Thursday, July 18, 2024

One Old, One New - Heather Webber

One Old, One New features two books – one old, one new, which are connected in some way. Today I am featuring two books by Heather Webber.

A Certain Kind of Starlight
 by Heather Webber
Published by Forge Books on July 23, 2024
Age/Genres: Adult, Enchanted Realism

In the face of hardship, two women learn how to rise up again under the bright side of the stars.

Everyone knows that Addie Fullbright can’t keep a secret. Yet, twelve years ago, as her best friend lay dying, she entrusted Addie with the biggest secret of all. One so shattering that Addie felt she had to leave her hometown of Starlight, Alabama, to keep from revealing a devastating truth to someone she cares for deeply. Now she’s living a lonely life, keeping everyone at a distance, not only to protect the secret but also her heart from the pain of losing someone else. But when her beloved aunt, the woman who helped raise her, gets a shocking diagnosis and asks her to come back to Starlight to help run the family bakery, Addie knows it’s finally time to go home again.

Tessa Jane Wingrove-Fullbright feels like she’s failing. She’s always been able to see the lighter side of life but lately darkness has descended. Her world is suddenly in shambles after a painful breakup, her favorite aunt’s unexpected health troubles, and because crushing expectations from the Wingrove side of her family are forcing her to keep secrets and make painful choices. When she’s called back to Starlight to help her aunt, she’s barely holding herself together and fears she’ll never find her way back to who she used to be.

Under the bright side of the stars, Addie and Tessa Jane come to see that magic can be found in trusting yourself, that falling apart is simply a chance to rise up again, stronger than ever, and that the heart usually knows the best path through the darkness.

Both Addie and Tessa Jane returned to Starlight when their Aunt Bean fell ill. The town they fled would become their sanctuary, their "home", and a place of healing for them both.

Webber has quickly become an auto-read author for me because her stories never fail to warm my heart and make me happy. This small town tale was packed with lovable characters, amazing baked goods, tons of family secrets, and a little touch of magic. All of these elements were blended together in a way that produced a wonderful reading experience for me.

There were so many things I loved in this story. Here are few standout elements:

  • Fierce female friendships
  • Lots of strong women
  • A solid family focus
  • A bit of romance
  • An interesting family history
  • The mending of relationships

The relationships probably shined the most for me because I wanted the sisters to reconcile, and Aunt Bean just really loved those two with her whole heart. I could feel the love flowing. I also adored the introductions to each chapter. They read as baking tips from Aunt Bean, but there were life lessons hidden in each and every one of those tips.

Overall, this was a beautiful story of family, love, and healing. It was about finding your people and your "home". It was about making up for lost time and embracing all the moments you have. It was about setting your eyes on the future and finding what makes you happy. It was a book that touched my heart and made me smile, and to me, that's a wonderful thing.


The Lights of Sugarberry Cove
 by Heather Webber
Published by Forge Books on July 20, 2021
Age/Genres: Adult, Enchanted Realism

The Lights of Sugarberry Cove is a charming, delightful story of family, healing, love, and small town Southern charm by USA Today bestselling author Heather Webber.

Sadie Way Scott has been avoiding her family and hometown of Sugarberry Cove, Alabama, since she nearly drowned in the lake just outside her mother’s B&B. Eight years later, Sadie is the host of a much-loved show about southern cooking and family, but despite her success, she wonders why she was saved. What is she supposed to do?

Sadie’s sister, Leala Clare, is still haunted by the guilt she feels over the night her sister almost died. Now, at a crossroads in her marriage, Leala has everything she ever thought she wanted―so why is she so unhappy?

When their mother suffers a minor heart attack just before Sugarberry Cove’s famous water lantern festival, the two sisters come home to run the inn while she recovers. It’s the last place either of them wants to be, but with a little help from the inn’s quirky guests, the sisters may come to terms with their strained relationships, accept the past, and rediscover a little lake magic.

When their mother fell ill, Sadie and Leala returned to their family home to help run the inn as their mother recovers. But this visit home will be an eye opening and life changing one for everyone involved.

It was love at first book for me and Webber. Since I read my first one last year, I have been trying to make my way through her backlist. Which brought me to The Lights of Sugarberry Cove, another sweet and touching story with a bit of magic.

Sadie and Leala may have been sisters, but they were a true study in contrasts. They were living vastly different lives, and though both seemed to be doing what they set out to do, they seemed unsettled. The time they shared together was time well spent because it allowed these women to get to the bottom of what was keeping their family apart. There were some hurt feelings and quite a few secrets that were revealed, but it all helped them move forward as they accepted and healed from the past.

Not only did Leala, Sadie, and their mother find healing, but Sadie was also able to mend a broken bridge with her former best friend while Leala and her husband were able to recapture their spark. There were quite a few relationships that needed mending, and I delighted in each one that was set back on track.

As with all Webber's books, there was a touch of magic. The lake magic was something often mentioned and something that played a big role in this family's history. I won't lie, I was very impressed with the twist related to that magic. It was brilliant and really warmed my heart.

Another thing that elevated this story was the stupendous cast. The folksy warmth of Camp, the youthful exuberance of Tucker, the mushy heart of Buzzy, and the strength of Bree -- I loved them all! And Sadie's stories from A Southern Hankerin' were so wonderful! I was moved, and I have to admit, I love stuff that makes my heart all squishy like that.

Overall, I had a lovely time meeting all the fine folks of Sugarberry Cove. I celebrated as they healed together, seized their second chances, and discovered the changes necessary to live their best lives. A beautiful story filled with love and family which tugged at my heartstring and made me happy.

Are you a baker or an eater?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love to cook, but have never been a great baker. Thankfully my husband can bake, so I end up being the beneficiary of his baking sprees!

    1. You have the best of both worlds! I can do both but find myself frustrated with the amount of time it takes to prepare when it's eaten so quickly. Definitely a labor of love.

  2. Glad you enjoyed both of these. I don't think I've tried this author yet.

    1. Her books are great. She does southern small towns so well.

  3. They sound good.
    Oh and I just found you over on Instagram too. I'm @ratladymary lol

  4. Fun chapter intros always give books that little extra touch of magic that it needs! <3 I'm definitely an eater-- the idea of always being near the oven or covered in flour does not sound fun to me. 😂 Great reviews, Sam! :)

    1. It's a lot of work to prepare quality food, so you have to love it for sure. When I do my meal prep, I look for recipes that say "easy"

  5. A Certain Kind of Starlight sounds perfect for my bookclub! I'll have to share.

    1. I love all Webber's books! If you like a little southern family drama with some magic, she is your girl.

  6. Both of those covers are giving summery starlit night vibes. So pretty.

  7. You used "stupendous"!!!! Oh I so love that word (and your reviews) ;-)

    1. I try to find new words to convey my emotions. Glad it delighted you.

  8. I'm so impressed with the lengths Addie went to in order to keep the secret. She really altered her life to honor that secret!

    1. It was an insane level, if you ask me, and it hurt her deeply to stay away from the people and place she loved. I was glad she came back and finally felt at "home" again.

  9. I have read and loved only 2 of her books, but have the rest on my TBR. I love the touch of magic and all the southernisms she has in her books. Great reviews, Sam. I really need to get back to her work.

    1. I think I only have one left. *boo hoo* So glad you are enjoying Webber's books! She does southern small towns so well.
