Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week and is doing well. I am still so exhausted from last week. First NJ Transit continued to have lots of cancellations and whatnot due to the excessive heat, and there was excessive heat. Then, Friday, I get up and it was glorious out. I had to wear a light sweater on my way to work. I was pretty excited about this, but then, when I got to work, half our systems were not working. Thank you, Crowd Strike and Microsoft. The systems were hobbled until about 2:45 pm (I work until 3:30 pm). I guess I should be happy I didn't have to fly anywhere and that my trains came, right? Anyone else have related problems? 

Originally, we were told we our part of the building was being renovated at the end of August through September, but I just found out I will work from home mid-November through the new year. I feel fortunate to be home for the holiday season. Though now I have to go to plan B to work out my PT schedule. Where my team sits in the building is unique in that we are near the back entrance. Because of that, our bathroom and kitchen is across the hall. That area is being renovated this fall, so I will have to go upstairs or to the other side of the building every time I have go to the bathroom which is a lot due to my bladder issue.  I hope they do the bathroom and pantry first, so that it's available to us quickly. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - The Ex Vows, Morbidly Yours
  • Tuesday: TTT - The Title Made Me Read It
  • Wednesday: CWW - What Does It Feel Like, Ghosts
  • Thursday: Reviews - A Certain Kind of Starlight, The Lights of Sugarberry Cove
  • Friday: Spell the Month in Books - July 2024
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Skipped the Hype

Let's Discuss

  • Krysta talks about recommending books
  • Aimee shares what happened when she got a 9-year old to read Percy Jackson
  • Jaime discusses unusual formats

Stacking the Shelves

I got a ton of invites this week. Not sure about all the young adult books since I am really not reading much YA these days, but I am considering the Greenlaw and Naigle books. I was also excited to get approved for Like Cats & Dogs. I fell in love with this series last year and am excited to continue. 



Read Last Week

Look at all those stars! I had such a great reading week. Honestly, they were all great, but Four Weekends and a Funeral edged the others out as my top book. It had all that rom-com goodness I cannot get enough of, and the heroine was a BRCA I gene carrier. This is something the author shares with her character, and it was just really special to get her insight and perspective. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

As I write this, I am just starting Serendipity. Not much to say, other than I hope it's as good as Chalsen's last book. I started Girl's Guide for a reading challenge prompt, and I am having a lot of fun with it. All the food descriptions are amazing! 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I hope everything works out for you. I’m glad you will be able to work from home during the holidays. I hope you have a restful day full of reading and joy.

  2. Hopefully the fix the bathroom quickly! All the extra walking is great for a workout, but not at work! And Yay for WFH for the holidays!

    1. I guess theres is an upside to my future bathroom treks.

  3. OMG that cat!!! Also I have a small bladder too so I feel you Sam!

    1. I have no idea how they got that cat to do that, but it was hilarious

  4. Like Cats and Dogs is one I hope to read too! It will be nice I'm sure to work from home during the holiday season. My mom and brother's family were in San Diego and supposed to fly home on Friday, but of course their flight got cancelled. So that was a mess! Have a good week!

    1. The flights were such a mess. I hope they got home ok.

  5. I didn't have any problems because of the CrowdStrike microsoft snafu but I know the airports are crazy right now.

    1. Glad you weren't affected, Mary. Like I said, it could have been worse for me.

  6. Oh my gosh I heard about the crowdstrike thing.

    Hope you've been well.

    1. I can only imagine how challenging it was for the phone reps. I know I was annoyed without being able to access all our systems. I hope you are well, too!

  7. Yay for being able to work from home during the holiday season! The weather and crowds don't usually make for fun commute times. I have The Love of My Afterlife so I'm happy to see you loved it.

    1. Commuting can be a thing during the holidays, but it's also when my daughter always visits each year. I will get more time with her if I don't have to go into the office.

  8. Love seeing a reading week like that!! I hope they get the bathroom fixed first for y'all. I can totally relate there!

    1. Same. It's always a good feeling to find the right books at the right time. I think I will be making that trip to the other side of the building from the intel I gathered.

  9. Oh gosh, I came out of a training on Friday to see all the mess with Microsoft and it was wild! It looks like you had a great reading week though and also had many great invites! I hope you have a great week ahead, Sam :)

    1. I guess you were lucky that your training was not affected. People who were out on Friday had trouble with their systems on Monday. It was weird.
