Friday, July 12, 2024

Discussion: Midyear Book Tag

I am a little late to the game, but I have posted this for several years and really enjoy reading everyone else's mid-year check-ins as well. This is always hard for me, but I will make an honest attempt here. 

First and foremost, let's see how many books I have read so far this year.  I am ahead of schedule which is always great, but same as previous years, my audiobook listening is down.

2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Samantha (WLABB) has read 163 books toward her goal of 250 books.

I am moving along with my other reading challenges. I am very excited that I only have the letter Z left in my alphabet challenge. The states are as difficult as always. I have nothing slated for the following states:
  • Arkansas
  • Delaware
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Tennessee
  • Virginia
If you happen to know of any good books for those states, please share. 

Best Book

This is always a struggle especially when I have been lucky enough to read SO many great books. I have awarding a five-star rating to 25 of the books I read so far, and there has actually been quite a bit of variety in there. 

I feel like there was something really special about The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley by Courtney Walsh. As with the majority of my five-star reads, this book made me happy. It filled me with joy and made me laugh, and it was quite uplifting, too. 

Best Sequel

I don't really read series, but I love companions. I didn't know it when I added this book to my TBR, but Seven Summer Weekends by Jane L. Rosen was a companion to On Fire Island. This was the book that brought me back to that world and let me see how everyone was doing. This was the book I didn't realize I needs, and I am forever grateful that Rosen wrote it. 

New Release I Want to Read

There are a plethora of new releases I want to read, and I have a ton on hold. One that I have been anticipating since it was announced is The Undermining of Twyla and Frank by Megan Bannen.

Most Anticipated Release - Second Half of 2024

I am a Wes and Liz lover, and I was over the moon when I heard we would be getting a sequel to Better Than the Movies. These after-the-HEA books can be scary for those who loved the first books so much, but I trust Painter to bring her magic to Nothing Like the Movies

Biggest Surprise

I will forever be leery of hyped/social media sensation books. I have been burned by plenty of these, but when I picked up the Rebel Blue Ranch books, I was surprised in the best way. I am adoring this series and am petitioning to be adopted by the Ryder family. I am so in love with this world and cannot wait until the next book comes out this fall. 

Favorite New-to-Me Author

I had purchased Funny Feelings back in 2022, but did not read it until I read and LOVED Tarah DeWitt's newest release, Savor It. I have now read three of her books, and each one was a hit for me. I am looking forward to reading more from DeWitt in the future.

Favorite Debut Author

I have always likened my work-life to the film Office Space, but now I can point to a book. Natalie Sue did an amazing job capturing office life in I Hope This Finds You Well. There may have some exaggerations in this story, but there is still plenty of truth. 

New Favorite Character

My enjoyment of a book usually hinges on me loving the characters, and I can say that I have "met" so many incredible characters this year. Scanning my memory banks, I did find that Bo from Out on a Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young stands out. He was a gentle and lovely unicorn man from the order of the cinnamon roll, but it was things he said and how he acted that I will never forget. There was this one scene in the book where his reaction to some news was just so moving. I may be shedding happy tears right now just thinking about it. That's what made him memorable for me. 

Made Me Cry

I am such a crier. I was weeping this morning as I finished my book. So, I have lots of books to choose from. I was thinking After Annie or Dear Edward, and then I remembered what Richard Roper did to me in This Disaster Loves You. When all is revealed, it is utterly heartbreaking. The book is hopeful, but wow! I was crushed. 

Made Me Happy

These are my FAVORITE kind of books. I am constantly seeking funny, heartwarming, and uplifting books. I think I may go with a funny one because it surprised me. I adored this book way more than I expected. It was funny and sweet and who doesn't love a comeback! I am picking Fangirl Down by Tessa Bailey

Need to Read by End of 2024

I am not reading many young adult books these days, but there are two of my favorites releasing new books. Jandy Nelson is back after a decade away, so I am eager to read When the World Tips Over. It has also been a long while since I have read anything from Rainbow Rowell, and I am ecstatic that we are getting an adult book. I loved her adult contemporary offerings and Slow Dance sounds like another winner for me. 

