
Friday, June 7, 2024

Five Star Friday - May 2024

Five Star Friday is my version of the monthly wrap-up. On the first Friday of each month, I will share my five-star reads from the previous month. Fingers crossed, I have lots of books to tell you about.

This month, I was able to read 25 books, and I had  2 five-star reads. 

Just Some Stupid Love Story
 by Katelyn Doyle
Published by Flatiron Books on June 4, 2024
Age/Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

For fans of Emily Henry, a debut about a rom-com screenwriter who doesn't believe in love and a divorce attorney who does, forced together at their high school reunion fifteen years after their breakup

Molly Marks writes Hollywood rom-coms for a living—which is how she knows “romance” is a racket. The one and only time she was naive enough to fall in love was with her high school boyfriend, Seth—who she ghosted on the eve of graduation and hasn’t seen in fifteen years.

Seth Rubinstein believes in love, the grand, fated kind, despite his job as, well…one of Chicago’s most successful divorce attorneys. Over the last decade, he’s sought “the one” in countless bad dates and rushed relationships. He knows his soulmate is out there. But so far, no one can compare to Molly Marks, the first girl who broke his heart.

When Molly’s friends drag her to Florida for their fifteenth high school reunion, it is poetic justice that she’s forced to sit with Seth. Too many martinis and a drunken hookup later, they decide to make a bet: whoever can predict the fate of five couples before the next reunion must declare that the other is right about true love. The catch? The fifth couple is the two of them.

Molly assures Seth they are a tale of timeless heartbreak. Seth promises she’ll end up hopelessly in love with him. She thinks he’s delusional. He has five years to prove her wrong.

Wickedly funny, sexy, and brimming with laughs and heart like the best romantic comedies, Just Some Stupid Love Story is for everyone who believes in soulmates—even if they would never admit it.

This book was fantastic! It was funny and witty and hit all the right notes for me. I loved the way Molly and Seth played off each other. Their banter was top notch and fun to observe, but I also was really hoping that their relationship would take off. I loved how they kept meeting again after time apart, and it was wonderful that there finally came the "right time" for them. I had a wonderful time spending the years with this couple as I waited for them to finally find their forever together.


Summer Romance
 by Annabel Monaghan
Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons on June 4, 2024
Age/Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Benefits of a summer romance: it’s always fun, always brief, and no one gets their heart broken.

There aren’t enough labeled glass containers to contain the mess that is Ali Morris’s life. Her mom died two years ago, then her husband left, and she hasn’t worn pants with a zipper in longer than she cares to remember. She’s a professional organizer whose pantry is a disgrace.

No one is more surprised than Ali when the first time she takes off her wedding ring and puts on pants with hardware—overalls count, right?—she meets someone. Or rather, her dog claims a man for her in the same way he claimed his favorite of her three children: by peeing on him. Ethan smiles at Ali like her pants are just right—like he likes what he sees. The last thing Ali needs is to make her life messier, but there’s no harm in a little Summer Romance. Is there?

Gosh! I adored this book so much! It was funny and heartfelt and touching. There were so many things I loved. This was Ali's comeback story. She had been wallowing in grief. First from losing her mother, then from losing her husband. I liked seeing her reclaim her life and also find someone who didn't ask her to compromise herself. In fact, Ethan was supportive and encouraged her. Everyone needs someone to believe in them sometimes. I loved the messy characters, the humor, the warmth, and everything else Monaghan never fails to deliver in her tales. Like her other books, Summer Romance left me with walking on sunshine and smiling my face off.


Honorable Mention

May was packed with great reading. Here are my honorable mention books. All earned 4.5 stars.

What were the best books you read last month?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Now I feel like I have to add Summer Romance to my TBR! Also, I love that vintage-looking cover on The Art of Catching Feelings!

    1. Monaghan's books are all so good!!! That vintage thing seems to be emerging. I am thinking about the Lyla Sage books. They have the same feel.

  2. My two five star books were Camino Ghosts by John Grisham and Knife by Salman Rushdie. Very different books from each other, but both excellent!

    1. So different. That's awesome that you had two five star books last month.

  3. I've enjoyed Monaghan's shift into adult fiction. They are such a good blend of women's fiction/romance without every being too heavy or angsty. So glad this latest from her was another hit!

    1. My shift from romance to women's fiction has been growing with each year. It seems I want the woman to be the center of the story as I age. I like that Monaghan's characters are a little older, too.

  4. Yours is the Xth positive review that I see about Just Some Stupid Love Story!

    1. Glad to hear it is getting the love it deserves
