Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! Hope everyone is keeping cool. The weather is still brutal here, but at least summer seems to be moving along a good clip. I find that so odd because I have been doing next to nothing. Usually, I have tickets for a few shows and whatnot, but nothing this summer. I think I am too tired to do anything anyhow. 

Still trying to get the shoulder moving. I can tell the shot is wearing off. I think that was too quick! I got an adjustment on Friday. Didn't do much for the shoulder, but my neck and back are moving well. I had my hips done, too. Feeling a bit looser. Still going to get a script for PT. I really think the exercises the orthopedic gave me shouldn't hurt that much. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - The Game Changer, Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder
  • Tuesday: TTT - Ride 'em, Cowboy!
  • Wednesday: CWW - It's All Relative, If Cats Disappeared From the World
  • Thursday: Reviews - Look on the Bright Side, A Little Ray of Sunshine
  • Friday: Discussion - Midyear Book Tag
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - Kentucky

Let's Discuss

  • Carole compiled a list of favorite books from other bloggers
  • Book Riot also shared a list of books being called "the best"
  • Krysta talks about authors "milking" their world

Stacking the Shelves

It was a good week for approvals! Painter's book is one of my most anticipated releases, so I was grateful to get an ARC. Cousens quickly became a favorite of mine, that was another thrill. Lowe and Applebaum are new-to-me, but the books sound great. 


Read Last Week

This was a rather good week for me. I have TWO five-star books that were like night and day. First, was If Cats Disappeared From the World. Wow! This one really packed an emotional punch, and it did so in under 300 pages. I cried the last two chapters. It was very emotional and thoughtful and thought provoking. I really enjoyed it. I also LOVED Elizabeth of East Hampton. This is a P&P retelling, but for me, it was just a great story. I loved everything and it was great for me, from beginning to end. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

The Love of My Afterlife is so much fun! The premise of being sent back to find the man she connected with in Evermore is a great one. The search is really pushing Delphie beyond her comfort zone. She is making friends, trying new things, and even drawing a bit again. I like that this isn't just about finding the man (though I have a suspicion about the romance here), it's about Delphie having a second chance at life in general. 

The concept of The Shortest Way Home is great. This woman who struggled with finding a "home" as a kid due to her mother's mental health issues talks her way into a job at a vineyard. She finally feels like she belongs but it came at a cost. There is another subplot I am not crazy about though I understand the author's motivation. 

My audiobook people, do narrators usually whisper "he said" or "she said" and such? I have never noticed it until I listened to this book, and it is weird. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Sorry to hear that the shot is already wearing off. :( Hopefully the PT will help? Hooray for two 5-star reads this week. That's awesome. I really enjoyed Heart Bones. That one never seemed to get much attention.

    1. Cortisone doesn't last forever, but you usually get a few months. I know Rachel mentioned her impingement lasting for almost a year.

  2. The heat has been miserable everywhere this summer. It seems like everyone is commenting on it. I hope you get some answers about your shoulder. My husband has been having problems with his as well, but he refuses to see a doctor.

    1. The thing is when I look up the historical weather data it is not that much different. I do think there have been more over 90 days in a row. Your husband should see a doctor. It could be something that can get worse. The shoulder impingement can turn into a torn rotator cuff, etc. I am glad to do something to prevent surgery.

  3. Growing old sucks Sam! I also have pains in the back, neck etc sometimes just waking up! Usually what helps me is moving. Sigh. I hope your shoulder will get better.

    1. Nobody said it would be easy. I think people are more aware of things that hurt joints more than when I was younger, and we try to protect against the wear.

  4. We are having the miserable heat here too! But it is July, and we've had some nicer cooler days mixed in too. You've got some great books and I need to check out your reviews! I will probably get the Kristy Greenwood book at an author event tomorrow night. Hope your shoulder gets better! Have a good week!

    1. Fun! It's been forever since I have been to an author event. After Life was really fun. I hope you have a good time at the event.

  5. Really hope your pain goes away soon! I still have some pain from frozen shoulder syndrome, but it's my own fault because I got the cortizone shot and then... didn't go to PT. Major fail, I know. But actually, just having the shot got me moving it more, so it's a lot better than it was, so I hope you get some relief soon too!

    1. Frozen shoulder is impingement. The doctor didn't say I had to go to PT, but he gave me a handout with exercises to increase mobility and strength. I think i want to spend the money on PT because I feel like I am experiencing too much pain when trying to do the exercises and what if I make it worse, you know. The good think with the shot, for me, is that I still have pain. It's just not as sharp.

  6. Sorry to hear your shoulder is still giving you trouble!

    We made it through the hurricane with minimal damage, so I'm very thankful. This week will be spend just trying to get everything back to normal. You don't realize how much food is in your fridge until you have to throw it all away!

    1. I hope you were able to get back up and running quickly. It's not joke not having power in these conditions.

  7. I hope the PT helps your pain. I feel like summer is going really fast too. I guess that's a good thing. It's disgustingly hot right now.

    1. It's not easy getting old. That's good that summer is flying for you given how it's your prime time. So hot! Hope you are able to sort of be comfy while you work. It cannot be easy outdoors.

  8. We've just come off a 10-day heat wave and are finally back to normal summer temps! Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope the PT helps. Hope you stay cool!

    1. It's still horrible here. It was 100 yesterday which is not normal for NJ. Lots of storms and NJ Transit breaking down in record numbers due to the heat. I think we have a few days in the mid/upper 80s coming. It's sad that I think that's great.

  9. So sorry to hear the cortisone isn't helping, Sam. I had the same issue many, many years ago and it turned out that I had a rotator cuff tear and a calcium build up on my clavicle that was rubbing on the nerves. I did have surgery and it was such an amazing difference. I hope the therapy helps. I love that video of the Book Shelter, it made me giggle. I had never heard of If Cats Disappeared From the World, so I checked it out on Goodreads as well as your review, and I am very intrigued. More books like that to make you think are being published, although that one is older. Thanks for sharing it. I hope you had a wonderful week.

    1. I was happy to hear there was no tear, but if I don't work on restoring range of motion, it can wear at the rotator cuff and lead to surgery. I am "knife-shy" after the minor surgery with my foot worked out so badly. Cats is by a Japanese author, and it was such a meaningful story. I find a lot of older books to try via the library. I feel there is nothing to lose by giving a free book a shot.
