
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I am in the middle of my three-day weekend, so I am enjoying that. It's cooled off a bit as well. It was a little too hot for May earlier this week. I do enjoy the longer days, but when it's hot, I cannot sit out on my patio after work until about 8 pm when the sun goes down. It shines directly into my patio in the afternoon, and with temperatures near 90 F, that's a no thanks to sitting in direct sunlight. 

I got my email from the county court people, and I do have jury duty. I was holding out hope I wouldn't be needed, and then I was hoping I would get to report by Zoom. No such luck. I have to be at the courthouse on Thursday. Boo! The traffic to the city where the courthouse is will be miserable, so I want to take the train and walk, but I have no idea what the volumes will be. I am tempting to just take the train after mine and hang out. The courthouse is near Rutgers University, so there are plenty of coffee shops and whatnot around there. I am hoping to hit up the ramen place not too far away for lunch. I don't want to lug my lunch with me. I will live like those on Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous. I will buy breakfast and lunch both in the same day. 

What else? I noticed the other day that I submitted over 1,000 reviews to Netgalley. No badge for that, but I was pretty amazed. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - Savor It, Funny Feelings
  • Tuesday: TTT - Would Love to Read More
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Memo, The Co-Op
  • Thursday: Reviews - Better Left Unsent, Malibu Summer
  • Friday: Six Degrees of Separation - Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Books in Verse

Let's Discuss

  • Kym shares the finer points of public library digital collections
  • Jamie rounded up a bunch of similar covers here
  • Aelyn put together a list of must-read boarding school fantasy books

Stacking the Shelves

New Kerry Rea!!! I am really excited about this and the new Ally Carter as well. I was stoked to get an invited for Four Weekends and a Funeral since it was on my TBR, and I already had a copy of Miller's book which looks really good to me. I loved Isodora Bentley so much, I snapped up the sale book by Walsh. 




Read Last Week

Another great week! It was no surprise that I loved The Paradise Problem. CLo continues to put out great books. So. Much. Fun! Dewitt is three for three, and Shalvis and Patrick were great as expected. The surprise of the week was Once Upon a Leap Year. Bell is new-to-me, so I had no expectations. Like most of this romances that unfold over MANY years, I was both frustrated and delighted. Twenty years! It took them twenty years!!! I rode those ups and downs with this crew, and it really paid off. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I am just starting Lips Like Sugar, but I am excited. I really loved the last book in this series. And, it's back to Tradd Street! My hate for Mark Longo grows with each book. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. So jealous of your long weekend, Sam, so I hope it's a great one! :) Glad your recent reads were all 4 stars and up!!

    1. One of the perks for working for a bank/financial institution. I get almost all the federal holidays off.

  2. There is no badge for 1000 reviews?!? That sucks! And thats a bummer about jury duty as well. Hopefully you are able to make the best of it!

    1. The badges max at 500, but that's ok. I am dreading Thursday!!!

  3. I hope that your jury duty goes well Sam and yes you deserve all the treats that day! Also the cat casting spell had me laughing so hard!!!!

    1. If it wasn't for the internet, I would never know all the fun things animals can do. My pets never did stuff like this.

  4. Yay for the long weekend! Boo for jury duty! I got a summons just last week and postponed it to August. We'll see if I get called in. I hope you have a short trial and the train isn't packed for you. I'm looking forward to The Paradise Problem too!

    1. Usually the first day is jury selection. Since it's in person, I hope I am not selected. One of the guy's I commute with said his wife did it all from home. That's what I was hoping for. Oh, well.

  5. Congrats on 1000 reviews!
    Hopefully jury duty will be short.

    1. I am dreading Thursday! With my luck, I will be selected for a trial.

  6. Ahh, Kerry Rea!! I'm so looking forward to her new book. Yeah, I have not been a big fan of the weather lately - too hot, too early in the year!

    1. This weather is not playing nice. Looks like it could be ok this week.

  7. Jamie (
    Thanks for mentioning my blog here and for stopping by.

  8. "I will live like those on Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous. I will buy breakfast and lunch both in the same day."
    😂 Too bad for jury duty (because you did need more commute in your life 😠), but at least you have the perfect excuse to give yourself a treat...I hope you don't get selected at least.

    Congrats on 1,000 reviews! But they should have a badge for it, darn.

    That cat video with the attached commentary made me laugh out loud.

    1. The commute is a bit shorter. New Brunswick is only about 15 mins on the train, and then a few blocks walk. Not too bad. Cats are endless entertainment for me. Love them!

  9. Mark Longo is horrible. lol. Glad you're still enjoying the series.

    1. I honestly didn't think I could hate him more until this book. So mad with the way it ended though. If I hadn't read the Royal Street books, I would be in a world of panic.

  10. Sorry about jury duty, but hopefully the yummy food makes it worth the trip. I hope you're having a great week!

    1. I am not sure anything will make jury duty better. Knowing my luck, I will end up on a jury and have to make my way to the courthouse repeatedly.

  11. Hope jury duty isn't too painful but yay for treating yourself! I treated myself to some Japanese food for lunch today and it was amazing. I hope you enjoy both your meals out 😍 Have a great week ahead, Sam!

    1. Yummy! I feel like it's been a long while since I had some Japanese food. My number one goal is to stay awake and try not to make faces if I am selected to be questioned for the jury.
