
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! June came in with a vengeance. It's way too hot here, and I am eager for a nice cold front to come through. This was a pretty short work week for me due to the holiday on Monday and jury duty on Thursday. 

I don't think you understand how happy I was that I was not selected for the jury. It was a criminal case and the charges were things my heart could not handle. I was in the courtroom for about three hours as they completed jury selection, and then the other case scheduled that day settle. Because of that, I was dismissed by noon. It was great! I walked around New Brunswick a bit, got some lunch, and then took the train home. It had been a long time since I had been to New Brunswick. It's good to see all the college bars I went to are still there but many places I went are gone. On one block, there were like five or six different places I could had gotten falafel. That was something that was really different from when I was there.  

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - Just Some Stupid Love Story, Summer Romance
  • Tuesday: TTT - I Chose Wisely
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Same Bright Stars, The Housekeeper and the Professor
  • Thursday: Reviews - Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame, The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers
  • Friday: Discussion - The Reject Files
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - Michigan

Let's Discuss

  • Jen shared awarding winning YA books about mental health
  • Book Riot tells us about the best book tracking apps
  • Davida wonders if we need more era categories 

It's people like this who restore my faith in humanity. 

Stacking the Shelves

This was a light week, but I was excited to get approved for the new Jenny Bayliss book. I adore her stories. I saw Double Apex as read now and jumped on it since it was on my TBR. I have read maybe one or two race car romances, so it will be a nice change of pace. 



Read Last Week

This was a solid reading week. I read some fun romances, a rather moving tale of friendship, and two anticipated releases. If I had to pick, I guess I would say Right Where We Left Us was my top book this week. I am giving it the edge because it brought me back to the world of Devon's last book, it's a second chance romance, and I cried until I had to blow my nose during the wedding. A Novel Love Story was a close second. I loved the premise. I mean,  who wouldn't want to live inside their favorite book series. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I am just starting both this book as I write this post, but I have high hopes for both.

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Yay for not being selected as a jury! I guess the crime probably involved kids by the way you describe it Sam. have a great week!

    1. Wow! I cannot believe you guessed that, Sophie!

  2. It's been hot here too. As you said we have similar temp ranges this last week. I was happy to have it cool down at night! I just got in from watering/gardening and I'm overheated! I also have A Novel Love Story and Finding Mr. Write. I love Kelley Armstrong's mystery/thriller books. I'm curious to see how she does with contemporary romance. Hope we both love it!

    1. This will be my first by Armstrong, since I am not a big mystery/thriller reader, I have not read any of her work before. I hope it's a hit for us both.

  3. I'm always happy not to be picked for jury duty too.

    1. Criminal cases are a big responsibility. I felt the pressure just being there.

  4. Glad jury duty allowed you a trip down memory lane...and you didn't get picked.

    1. It was interesting being back in my old college/high school stomping grounds.

  5. Ooh, a criminal case - that would have been difficult! I feel like New Brunswick looks different every time I go there!

    1. It does! I was last there for grad school in 2004. We went to the steakhouse a few years ago, but didn't really go anywhere but there, so I am not counting it.

  6. I'm glad you escaped the jury! I hope you're having a good week.

    1. Me too! I didn't want to spend two weeks in the courtroom. Yikes!

  7. Hooray for not being picked for jury duty, especially since it was a case that sounded rather intense. I had to sit on a federal criminal trial several years ago and certain aspects (and images) have stayed with me. Very disturbing. The Richard Roper book has been on my radar but I haven't checked my library for it yet.

    1. So intense. That's what someone else said to me. They were on a murder trial and it was horrible looking at the exhibits.

  8. We've had record high temperatures too! I fear it is going to be a long hot summer! On the book front, I've got several new releases to read over the next month, so I'll be quite busy.

    1. Hope you keep cool and find lots of gems in your book stack.

  9. Although I hate hot, I would trade a little of yours with our cold, rain. It feels like spring is never going to come here.

    1. It's gross here. NJ has the great climate of cold winters and hot, humid summers. I don't consider the 80s to be spring weather. I like that 60s/70s thing

  10. Jamie (
    It's been hot in my area too. Today especially!
    I'm in California, BTW.
