Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday!

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I am combining CWW with Books From the Backlog hosted by Carole at Carole's Random Life in Books. This will allow me to feature some newly "rediscovered" books, which I plan on reading, alongside a new release.

This week I can't wait for

It's All Relative
 by Rachel Magee
Published by Thomas Nelson on August 6, 2024
Age/Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Fiction, Retelling

Shakespeare's famous comedy, A Midsummer Night's Dream, gets a modern retelling in the lighthearted women's fiction, It's All Relative. You're invited to a beach wedding celebrating family, friendship, and the age-old-adage that 'the course of true love' (and the merging of families, for that matter) 'never did run smooth.'

Helena Crosby is on her way to be a bridesmaid... in her mom's wedding.

Of course she's thrilled for her mom--the man she's marrying is great--but this family wedding is complicated. For starters, after twenty-eight years of it just being her and her mom, navigating family dynamics isn't exactly her strong suit, especially when she has nothing in common with said family. Take her soon-to-be stepsister, for example. They might be the same age, but Amelia is an always-put-together, successful architect whose hobby is organizing her pantry while Helena favors the messy bun and has decided meal prepping means scarfing down whatever she gets out of the vending machine while writing up lesson plans before class. And as if things weren't challenging enough, Helena managed to develop a monster crush on Amelia's fiancé. Now, on top of figuring out how to claim a spot in this family, she has to will herself to not be attracted to the most attractive man she's ever met. So, yeah. This week of wedding festivities at her new family's beach house should be super fun.

Amelia Maddox has everything under control.

Or at least she did until this whole wedding thing came up. She's happy her dad is dating again, but getting married? So soon? It's only been three years since her mom died, and Amelia has worked too hard to hold her family together to let it fall apart now. And then Helena shows up with him. What are the odds that the stepsister she barely knows happens to be best friends with her ex? But Landon is part of her past--which is absolutely behind her--and now she has to stay focused on the future. The bright, shiny, expertly planned future.

Of course, life has a habit of not going according to plan.

I am always up for a retelling, and this is one for which I am familiar with the source material. I am very interested in seeing how the author spins this, but I am sure it will be a good time since there is a wedding at the center of it all. I find weddings can be a great source of chaos, drama, and comedy. I am sensing comedy here, but I could be wrong. Either way, I am interested in seeing how this all plays out. 

If Cats Disappeared From the World
 by Genki Kawamura
Published by Flatiron on March 12, 2019
Age/Genres: Adult, Fiction

The international phenomenon that has sold over a million copies in Japan, If Cats Disappeared from the World is a funny, heartwarming, and profound meditation on the meaning of life.

The postman’s days are numbered. Estranged from his family, living alone with only his cat Cabbage to keep him company, he was unprepared for the doctor’s diagnosis that he has only months to live. But before he can tackle his bucket list, the Devil appears to make him an offer: In exchange for making one thing in the world disappear, our narrator will get one extra day of life. And so begins a very bizarre week…

With each object that disappears the postman reflects on the life he’s lived, his joys and regrets, and the people he’s loved and lost.

Genki Kawamura’s timeless tale is a moving story of loss and reconciliation, of one man’s journey to discover what really matters most in life.

This concept may not be wholly original, but there were cats involved, so I was interested. I can already tell this is one of those "thoughtful" books. You know, the ones that make you reflect on your own life. Sometimes these are good for me because I tend to get bogged down in my disappointment. Books like this refocus me and put me on the upswing. I am here for this moving story of loss and reconciliation, though I really don't want to imagine a world without cats. 

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. It's All Relative sounds like it could be a fun one. Very messy, but fun. :)

    1. It does sound like a total mess. When done right, those type of stories can be great.

  2. If Cats Disappeared sounds like a unique story. I don't want to imagine a world without cats, either! Hope you enjoy both books!

    1. The book was really good. I gave it 5/5. It made me think a lot, sort of in the same way The Midnight Library did.

  3. I often find that Japanese books have quite funny titles and this one is no exception. That seems an excellent read too!

    1. I wonder if it's a translation thing, though there was a part where the Devil suggested removing cats from the world. It could have been literal here.
