
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday and a Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Unfortunately, I was unable to take my dad out for his yearly over-priced steak. You know that cold I had? I gave it to my dad, it turned into pneumonia, and he was in the hospital for four days. Covid twice and no problems. The rhino virus took him out. The doctor was say that virus is a bigger issue than it used to be due to all that isolating and masking me did during the pandemic. He is home and resting, so hopefully we can have a late Father's Day outing. 

Today, we are going to see my sister in Memphis. I have never seen the play, but it sounds good. I have another short week of work due to the Juneteeth holiday. I am going to use the time to get my shoulder looked at. I am hoping I can get a shot or some prescription anti inflammatory to ease the pain. I am welcoming the short week because we have been slammed at work. My function is still down a person and another is on vacation while a LOT of survey complaints were found from last year (!) and that is pushing our volumes up. Normally, it a bit slower in the summer, but not this year. I was on a marathon every day this week. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - One Last Summer, The Rom-Commers
  • Tuesday: TTT - I "Wish"
  • Wednesday: CWW - Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell
  • Thursday: Reviews - Happy Medium, How to Read a Book
  • Friday: Discussion - What's in a Name
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - Canada

Let's Discuss

  • The Orangutan Librarian revisited old posts to see how they aged
  • Aelyn wonders if libraries should be silent
  • AJ shares some books with mind blowing plot twists

Stacking the Shelves

Lots of invites this week. I was only familiar with the Heron book.The others are new to me. 


Read Last Week

Not a bad reading week. The Roper book was not what I was expecting, but I really liked it. It was sort of sad but lovely, and ultimately, hopeful. I liked the Kate book a lot, too. It was one of those alternate reality stories, and though I loved the romance, I liked that learning what the character valued in life even more. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

Just starting out with both of these. The previous Sage book was a surprise hit for me, so I am hoping for good things with Swift and Saddled. Sunshine is a long one, but I always enjoy Higgins' books. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. "The doctor was say that virus is a bigger issue than it used to be due to all that isolating and masking me did during the pandemic."'s been years...I can't comprehend how it can still affect us. I hope your dad will be back on his feet soon!

    Wait, your sister is in a play?

    Survey complaints from last year?!?

    I hope you can find a solution for your shoulder pain.

    1. All that time we spent hiding from the virus weakened our immune systems. Quite a few of my mother's friends have come down with pneumonia lately. Hopefully it clears up and he can get off the oxygen. This is his nightmare. My sister does community theatre. She was good. The play was excellent. Some sort of system glitch and now we have so many late filings. It's nuts!

  2. Sorry your dad got so sick! That's awful! And hopefully things slow down at work soon. Have a great week!

  3. Sorry to hear your dad was so sick! It's been going around. My son-in-law came down with bronchitis and influenza, my grandson had pneumonia (the last time we were in TX), my husband got bronchitis from them. He's finally stopped coughing so much after a month, but it was rough. I hope your dad recovers quickly!

    1. This isn't even flu season, and the flu is so bad. It's the worst sickness I have ever had in my life. So many respiratory illness. Scary! My dad has a lot of damage to his lungs from the cancer (and he lost almost one whole lung). I feel terrible that I brought that home.

  4. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your dad! I'm glad he's home and on the mend though. It seems like everything is hitting harder this year - viruses, stomach bugs, etc. I hope you can celebrate soon!

    1. I agree. Every illness seems worse than before the pandemic

  5. Oh no, sorry to hear about your dad. :( How terrible to have to be hospitalized. Pneumonia is nothing to play around with. Enjoy the mid-week day off! And hopefully things at work will settle down soon (and maybe that position will be filled?).

    1. If today was any reflection of how work will be this week, it won't be good. Pneumonia really is no joke. I had it a bunch of times as a kid but I don't remember how it was. I remember the flu though which was the worst.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your dad being sick too, but hopefully you both are on the mend!

    I think we may have finalized all the work that needs to be done on our house from the storm damage in April. New roof, siding, trim, paint, and a front door are all on the horizon for us. We should get our last bid this week and get the work scheduled soon. As much as I'm dreading spending all this money on the house, it will be very nice to have it all completed.

    1. I hope your insurance is covering some of it. It's a lot all at once.

  7. I'm sorry to hear your dad has been so sick but I hope he recovers soon. I also hope things get a little less hectic at work and that you manage to get something to help your shoulder pain! It looks like you had a pretty great reading week :) I haven't heard of a lot of the titles but a few of these covers have piqued my curiosity! I hope you have a great week ahead.

    1. Work has been a hot mess. At least I am off tomorrow. I can recover a bit. I always seem to read more obscure books. I like finding those little-books-that-could.

  8. I hope your dad will recover quickly and that your shoulder will stop hurting Sam! It must be hard to sleep if you are in constant pain!

    1. I have so many pains, it's a losing battle. I really hope there is no talk of surgery tomorrow.
