
Friday, May 31, 2024

The Reject Files

This Week's Topic

The Reject Files

Every once in a while, I like to take a look at those rejected requests. Did I read it? Did I like it? Was it a good thing that I was rejected? It's always interesting though these is no clear pattern. I have grown more conservative with my requests, not requesting as many books as I have in the past. Therefore, I do not have a long list of rejects. I had seven from this year. I read four and three have yet to be released. 

Most of the rejects were by authors I have previously read and loved, so it comes as no surprise that these were hits. The only wild card in the batch was How to End a Love Story. I had been seeing it around and everyone seemed to love it, so I requested an ARC. Two are authors I used to get ARCs for, but it's been a while. I think I was feeling over confident when I requested the CLo and Emily Henry books. I wasn't destroyed though because I knew my library would get those books (and they did). I was little put off by the Dewitt reject until I realized it was a re-release of one of her books that was in KU. 

This was actually a batch of hits. 

The other three rejections which are currently unreleased are below. I feel confident that my library will get the Harvey book, there's a good chance for the Pooley book, and I got a widget from the publisher for Lord's book. 

Now it's your turn!

What "reject" books did you love?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I very rarely request arcs anymore so no requests means no rejects. Haha. I got an invite for Mind Games by Nora Roberts (which shocked me). Otherwise, I think my only request this year was Older by Jennifer Hartmann, which was approved. Nice that you got a widget for Lord's book!

    1. Sometimes the rejections get to me. If I am having a rough week, a rejection makes me feel even more worthless. That's why I try not to request those super popular authors who I know I can get at the library. I have only seen raves for Mind Games. I am not familiar with Hartmann, but it's always great to get approved for books you want.

  2. I love discovering a new author through an ARC who then blows up in popularity! But that does make snagging the next ARC that much harder. I've got a few of these on my TBR, too, but none I requested as ARCs this time around.

    1. Right. I feel like I was there with them from the beginning and now I am persona non grata. .

  3. If I did that I would have an endless list Sam! I get so few approvals!

    1. I know it's harder for international bloggers.

  4. I haven't been rejected in a while. But if I want to read the book I just buy it too.

    1. I almost never buy books. I have so many and three library sources. I just don't read it.

  5. I don't request ARCs, but I would definitely feel bad about rejections. It's nice, though, that most of these you can get from other sources so you aren't missing out!

    1. That's a perk I will not give up though I do request less than I had in the beginning.
