
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is doing well. This has been a week. The first day of summer came with a vengeance.  It's oppressively hot here and pretty much everywhere in the US right now. The trains were a hot mess all week, too. Long delays and lots of cancellations. It was tough in this heat, but at least NJ Transit FINALLY did what I always thought they should do. When the issue is in the city, the trains should still run between Newark and Trenton, and that is what they did on Thursday. People stuck in the city have options. Those of us in the burbs are stuck! It was chaos, but I only got home about an hour or so late. 

I had Wednesday off for Juneteeth and went to the orthopedic for my shoulder. It's shoulder impingement which is what the chiropractor said. That's a pretty good diagnosis. I got a shot of cortisone and am doing some stretches and strengthening exercises to make some room up there in the shoulder. I didn't get much relief from the shot, and I know it's going to take a while for any results, but at least there was no talk of surgery. 

It's hot, so I really haven't been doing much, but we are finally going to see Beautiful tomorrow. We missed the show a few weeks ago when dad was in the hospital, but they let you try to go on another date at the playhouse which was fortunate. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - The Art of Catching Feelings, Right Where We Left Us
  • Tuesday: TTT - My Summer TBR
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Wedding People
  • Thursday: Reviews - Dad Camp, The Summer Escape
  • Friday: Spell the Month in Books - June 2024
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Beach Reads

Let's Discuss

  • Aelyn shares some underrated fantasy romance books
  • Krysta asks who is qualified to review books

Stacking the Shelves

I was really excited to see Light on sale. It caught my eye when I saw it on Netgalley but my library never got it. I was happy to buy it. 



Read Last Week

It was a good reading week. I finally had a five-star read. Debbie Johnson writes heartwarming books, and this was a great one. Absolutely loved the road trip in Jenny James is Not a Disaster, and I pretty loved everything else, too. The second Rebel Blue Ranch book was solid as well. I am really enjoying the series. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads


Currently Reading

I was excited to see how Neil and Rowan were doing, but Past Present Future is not giving me the same sort of vibes as the last book. The draw for me was Rowan and Neil together, and this is more about that first year of college and the surviving the separation. It's good because it's RLS, but that magic is missing for me so far. 

I am loving A Little Ray of Sunshine, but I have not had much time to listen. I should be able to get two days in this week at work as long as nobody calls out. May be able to finish it then. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Glad the diagnosis for your shoulder isn't too serious! I hope the stretches help and that you feel better soon. 💓 Past Present Future looks so interesting, and I'm sorry it's not amazing so far. Hopefully it'll get better!

    1. Thank you, Aimee. I have feeling it will take a while to get my mobility back. I liked Past Present Future, and I have to commend RLS on the wonderful epilogue. I think it was just hard to follow up that first book, and it's always risky doing an after-the-HEA book.

  2. Trains in the heat can be a nightmare if something goes bad! I will be back to commuting tomorrow and I hope I won't have any problem! Let's hope the coming week is better for you Sam! And yay for the no surgery diagnosis!

    1. Fingers crossed your commute goes well. I follow my train line on Twitter and it has been endless notifications all week. I am really in no mood for travel drama tomorrow.

  3. I have shoulder impingement, too. It was made worse by my job and I was in PT for a year. I still do the exercises and stretching and my range of motion is still not at 100%, but so much better. I was discouraged at first because it took so long to see any improvement, but the exercises do start helping. It's been hot here, too. Summer is here. Not my favorite season. Glad to hear they finally started using some common sense with the train routes! Hope you stay cool, Sam!

    1. My range of motion isn't terrible, just painful. So painful. It's hard to find the motivation to do the exercises when it hurts like that. I am glad to hear the exercises take a while but will help. I hate summer with a passion, winter too. Spring and Fall all year long!

  4. OMG, this weather!! I just can't. Today feels nice, though, so I'll take it when I can get it!

    1. Today is beautiful! It's wasn't this nice when I left for work, but when I got out, I was basking in the dry breeze.

  5. The heat has been brutal. It hasn't rained here either, so its hot and dry. Of course, the dogs want to go out all day long! Glad your shoulder isn't anything terrible. My husband has been having shoulder pain but won't see a doctor because he is afraid it is going to be a surgical problem. Hang in there and stay cool!

    1. Is hot and dry worse than hot and humid? It's been pea soup here. I hate it! Your hubs should get it checked. It could get worse. If I left mine, it could turn to something surgical.

  6. I truly do not envy you that commute. Hearing about the ongoing issues makes me sooo thankful that I can hop in my car and be home from the office in roughly 15 minutes. I've heard cortisone shots are quite painful. :( I hope you get at least some relief from it.

    1. The only job I had that was close was when I taught in Edison, but that job was miserable. The short commute just didn't make up for the oppression of teaching. The shot in my shoulder didn't hurt. I think because there is more padding. My foot was terrible and I had a lot of swelling and bruising with each injection.

  7. It has been hot here too! Construction finally started at our house this week to address the storm damage from April, so it is all a bit chaotic here and will be for the next few weeks.

    1. It's a rough time of the year to be in construction. I hope it goes well.

  8. First your foot, now your shoulder. At least you're not facing another surgery...I hope you manage to nurse it back into shape. And gah! commute issues and the heat are a terrible combination. Funnily enough, we're having a kind of weather that is more akin to autumn or early rains, then it's sunny, then it rains again, then it's least the temps are comfortable, though...

    1. Roberta, you get old and your parts break. That's reality. I would love some cloud coverage. It wouldn't feel as hot then.

  9. I hope you enjoyed Beautiful. I've always wanted to see that show but so far haven't had the opportunity. I hope your shoulder issues resolve quickly!

    1. I saw it on Broadway back in 2019, but this production was great, too. The music is so good.
