off for some appointments and am looking forward to not going to work. Maybe that's my problem. I always feel like I need one day a month off, but alas, there are no holidays in August. Maybe this day will help me catch up because I have been feeling like I am forever behind in all things. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - Worst in Show, Heavy Hitter
  • Tuesday: TTT - Vacation Time
  • Wednesday: CWW - Blue Sisters, Once Upon a Puppy
  • Thursday: Reviews - Under Your Spell, The Love of My Afterlife
  • Friday: Spell the Month in Books - August 2024
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Books About Books

Let's Discuss

  • Jamie shared some odd reading challenge prompts
  • Roberta talks blogger freak outs

I have seen a bunch of reels like this, but they still crack me up. 

Stacking the Shelves

I was over the moon with my Netgalley haul. I got approved for the new Ballard book which I am sure will be a hit for me, and the new Lia Riley was read now. I love the premise, so I can't wait to see what she did there. I also had to one-click Kristy Woodson Harvey's latest release. The price was right AND it's one of my most anticipated releases. The planets just aligned on that one. The invites are all authors I have read and enjoyed before, and I already had the Lizzie Shane book. That series has been solid for me, and I cannot wait to read the newest installment. 




Read Last Week

The week started a bit rocky for me with one book not being the hit I expected and another a DNF, but it also yielded a five star book. My favorite book this week was Eddie Winston is Looking for Love. Cronin's last book was so beautiful, but sad. Her follow up was a lot more gentle on my emotions. The main character, Eddie, was a treasure that must be protected at all costs. I adored this 90 year old who was looking to have his first kiss. There were circumstances that led to this point, but it definitely had nothing to do with his charm, wit, or heart of gold. I want everyone to meet and fall in love with him, too. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I don't have much to say about Name Your Price yet, but James' books have been good for me, so I have high hopes. 

Bookshop by the Sea is a fun second chance romance. Though they parted ways about a decade ago, it seems they never stopped loving each other. This reunion has been very healing for both of them, and I have finally reached the part of the story where they admit their feelings for the other have returned. 

To Be Read

I am currently working my way though September ARCs, and you know that that means....HOLIDAY BOOKS! I am actually pretty excited to break into those bad boys. Maybe they can get me out of my funk. 

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. August is a tough month with no holidays. October too, since I don't get halloween off. Glad your range of motion is improving.

    1. There is a bank holiday in Oct, but I am the brokerage side, so we don't get off. I always take off for my birthday though, so that is my October day.

  2. Maybe you feel like that because your holiday is coming closer? And suffering less thanks to PT is great Sam! Let's hope next week will feel more exciting for you.

    1. I don't know, but I am definitely feeling like I am living in a time loop.

  3. I hope you get out of your funk, Sam! It's a bummer when you feel a little off and can't quite put a finger on why. I get that way sometimes, too. Nice that your getting some cooler temps and that the PT seems to be working. I'm really interested in Hattie Big Sky seeing your rating. It sounds like something I'd enjoy. Hope things perk up for you, Sam!

    1. I need something good to happen. That's what I need. It's all too wash, rinse, repeat right now. Hattie Big Sky was excellent. A lot of bloggers I follow rated it high that's why I gave it go. They were right.

  4. Ugh, I'm sorry you're in a bit of a funk! I hope your day off helps a bit, but I can totally empathize with you.

    1. At least I get a bit of catch up time. I sure feel like I am on a treadmill and cannot get ahead

  5. I 100% feel your mood right now, Sam. It all feels more of the same and for a while now I've been feeling like I can't even get through a week without a day of WFH or I'll feel like I need a day off very badly! I hope that you can shake the funky feeling soon but at least you have your holiday to look forward to?

    Yay for a 5-star read! I had no idea Cronin had another book coming out but I'm now looking forward to it since I loved her last book (on your rec too)! 😄 I hope you have a good week ahead and discover some great reads!

    1. Cronin's new book was so lovely! It's a lot lighter than the last (obviously) while still having so many of her trademarks. I loved it!

  6. I'm glad your range of motion is better. When I had a proximal humerus fracture a few years ago, I didn't go to PT like they wanted and lost some range of motion in my shoulder.

    1. They say frozen shoulder can result from an injury that keeps you from moving it. I was not doing certain things because it hurt, but I should have been pushing through. It really is moving better though.

  7. Glad it's cooled down a bit (here too, though still not enough for my tastes 😅) and the dreaded PT is working its magic!

    "Maybe that's my problem. I always feel like I need one day a month off, but alas, there are no holidays in August. Maybe this day will help me catch up because I have been feeling like I am forever behind in all things."
    I know that feeling. And frankly, one day is nowhere near enough, especially with your commute (though you're still working from home too, right?). It's funny, because we do have a holiday right in the middle of August (the 15th), which is practically an excuse for most offices to stay closed for a week or two...

    1. One day is NOT enough, but it will help. My next stretch is a my trip, but the other two vacations I am taking are staycations. I hope to end the year well organized and ahead of the game. What holiday would close the offices for that long?

    2. Here's a Wikipedia entry (in English) about our mid-August festivity:

  8. I hope the day off will help! I certainly know the feeling of being behind on everything. Eddie Winston is Looking for Love sounds adorable!

    1. Eddie Winston was fantastic! I want to scream about this book to everyone.

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed Slow Dance. I might read that one because I usually like Rainbow Rowell's books.

    1. It was good, not great. It had this mood that seemed to hang over the whole story. Still good.

  10. August is a long month with no holidays. I hope the extra day off helps. I've been feeling burned out and need to schedule some time off soon(ish).

    1. The two days working from home definitely helps, but I need a day to just to do nothing. I think it will be better when I finish my PT. I lose like two hours each visit to that.
