Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! Can you believe this is the last Sunday of July? I am not sad that summer is flying by, though I will have to pay the new increased fares this week. I am going from $7.40 each way to $10.60. Ouch! I was paying $148 a month and now it will be over $250 plus the $105 for parking. I think it costs too much to go to work! And the service has been beyond abysmal. 

I spent most of the week trying to straighten out my appointments. I remember them calling me at work from the dentist, but thought the text message on my phone was confirming the date. I was wrong, but had already made other appointments for that day, so I had to move my check up. It will have to wait until September. I am glad to be starting PT tomorrow. Hopefully, my guy can get my shoulder moving better. I have no idea how I am going to work out scheduling. I have my two work from home days, but I may have to ask to login earlier or flex time, leave in the middle of the day. It really depends on what I am covering for the week. 

The weather has been a little...better? The past few mornings have been glorious! Dry and in the 60s. Yes, it is almost 90 during the day, but still drier than it has been. Maybe not as oppressive. My father is too quick to say fall is on the way. I never trust that. August can be super hot, but for now, I will enjoy my mornings. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - The Lost Story, Errands & Espionage
  • Tuesday: TTT - Dazzling Debuts
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife, Sweet Spot
  • Thursday: Reviews - How to Age Disgracefully, If Cats Disappeared From the World
  • Friday: Six Degrees of Separation - I Hope This Finds You Well
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - Minnesota

Let's Discuss

  • Shannon is back with the Olympic Book Tag
  • Beth wonders if reviews are meaningless now
Seriously, Lego creators continue to amaze me.

Stacking the Shelves

Got approved for the new Segura and Shalvis, so that was great news. I got some interesting invites, too. Bignsu for Two and Christmas Sweater Weather are two I may read. I have read Snowe before and Bigsu sounds adorable. 



Read Last Week

I had to just about blow up my TBR because my library books were due sooner than I thought. I loved both Serendipity and Worst in Show

Chalsen brought us back to Fire Island with Serendipity, but this time, it was three weekends with a group of high school friends. It's always interesting seeing how relationships grow and change as people age, and how the group dynamic can be challenged.

Worst in Show was such a fun and sweet rivals-to-lovers romance. Cora and Leo both had some family drama that made them feel unworthy, but they found something special with each other. The dogs were a precious plus, and the touch of You've Got Mail/The Shop Around the Corner made it even better. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I am just starting A Love Like the Sun, and I won't lie, my motivation was to check off a state in my reading challenge. Reviews have been pretty good as well. 

I am also listening to Nothing to See Here to check off another state. So far, this is strange, but I feel like there will be something deeper revealed soon. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. That is so much money to spend on public transportation! Holy moly! I hope you are able to get all your appointments scheduled. I know how difficult it is to have to juggle multiple providers! Enjoy your books!

    1. It's a big hike because I bought discount tickets. I am losing the 20% discount and then fares are going up 15%. I hope to someday live closer.

  2. I've read that Sweet Spot by Rebecca Jenshak and liked it! Hope you do too. That is crazy how much it costs to get to work! And I thought my drive and paying more for gas was bad. I hope you have a good week, lots of reviews of yours I need to read!

    1. Sweet Spot looks cute. Hopefully I can get to it this week.

  3. I hope PT can help with our shoulder Sam! And I am not ready for fall!

    1. Really? I love the fall! I don't really enjoy any summer things in all honesty.

  4. I hope PT goes well and it helps. That is a lot of money for transportation but gas prices are crazy right now too so if you have to drive the cost is also high. Just can't win.

    1. I am looking forward to some heat, ice, and massage tomorrow. Can't hurt, right? I have no idea how much gas would cost for my commute because I have only really done it a few times. Other than that, I usually only have to get gas every other month.

  5. That sucks you have to pay more for transit, especially when the service is so bad! Would be nice to work at home more days. Hope the PT helps with your shoulder!

    1. I would mind paying more anyhow, but it just adds insult to injury when the service is bad. My company will not budge. It is 3 days in office., but it would be nice to work home more. Looking forward to those 6 weeks during the renovations.

  6. The mornings have been amazing! I love the cooler weather. I hope your job is flexible with all your appointments - sometimes it seems like the only time things can get scheduled is the middle of the day!

    1. If my guy were closer, it would be easier, but I need to give myself 30 minutes to get there. It's not far (Metuchen), but it's the other side of the town and driving through there or taking route 1 to 287 always takes longer than it should because of traffic. I will have to work it out. It's 4 weeks, not forever.

  7. Man those fare increases make going to work all the more difficult! That's so much money to spend, just to go try to earn money. I used to be in a similar situation in Houston, paying for the toll roads to and from work. I'm spoiled now with only a short, 10 minute drive.

    1. I have no idea what gas would cost me, but the train fees are going to continue to increase each year by 3%. I anticipate eventually driving to work. I am lucky that I do not have to take a toll road. They are expensive in NJ. Ten minutes! Living the dream.

  8. The cost of your commute makes me cringe. August is still brutally hot here so fall is a long ways off. Nice to see you enjoyed the Cotugno book.

    1. I felt Jax had one of those endless summers. Dec, Jan, Feb were nice.

  9. I hope the PT helps! I was just looking at the prices of train tickets, and ouch. I'm extremely grateful that my last college gave every student train passes. My new college doesn't do that.

    1. I don't think Rutgers gave out tickets, but I know NJT had student discounts. Not sure if they still have them with the price changes.

  10. Wow, that is a big price hike. It really is too expensive to go to work, lol. I really hope the PT on your shoulder helps and that you can work out a good schedule to fit it in.

    1. Sometimes I think I would have more money if I was unemployed. HA!
