
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Would Love to Read More

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Would Love to Read More!

Today, we are talking about authors we would love to read more books from. What I found is that I miss those older young adult books. I had so many favorite authors who were good for a new book just about every year. There were also a few I read a stellar book from who just never released anything after that. I guess I should have looked at this prompt from the last time I did it, though, it's interesting to compare to this one. 

Three authors have made an encore appearance on this list (Sarah Ockler, Jessi Kirby, Laura Tims), one has passed away (Huntley Fitzpatrick), and one has a new book coming out this fall (Jandy Nelson). My list remains young adult focused as I struggled with thinking of any adult authors I have not read in a long time. 

  1. Louise Gornall - Under Rose-Tinted Skies  I adored this book so much and was saddened to read of Gornall's death. 
  2. Jenn Bennett - Starry Eyes I want to preface this by saying that Bennett did release a book last year, but it was middle grades. Her young adult books are among my favorites, and I would love to read more from her. OR maybe she will cross over into adult contemporary romance. This is not such a stretch as she has adult romances with paranormal touches out there. 
  3. Melina Marchetta - Jellicoe Road Another author whose young adult books are so great. It does look like Marchetta has written some children's books in the last few years, but it's been a while since her last young adult book. 
  4. Sarah Ockler - The Book of Broken Hearts It seems there is a theme here. I miss those young adult authors from back in the day and would love to read something new from Ockler. 
  5. Jennifer Longo - What I Carry I gave all of Longo's books high marks, so I just picked her most recent book to feature. Her stories always feature something interesting, and I loved what I learned from her books. 

  1. Sharon Huss Roat - How to Disappear Roat wrote two fantastic young adult books, but it has been years since her last release. 
  2. Emma Mills - This Adventure Ends Mills, like Bennett, did release a book last year, but it wasn't a contemporary book. Her young adult contemporaries are among my favorites. 
  3. Laura Tims - The Art of Feeling Tims wowed me with this book, but it was her last.  
  4. Jessi Kirby - The Other Side of Lost Another favorite young adult author. Loved all her books and would be delighted to read more. 
  5. Sarah Dessen - Along for the Ride Dessen is one of the OG young adult authors I will never tire of reading. Though her movies have been adapted in the last few years, she has yet to release a book in this decade. 

Who do you wish could write a new book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. It's odd that so many authors haven't had a book (or a YA book) out in years...but hey, the market is so fickle. And I noticed there are more fantasy/supernatural/horror YA books out there at the moment than there used to be a few years ago, and less contemporary ones.

    1. I am not really up to date with YA, so it am not aware of any patterns. It is interesting to see it's trending that way.

  2. I enjoyed a lot of these authors a few years ago. I miss seeing a yearly release from Mills.

    1. Mills was always a good time. I loved her humor and the warm fuzzies her stories supplied.

  3. I enjoyed the couple I read by Jenn Bennett. I had no idea it had been so long since Dessen released anything.

    1. I think her last book was The Rest of the Story in 2019. It's been a while.

  4. I would love another book from Malina Marchetta! Her writing is so beautiful! It's been a long time since I read Jellicoe Road. I need to re-read sometime. Wonder if they have an audio version. I read most, if not all her other books. Fantasy as well.

    1. Jellicoe Road was so odd but when it came together, I was knocked out.

  5. I only just recently read Sarah Dessen and Jenn Bennett for the first time, but I enjoyed them both.

    1. They are two favorites of mine. I adore their contemporaries. Glad you enjoyed your first books by them.

  6. I read that Mills book, but I don't remember it being middle grade. I think it was YA but was a fantasy novel. I didn't love it enough to recommend it to you. Or maybe she released that one and a middle grade? I do wish she would give us a YA contemporary or adult contemporary. I loved Bennett's books from Starry Eyes and before but her last couple lost me. It would be nice to see something from her, though. And I'm surprised we haven't gotten another Dessen, but she takes a long time to release.

    1. I didn't say it was middle grades (that was Bennett). It wasn't contemporary, that's why I wasn't interested. Bennett always hits the spot for me. I know her newer YA were not as well received, but I liked them.

  7. I do read some YA, but not a lot. I have only read Sarah Dessen and only 1 book that I can recall. With so many authors out there, and debut ones almost every week, I can see how some authors may disappear.

  8. Idk how I missed Huntley Fitzpatrick's passing, but I am so sad to hear this. She participated in Shattering Stigmas back in the day, and was just so lovely. My heart hurts for her and her family. I did know about Louise Gornall, I followed her on social media for ages, her story also breaks my heart. It really is always sad when a favorite author vanishes, I just hope the others are doing okay and simply taking a break from writing!

    1. It was maybe two years ago? I was destroyed when I saw the announcement and swore I was going to read all her books that I own. One of these days I really need to read them. Gornall was so young, too. Heartbreaking. I am with you. I just hope that they are living their best life even if they are not writing books.

  9. I loved that book from Jennifer Longo so I wouldn't mind reading more of her either!

    1. All her books were great! She always incorporated something interesting into her stories.
