
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - I Chose Wisely

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

I Chose Wisely!

Happy Tuesday! We are supposed to talk about books we were so excited about, got our hands on, but still have not read. I don't really buy a lot of books, and therefore, will be twisting this one a bit. I took a look back on some of those "most anticipated" books I featured this year which I read and wanted to see which ones were hits for me. I would like to think I know my tastes, but you can't always be right about all the books. I focused on books featured this year, and I found that I read many of the books, a majority of which were hits. Below are ten books I featured this year which I really enjoyed, and thus, I chose wisely. 

  1. Love, Me by Jessica Saunders
  2. The Other Side of Disappearing by Kate Clayborn
  3. Kilt Trip by Alexandra Kiley
  4. The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers by Samuel Burr
  5. The Rule Book by Sarah Adams

  1. Savor It by Tarah DeWitt
  2. Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle
  3. Summertime Punchline by Betty Corrello
  4. One Last Summer by Kate Spencer
  5. Seven Summer Weekends by Jane L. Rosen

What book did you predict would be a hit?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Great topic, Sam. Like you, I know my own tastes and am adept at figuring out which books I will likely enjoy and which probably will not work for me. But there are always surprises and sometimes a book just doesn't click with you. Glad to see that these were all winners! :)

    1. I usually find more winners than stinkers for sure.

  2. I know that you do sometimes have DNFs, but overall I think you are fabulous at choosing books! LOL, can you teach the rest of us who are having meh reading years?

    1. I find my DNFs are usually authors I don't know or a bit outside my genre, but I am wiling to give it a try with a book I get for free.

  3. Love your spin on this week's prompt, Sam! So glad these books lived up to your expectations. :) Kilt Trip also looks so cute, so I'll have to check that out!

    1. Kilt Trip was fun and cute, and the trips they went on were fantastic.

  4. I have about 100 books on my Kindle right now. I just start at the beginning of the list and go down the line. I will get through them eventually. lol

    1. Mary, I have a hideous number of books on my cloud. When I got my new kindle, I was realistic and was selective about which books I downloaded. I could read some of the others but I doubt it after so many years.

  5. Great twist today! I had a Clayborn on my TTT but this is another one of hers that is also on my TBR and I can't wait to read it 😂 I think you have great taste in books and I've enjoyed the ones I've read on your rec!

    1. This was a bit different for her while still being very in her style. I enjoyed it. I hope you get a chance to check it out.

  6. It's nice to know yourself well enough to pick so many winners! I'm glad you enjoyed all these.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. The hard part is resisting hype and staying true to my tastes.FOMO is tough.

  7. I love your take on this topic! I feel like I am bad at choosing/predicting, but then I have had fewer and fewer low-star ratings so... maybe I am better than I think! Glad these were wins for you!

    1. I am sure you are better than you think with recognizing your reading tastes. There are always some stinkers which is what the DNF was invented for.

  8. It's always nice to have your choices work out! I have Seven Summer Weekends, too, so I'm happy to see you enjoyed it.

    1. Have you read Rosen's other books? You don't have to have read the last one, but this is sort of a follow up. It's the widower and the same universe. I love Rosen's books

  9. Kilt Trip is still making me laugh with its title Sam!