What is the best book you have read this year?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. So fun reading your answers. I had to put The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley on my TBR. Fangirl Down is definitely a book that made me happy, too. And Bo definitely deserves the favorite character slot. I enjoyed Funny Feelings but I haven't read any of DeWitt's other books yet. And yay for Lyla Sage. Those books are worth the hype!

    1. Isadora Bentley was such a fun, feel-good book. I hope you get a chance to read it. I always love when a book lives up to the hype.

  2. I didn't know that Rainbow Rowell was releasing an adult book. I should look into it. Congrats on reading 168 books!

    1. It's about time RR gave us a new adult book. I loved Attachments and Landline.

  3. So agree with you about after-HEA books, but I loved BETTER THAN THE MOVIES and will definitely be reading the next book!!

    1. Aren't Wes and Liz perfection? I adored their dynamic, and the book was just so much fun. So glad to hear you enjoyed it.

  4. Wow you made me add new books to my never ending TBR Sam! I don't know how I would choose only one or even two favorites this year! Well done!

    1. It is a challenge, for sure. It's great that picking a favorite is hard. It means you read too many amazing books.

  5. I am always floored by the sheer number of books you read. Reading is your super power! :) Out on a Limb is still on my TBR. I definitely want to pick that one up. I finished Slow Dance on Friday and enjoyed it. What a journey those two characters had.

    1. I don't watch TV, have a husband, or kids at home. I have more free time than others. Out on a Limb was such a wonderful book! I am definitely a pusher of that one. Glad to hear good things about the RR book. I am really looking forward to reading it.

  6. Jamie (
    For one of my challenges, I need a book set in Maryland. That's kind of tough for me. I'm also trying to find one with "brown" in the title and the name of an NFL team (eg, cowboys, eagles). Those really a re challenging!

    1. I have a feature called "Sloth Goes Places" and I did a Maryland post ( I was looking at that challenge. The NFL team prompt is hard. Talia Hibbert had a series called The Brown Sisters and their last name is in each title, I am pretty sure. I enjoyed those books.

  7. 1. Please read Twyla and Frank immediately.
    2. I am excited about Jandy's new one too!
    3. I am now on a mission to find you those states. Brb.
    Arkansas: This is hard. All I've got are the Lily Bard and Harper Connelly series by Charlaine Harris (loved the latter, the former was eh), After the Fall by Kate Hart (YA contemporary), and Eventide by Sarah Goodman (YA historical fantasy).
    Delaware: This is legit all I could find, and I have read neither. Guess I should write a book set in DE, I'd be on all the lists even if it was trash! The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez (YA contemporary), We Dream of Space by Erin Entrada Kelly (MG 1980s)
    Louisiana: The Sookie Stackhouse series, This Is Our Story and 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston, Vampires, Hearts, & Other Dead Things by Margie Fuston (YA), Drowning Is Inevitable by Shalanda Stanley (YA).
    Mississippi: Mosquitoland by David Arnold (YA), another 2015 pre-order that I still haven't gotten to, Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy (YA). This is another I shall write about!

    Tennessee: Colton Gentry's Third Act takes place partly in TN. Also, Four for the Road by K.J. Reilly. (Both of which I think you'd love, TBH, if you have not read them, which Goodreads says you have not, or at least haven't reviewed)
    Virginia: The Killing Code by Ellie Marney (YA Historical, loved), As I Descended by Robin Talley (YA, have not read), The Raven Boys series, apparently, who knew, Bridge to Terabithia, which I never read and only know about because Josh Hutcherson, My Best Everything by Sarah Tomp (YA contemp, which I pre-ordered in 2015 and still have not read), The Raven's Tale by Cat Winters (YA historical).

    Hope this helps!

    1. Wow! Thanks for the research. I have to see if the library has any of them. AR will be the toughest, it always is. I read both the MS books. Read all the Elston books, and LOVED Vampires!

  8. I got an ARC of Nothing like the Movies, and I am SO excited to read it! But also I'm worried 😭 But like you said, I trust Lynn Painter to do good by these characters

    1. We will have to cross our fingers and hold our breath. I hope you love it!
