
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! And a happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! This year is sort of special for me since my daughter will be with me today. We will go out with my parents to The Melting Pot. It always amuses me that I am willing to pay a premium to cook my own food. HA! 

I had my follow up with the orthopedist on Tuesday, and there are no non-surgical options available for m. He wants to go in cut the nerve and shorten two of my toes. I had a big NO-THANKS for him. Last time I did surgery, it caused more problems then it solved. I was told to wear rigid soled shoes, so I have been on the search for some that are not too hideous. There are some orthopedic shoe sites out there with some decent options. They are expensive though. I have one pair coming this week. He said to get Hoka sneakers, but they are so ugly. Still wrestling with that decision. I did wear the most rigid soled shoes I own, my Doc Martens from the 80s, and it did help with the pain on the bottom of my foot. Only time will tell. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - This Summer Will Be Different, Just for the Summer
  • Tuesday: TTT - Floral Inspiration
  • Wednesday: CWW - Serendipity
  • Thursday: Reviews - Begin Again, The Husbands
  • Friday: Discussion - Saving Face?
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Set Abroad

Let's Discuss

  • Book Riot implores us to ask a librarian for recommendations. 
  • Krysta asks if tropes are spoilers
  • Carol shares her experience writing blog posts

Stacking the Shelves

I got a LOT of invites this week. Some for books I have already read (and loved!), and some I have already received. Most exciting was the Edelweiss email. I think this is the first time I have ever been pre-approved for a book I actually would read. I think I will probably download that book (The Summer Club) and The Full Moon Coffee Shop. Those two are very much in line with what I like to read. 



Read Last Week

The quality of books was great again, but my reading has been terribly slow. Funny Story was another solid book from Henry. I liked this Adler book better than her last one. It was very fun and sweet, and BABY GOATS! I think my favorite was Birding with Benefits. I loved all the birding stuff (I couldn't help buy think of Ali), and I adored this couple. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I have not really started Summer Romance, but I am pretty sure it will be good for me. I love Monaghan's books. The Wedding Crasher is fun (as expected), but the author really went for the sex in this one. First, a the swingers encounter and then a sex club. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Happy Mother's Day!

    "He wants to go in cut the nerve and shorten two of my toes. I had a big NO-THANKS for him."
    😮 I'm not surprised you did...for goodness' sake, that's EXTREME. Very Cinderella's-stepsisters-like LOL. It sounds odd that rigid soles should help with foot pain, but after wearing your Martens, you're proof that he's onto something. I hope you find some pairs that work and aren't too hideous!

    "Most exciting was the Edelweiss email. I think this is the first time I have ever been pre-approved for a book I actually would read."

    1. Thank you, Roberta! I understand the foot issue which resulted from the other surgery which shorted my the bone in the big toe, but I am already dealing with issues from the last surgery. I don't want to take that chance and be without my right foot for two months.

  2. Happy Mother's Day too and I get why you wouldn't like another surgery!

    1. Thank you, Sophie! No more cutting my foot open

  3. Hope you enjoyed spending Mother's Day with your mother and your daughter! Sorry to hear you didn't have any good non-surgical options for your foot. I hope wearing different shows will help. I also enjoyed Funny Story, as you know. I having Birding With Benefits too, so I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it. I'm a newer bird enthusiast, so I'm excited for that part of the story as well.

    1. Birding was great! I hope you enjoy it as well. I guess I don't associate Arizona with lots of birds which is silly, but I loved being part of their expeditions.

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Sam! I hope you had a wonderful time with your daughter there :) Sorry to hear about the non-surgical options for your foot. I just looked at those Hoka shoes cos I thought I hadn't heard of them before but I saw them in store for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I too am not a fan. Why does the logo have to be so prominent? 😬 You did get lots of great invites! I love the art style for The Art of Catching Feelings! Thompson always has great covers 😍 Birding with Benefits sounds so fun and what a title too—I'll be chucking that on my TBR now. I hope you have a great week ahead!

    1. Yes, not only are the shoes clunky but I agree with you, the logo is SOO big. I feel like Thompson's other books had covers of similar style. I hav like them all.

  5. Happy Mother's Day! I hope it was a good one. I also would have declined that surgery. It sounds awful. I hope the shoes help.

    1. I have pretty much given up on doctors. They never seem to be able to help me. I will just have to suck it up

  6. Aww, that's so great that your daughter was here for Mother's Day! Hope you had a great time at the Melting Pot!

  7. I'm so happy you were able to spend the day with your daughter! As for the foot pain, I agree the Hokas are ugly, but I have a few friends who swear by them.

    We had a rainy weekend here, but we were able to get our fence replaced after the storms last month took it down. Slowly checking repairs off of the list!

    1. That's terrible that your fence was damaged, but it's kind of nice getting new stuff. Hokas are really ugly, but they are supposed to be great for your feet and I heard they are chipping away at Nike's market share.

  8. I don't blame you one bit for saying no to the surgery.

    Happy Mother's Day.

  9. Glad you had a good Mother's Day, but I'm sorry there isn't any non-surgical answers for your foot pain!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Such is life. This is why I should stop wasting money and time on doctors
