
Friday, August 30, 2024

Discussion - Reader Confessions

This Week's Topic

Reader Confessions

Happy Friday! We have an extra Friday this month, and to fill the space, I am going to share some reader confessions. 

  1. I am a forgetful reader - I can tell you all about the story and how it made me feel, but I cannot remember basic stuff. For instance, I have started highlighting the characters' names because I often cannot recall them when writing a review. 
  2. I skip the sex scenes - When I am listening to an audiobook, I will just skip to the next chapter once the sex scenes kick in. Sometimes this means skipping several chapters because one they start, it can go on for a while. I skim rather than skip when reading because I am always afraid I will miss something important. So far, I have no missed anything important. 
  3. I don't like reviewing books I didn't enjoy - It's rare I hate a book and finish it, but they always want feedback for ARCs. This forces me to write SOMETHING for books I didn't like. I hate saying negative things about someone's art. It feels wrong, so I usually resort to "it's-me-not-you" sort of stuff, UNLESS the author pushed one of my buttons. 
  4. I am less likely to read a book that was a "NY Times Best Seller" - Just call me middle-brow because I find most of the books that hit this best seller list to be pretentious, and they often include a lot of vulgar things that are there for what seems like shock value. I haven't had much luck with literary fiction, and that's what seems to dominate this list. 
  5. I have a love/hate relationship with celebrity book club picks - I love that these book clubs, as well as adaptations, are inspiring more people to read. But by simply being selected, a book becomes hyped, and I often get let down by hyped books. 

Now it's your turn!

Do you have anything to confess?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. "Sometimes this means skipping several chapters because one they start, it can go on for a while."
    😶 😂 I mean...stamina, right? 🤣

    I wish there was a way to know when adult books are going to have sex in them (which, alas, happens even with those that aren't contemporary in nature). I hate to be treated to bedroom tours.

    DNF or low-ratings review are a chore, but if we treat the book with a modicum of respect (and the author! especially the author!), they're not so bad (well, for me, I mean). On the other hand, I tend to feel guilty for having requested a book that sounded up my alley if I end up not liking it...

    1. There are some books labeled "clean". There are authors I know who always have closed door or no sex. I don't need that to enjoy the romance. I am there for the gooey heart stuff. It's hard to please everyone, so there are going to be books that work for some and not others. I don't feel guilt that I didn't like it, but I cannot bring myself to really bash something. I may if verbally discussing with someone, but I don't do it in reviews.

  2. I feel the same way about celebrity book clubs - most of the time I am not interested in the books they pick. I think it kind of goes along with the NY best-sellers list - so much literary fiction! Sometimes I actually enjoy reviewing books I didn't like - a lot of times there are so many concrete things I can point out, lol! One of my reader confessions is that I partially chose the town we live in because it has a great library system!

    1. Me and literary fiction are very hit or miss. I find they tend to offend me. They will put really shocking things in the story just to be shocking. It serves no real purpose for moving the plot forward. I don't need that. I LOVE that the library played a part is where you live. That is awesome!

  3. I'm forgetful too. I write notes as I read so I don't forget names ect.

  4. I often find myself forgetting character names, too! Not for books that I absolutely loved; those characters still out to me. But a middle-of-the-road type of read, I'm definitely having to go back to check the blurb for those names. Lol!

    1. I could love a book, and still, the name will escape me. I used to be like that with real people as well, but I am trying harder these days.

  5. I am definitely a forgetful reader!!! I have struggled to remember whole books that I just recently read. That's not an occurrence with every book, but it happens with some. And character names are something I often forget. And I don't review books I don't enjoy. If I could write the reviews as well as Yvo at It's All About Books does for the books that don't work for her then maybe I would. It was fun to read your confessions!!

    1. I have read some well written reviews for low rated books, but I still really have no interest in spending time and energy on something that wasn't for me. And that's how I feel. It's not a "bad" book, just not for me.

    2. Yes, exactly. I think that's what Yvo does so well in her reviews. It's rare that I even enjoy reading a review when someone doesn't rate the book well, but there are those that can pull it off in a way that the book is still inviting for those that might enjoy it. But I get what you're saying. I'm ready to just move on from them when I don't enjoy them.

  6. I am exactly like you on the first three points Sam!!!!
