
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - You Can Quote Me

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

You Can Quote Me!

Happy Tuesday! Today we are supposed to share some quotes, and though I can appreciate a good quote, I am not one for collecting them. Therefore, I am shifting a bit. When thinking about quotes, my mind went to journalist as they often quote their sources to support their stories. Below are ten books I read that featuring journalist who are either print or broadcast reporters. 

  1. All Good People Here by Ashley Flowers
  2. The One That Got Away by Charlotte Rixon
  3. Love, Just In by Natalie Murray
  4. The Invisible Husband of Frick Island by Colleen Oakley
  5. Weather Girl by Rachel Lynn Solomon

  1. Playing By Her Rules by Amy Andrews
  2. Headliners by Lucy Parker
  3. Off the Record by K.A. Linde
  4. Take Two, Birdie Maxwell by Allison Winn Scotch
  5. Yes & I Love You by Roni Loren

Books featuring journalists?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Fun take on the topic! I used to better about keeping a list of quotes I liked.

    1. I liked to curate more, too, but now I don't like to break up my reading with all that.

  2. These all look great.. I have so many of these on my TBR.

    1. I hope you get a chance to read them. They were great.

  3. What a fun way to stay with the theme when you don't collect quotes. I loved Yes & I Love You!!

    1. I adored that one as well. Books with improv have been pretty good to me

  4. For the second week in a row we are almost twinning. :) Our post titles are almost identical. I've not read anything by Lucy Parker but I think I have several by her on my GR TBR. I really like the cover of Headliners.

    1. Parker's books lean towards the fun but with some gravity. Headliners was especially precious

  5. Lots of books feature reporters and journalists. I love reading about their exciting jobs, although I can't imagine doing that myself. Way too stressful!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Some of the books feature more of the workplace than others, but it's always fun to take that look behind the curtain.

  6. I'm not one for collecting quotes either so I like your take on this weeks topic. I loved Weather Girl!

    1. Weather Girl was not my favorite from RLS. I think it spun out a bit too much with the depression stuff, but it was still solid.
