
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Color Cover Love

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Color Cover Love!

Happy Tuesday! This week, we are sharing books with covers displaying our favorite colors. I think my love of autumn colors comes from it being my favorite season, my birthday season, and the color pallet that looks best with my coloring. I love the warm, bright hues with orange being my favorite. It just so happened that many of my top reads had orange covers. Coincidence? Probably, but maybe it's subconscious attraction.  Either way, here are ten books I read with lovely orange covers. 

  1. What's In a Kiss? by Lauren Kate
  2. This Disaster Loves You by Richard Roper
  3. The Co-Op by Tarah DeWitt
  4. Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle
  5. The Other Side of Disappearing by Kate Clayborn
  1. Nosy Neighbors by Freya Sampson
  2. Right on Cue by Falon Ballard
  3. Once Persuaded, Twice Shy by Melodie Edwards
  4. The Library of Borrowed Hearts by Lucy Gilmore
  5. Birding with Benefits by Sarah T. Dubb

What is your favorite color?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. My favorite color is blue! I don't come across orange covers that much, these are beautiful!

  2. Ha! I took a very similar path! I love fall colors.

  3. Those all look so pretty together. :) This Disaster Loves You is currently hanging out on my TBR.

    1. I thought that book was going to be pure comedy, but it was not. It was sad and beautiful and then happy and hopeful. I really liked it. I hope you give it a try.

  4. Fall is also my favorite season. I loved Once Persuaded, Twice Shy!

    1. It is by far the best season. I mean Halloween and Thanksgiving and my birthday. So much to love

  5. Orange is a unique choice this week! It definitely reminds me of Fall. It's bright warmth is also very eye-catching, which is perfect for book covers. Nice pick.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Thanks! I may not wear the bright colors, but I love them.

  6. I like these covers. I wouldn't have thought orange would be so warm. Nice choices, Sam.

  7. You did amazing Sam! And I noticed that I don't have many orange books!
